"Ring of Fire" Annular Eclipse
Chiayi City. Taiwan (6-21-2020)

"Ring of Fire" Late Show

"Ring of Fire" eclipse.
on Summer Solstice day—
wedding of Sun & Moon.

Not visible in U.S.
but in China, India,
and the Middle East.

But we could see it
online— live-stream video
on YouTube from Asia.

Tuned in to three videos
on my laptop— the best
is from Singapore.

Lots of ooh's and aah's
in the crowd— then at
11:40 pm Pacific Time—

behind clouds, the curtain
opens— and we see
union of Sun & Moon.

The Earth is moaning—
"Moon circles around me,
my bride for the ages."

"Ring of Fire" light show—
Moon's flirty fling with Sun—
tomorrow she'll be back.

— Peter Y. Chou
    Mountain View, 6-21-2020