Beaver Moon

Beaver Moon 2022, Vancouver

Beaver Moon, 2017

Beaver Moon, Atlantic City, 2018

Native Americans call November's
Full Moon "Beaver Moon" since
beavers prepare for winter time.

Cree tribes call it the Frost Moon,
Dakotas call it Deer Rutting Moon,
and Algonquins call it Whitefish Moon.

"Busy as a beaver building dams"—
colloquial term for hard workers,
that's like me studying for exams.

Ann sent video of a beaver
spotted in Palo Alto
not seen in 160 years.

Beaver is Canada's National Animal—
appearing on their first postage stamp
in 1851, then again 103 years later.

A Full Lunar Eclipse will be seen
on November 8 at 2:16 am PST,
called "Blood Moon" looking red.

But rain coming in Bay Area
so we'll miss this lunar treat
appearing somewhere else.

Let me go down the river—
watch an architectural wonder
and celebrate the Beaver Moon.

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 11-8-2022

Full Beaver Moon
Farmer's Almanac

Beaver Building a Dam

Beaver in Palo Alto

Canada 1: Beaver
(issued 4-23-1851)

Canada 336: Beaver
(issued 4-1-1954)

Lunar Eclipse
on 11-8-2022, 2:16 am PST