Boy with Barn Owl

Boy with Goose

Boy Hugging Dog

Boy Talks to Rabbit

Boy Feeds Raccoon

Girl Sees Porcupine

Girl Kissing Duckling

Girl Eyeing Calf

Girl Eyeing Fawn

Girl with Penguin

Cute Children with Animals

Boy with barn owl, boy walks with goose,
boy hugging dog, boy talking to rabbit,
boy feeding a raccoon— which is best?

Girls find baby porcupine,
wonder if it will be a friend?
their quills are thorny for hugs.

Girl kissing duckling
feeling a state of bliss,
another finds fox for friend.

Girl eyeing a calf
who lets her lean on him
so they remain as friends.

Girl eyeing a fawn,
another has a toucan
perching on her shoulders.

Girl meeting a penguin.
another has a basket
of kittens as her pets.

You are the judge
of this photo contest—
which is the best?

    — Peter Y. Chou
        Mountain View, 6-8-2022

Girl Sees Porcupine

Girl Petting Fox

Girl with Calf

Girl with Toucan

Girl with Kittens