Pinterest sent photo of
"dog jumping into water"
but surprise dog didn't
splash but leaped across a river!
Recall Jesse Owens wins
4th Olympic Gold in Berlin
1936 with long jump of
26.7' a world record.
Carl Lewis long jump 28 feet
at 1984 Los Angeles Olympics,
and won his 9th Gold medal
jumping 27.2' in Atlanta 1996.
Most incredibe jump was by
Bob Beamon at 1968 Mexico
City Olympics 29'2.5"
record that stood for 23 years.
Mike Powell's long jump
of 29.36' in Tokyo 1991
is current world record
unbroken in 31 years.
Guinness Book of Records
shows Slingshot as dog with
farthest jump of 35.25'
6 feet longer than humans.
But this dog leaping across
a river is simply amazing
we need to be focused
like that in all our work!
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 3-16-2022
Jesse Owens
1936 Berlin
Carl Lewis
1984 Los Angeles
Bob Beamon
1968 Mexico City
Mike Powell
1991 Tokyo
Slingshot Dock Jump 35'3"
Guinness Book of Records, 2018
Dog Leaping Over River