Canned goods, eggs, toilet tissues
Gone, gone, gone empty shelves
at Safeway, Walmart, Whole Foods
panic buying everywhere
as coronavirus death
mount worldwide and here in
Santa Clara schools closed
and quarantine ordered
bringing out worst behavior
in human greed and hoarding
more than they'll ever need,
neglecting the greater good
even bragging on Facebook
and social media of their
stock pilings of essentials
cleaned out in all the stores.
For Taoists, less and less
is better that more and more
goodness is so simple:
always to live for others.
Einstein shunned successful ones
who got more than they put in
and praised a man of value
who gives more than he receives.
Peter Y Chou
Mountain View, 3-24-2020
Panic Buying
Hoarding Buying
No Toilet Paper
Shelves Empty