Gersrdus Mercator

James Cook

Annie Oakley

Wyatt Earp

"King" Yul Brynner

Antonio Stradaviri

Leland Stanford

Joe Montana
(born 6/11/1956)

Larry Bird
(born 12/7/1956)

Michelle Kwan
(born 7/7/1980)

                  Gathering at the Round Table

Who's Who at the Round Table

Gathering at the Round Table—
King Yul Brynner not searching for
the Grail, but famous people from
the past with a new tale in store.

Mercator spreads a few maps,
Captain Cook noted several gaps,
Annie Oakley brought an old pal
Wyatt Earp from O.K. Corall.

Stradiviri's violin was cool,
Leland Stanford opened his school,
Joe Montana and Larry Bird came
with Michelle Kwan as the third.

Spinoza and Schopenhauer
will unveil our inner powers.
Leonardo and Vermeer took time
to create artworks so sublime.

Fellini wants Modigliani
in his film on "Bikini Art"
not about the soul and our heart
subjects taught by René Descartes.

Gauguin fetched a monkey to sketch
on why the clan has gathered here.
They drank a toast to each with cheer—
"We're all born in the Monkey Year!"

        — Peter Y. Chou
            Mountain View, 8-24-2020

Baruch Spinoza

Arthur Schopenhauer

Leonardo da Vinci
France 682: issued 7-9-1952

Jan Vermeer

Federico Fellini

Amedeo Modiglini

Paul Gauguin

Monkey: Curious George
By Hans Augusto Rey (1939)

René Descartes (3/31/1596-2/11/1650)
France 331 (issued 6-10-1937)