I'm a baby parakeet
looking for my Mom
You're too big for her.
They call me Spotty,
a Havanese puppy
nice meeting eye to eye.
Are you going to eat me?
Just a friendly kiss
jump on me for a ride.
Help me find Mother Bird
haven't seen her for days,
I'm totally lost.
Afraid can't help you much.
Sing your secret song
so she'll fly here to you.
No sense riding any more
with you I'm spreading
my wings to find her.
Bird trotting away
no idea where it's going,
puppy trailing behind.
Why not stop your search
you have found each other,
stay together as friends.
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 3-6-2022
Puppy Kissing Bird
Bird Riding Puppy
Bird Spreading Wings
Bird Walking Away