Initiation Time Exam question: "What is initiation time?" "Protocols in spiritual traditions" I answered, but the instructor wants more details, provide some concrete examples. Recalled Elisabeth Haich's Initiation an autobiographical account of her past life as a young Egyptian priestess mentored by the High Priest Ptahhotep. Egyptians pray to the radiant Sun-God Ra, The Taoists polish their Uncarved Block, Confucians burn incense to their ancestors, Hindus pray to the Elephant-God Ganesha. Platonists find the many in the one, Pythagoreans listen to Music of the Spheres, Buddhists follow 8-Fold Path to mindfulness, Zen students crack koans on one hand clapping. Sufis spin circles in Whirling Dervish dance, Jews illumine themselves studying the Kabbalah, Christians count rosaries Hail Mary, full of grace, Freemasons excel in the compass and square. Black Elk does Ghost Dance for the Great Spirit, Shamans sizzle hot rocks in the Sweat Lodge, Yogis seek bliss state chanting Om Narayana, Ramana cites Psalms: Be still & know I am God. Forgot what the Zoroastrians do, when the instructor says "The exam is over." Despite all I had written, my paper was a blank then POOF! it was all a dream! Peter Y. Chou Mountain View, 1-25-2020, 1:11 am |
![]() Elisabeth Haich (1897-1994) Initiation (1965) ![]() Egyptians worship Sun-God Ra ![]() Hindus pray to Elephant-God Ganesha |