Monarch Butterfly on Butterfly Bush

Buddleia davidii

Butterfly Bush

Butterfly Bush outside my door
just twenty paces away—
five more on Montecito Ave
I pass by every day taking

Bus #40 to Foothill College—
three to the left by giant redwoods
two on the right by fire station—
their purple conical flowers

attract butterflies more than
any other plant, hence its name.
Aristotle called butterfly "psyche"
the Greek word for soul & Plato's

Timaeus 35b tells how God used Λ
to form "Soul of the Universe"—
amazing the Butterfly Bush flower
has the Platonic Lambda Λ shape!

I love Gérard's painting of "Cupid
Kissing Psyche" with a butterfly
hovering over her head— no wonder
Venus was jealous of her beauty.

Chuang Tzu's "Butterfly Dream" makes
us ponder what is real when awake—
Emily's butterflies waltzed upon
a Farm and rested on a Beam

like Liang Shanbao & Zhu Yang-tai
"Butterfly Lovers" of Chinese opera—
but the oldest butterfly motif is
the "Great Mother" from Mycenae

1500 BC showing her as
a symbol of eternal return—
confirming a butterfly is
beautiful because it is holy.

    — Peter Y. Chou
        Mountain View, 4-24-2020

Butterfly Bush outside my door

François Gérard
Cupid Kissing Psyche (1798)

Chuang Tzu Dreaming Butterfly

Butterfly Lovers statue

Great Mother Goddess
Mycenae (1500 BC)