15th Birthday Poem

              for grandniece Sophia

Germany 139
(issued 8-1921)

German stamps
showing number 15
with background
colored green.

Germany 540
(issued 2-11-1946)

City of York Rose

15 petals in
City of York flower.
Earth rotates 15o
every hour.

Rotating Earth

Bart Starr
uniform #15

Number 15 worn by
quarterback Bart Starr.
15 Squares pattern with
three 6-pointed stars.

6-pointed stars in
15 Squares pattern

Japan C24
Plane over Pagoda

15 yen stamp of plane
over pagoda above
15 dinar stamp shows
woman with dove.

Jugoslavia 434
Woman with Dove

U.S. 566:
Statue of Liberty
(issued 11-11-1922)

15¢ U.S. stamp
Statue of Liberty,
15 centimos stamp
with Don Quixote.

Spain 289
Don Quixote
(issued 5-1-1905)

Sweden 269
(issued 4-8-1938)

15 öre Sweden stamp
showing ships sailing,
At 15, Confucius was
bent on learning.

China 741
(issued 8-27-1947)

France 1173
(issued 7-1-1967)

Francis the First
crowned King in 1515.
15 yen stamp of Maiden
playing flute for the Queen.

Ryukyu Islands C9
(issued 8-1-1957)

Switzerland 272b
William Tell
(issued 1914)

Switzerland 147
William Tell's Son
(issued 1909)

William Tell splits apple
on son's head with arrow.
3x3 Magic Square adds
to 15 in each row.

3x3 Magic Square
with 15 each row,
column, & diagonal

China C1
(issued 7-1-1921)

15 cents China
airmails showing
plane flying over
the Great Wall.

China C11
(issued 8-29-1932)

Margaret O'Brien
born 1-15-1937

Margaret O'Brien born
on 15th day of the year.
Francis Scott Key saw
flag still standing there.

Francis Scott Key wrote "Stars Spangled Banner"
15-Stars & Stripes Flag (1814)

Zeus hurling thunderbolt
from Mount Olympus

Pegasus carries
thunderbolts for Zeus,
it creates springs for
the poets' juice.

Uruguay C63
(issued 5-23-1935)

Latino girls' 15th birthday

Quinceañera celebrates
Latino girls' 15th birthday.
Messier 15 Galaxy is
36,000 light-years away.

Messier 15 Galaxy
36,000 light years away

Tao Te Ching
Stephen Mitchell translation
Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Verse 15—
"The Master doesn't seek fulfillment.
Not seeking, not expecting,
she is present, & can welcome all things."

Lao Tzu
(604 BC-517 BC)
British Museum

France 357
(issued 12-8-1938)
Mercury with caduceus
is a healing priest—
Proverbs: 15:15 "a merry
heart has a continual feast".

Proverbs 15:15
"continual feast"

Canada 3103 Milky Way Galaxy
(issued 6-29-2018)
400 billion stars
in the Milky Way
wishing you a
"Happy 15th Birthday!"

Animated Gifs from funimada.com

Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 6-3-2022