Noli Me Tangere
"Don't touch me!" he warned her
as Mary Madeleine
approachd him by the cave
where Jesus was buried
for three days and now
he is resurrected
reborn from the dead
he is in an astral body
and if touched Poof!
he'd be gone not seeing
doubting Thomas poking
his finger into his wounds,
helping Peter catch fishes
hundred fifty-three of them
and dinner at Emmaus
before his ascension
Christian myth or fiction?
let's ask Joseph Campbell:
"resurrected gods Attis,
Adonis, Gilgamesh, Osiris,
assocated with the moon
resurrected every month
three days in the dark then
New Moon to Full Moon
like Christ three days in the tomb"
then his awakening filled
with everlasting Light.
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 8-16-2020, 3:14 am
Stefan Lochner (1410-1451)
"Noli Me Tangere"
National Museum, Nürnberg
Martin Schongauer (1450-1491)
"Christ Appearing to Mary Madeleine"
Musée d'Unterlinden, Colmar (*)
Antonio da Correggio (1489-1534)
"Noli Me Tangere"
Museo del Prado, Madrid (*)