Puppy Under Hen's Wing

Puppy and Hen

Puppy Riding on Hen

Bird on Mushroom
Eyeing the Squirrel

Squirrel Appeals to Heaven

Bird & Squirrel
with Snowball

Bird Feeds Baby Chick

Husky Dog & Kitten

Animals Comaraderie

Puppy cuddling mother hen—
she hides him under her wing,
then gives him a ride like a king.

Bird eyes squirrel
who's going to eat
the mushroom for its treat.

Squirrel photographs
bluebird sitting still
before flight to the hill.

Squirrel appeals to heaven—
bring me acorns and nuts
so I'll attract more mates.

Puppy carries duckling
not for dinner or doom
so their friendship will bloom.

Bird saw squirrel hiding
walnuts in snowball,
and wants him to share all.

Kittens follow goose
in a country lane
they'll pass again.

Goat snuggles to fluffy sheep
their eyes are closed,
and both are asleep.

Bird feeds fish
to baby chick
his dinner dish.

Husky dog takes care
of tiny kitten—
they're a nice pair.

Ducklings follow puppy
as they slowly roam
all the way home.

    — Peter Y. Chou
        Mountain View, 6-6-2022

Squirrel Photographing
Bird on Mushroom

Puppy Carries Duckling

Kittens Following Goose

Goat & Sheep
Snuggling to Sleep

Puppy Racing
Eight Ducklings