Epiphany Day:
Three Magi visits Bethelhem

Epiphany: Eureka
Moment of Discovery

Giotto's 1306 painting
"Adoration of the Magi"


Epiphany: January 6—
12 days after birth of Christ,
Three Magi visit Bethelhem with
gifts for baby Jesus in the manger.

Epiphany: Aha moment
discovering something new—
Archimedes jumping out of bathtub
Eureka! I've found specific gravity!

Tartini's "Devil's Trill" came in a
dream making a pact with Satan;
Kekulé discovered benzene ring after
dreaming a snake biting its own tail.

Bohr dreamt of electrons around atom
like planets going around the sun;
Fleming discovered first antibiotic
penicillin saving millions of lives.

Spencer Silver and Art Fry
of 3M discovered Post-it Notes,
an adhesive leaving no residue
easily attached and re-posted.

Epiphany: mind takes a leap
to new visions and vistas—
the Star of Bethelhem not far
away but within us in our heart.

— Peter Y. Chou
    Mountain View, 1-6-2022

Archimedes in bathtub
discovered specific gravity

"Eureka! (212 BC)

Giuseppe Tartini dreamt
"Devil's Trill"

Kekulé discovers benzene
ring after dreaming of a
snake biting its own tail

Denmark 410
(issued 11-21-1963)
Bohr's Atom (1913)

Alexander Fleming discovers
antibiotic penicillin

Spencer Silver & Art Fry
of 3M discovered
Post-it Notes