Flower Moon

Flower Moon, Alexandria, Virginia

Lunar Eclipse: May 15-16, 2022

Flower Moon in Woking, England

Native Americans call May's
Full Moon the "Flower Moon"
with blossoms springing forth.

In 1557, Thomas Tusser
wrote "April showers
spring May flowers".

Celtics name it the "Hare Moon",
Hurons calls it "Budding Moon",
& Anglo-Saxons the "Milk Moon".

This year's Flower Moon
is special as it coincides
with a lunar eclipse.

San Francisco Chronicle called
it "Super flower blood moon"
but I couldn't see it.

I'm surprised "The Mayflower"
is the ship that brought
the Pilgrims to America

so let's celebrate this
May "Flower Moon" with
the landing at Plymouth Rock.

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 5-16-2022

Flower Blood Moon

April Showers
Thomas Tusser 1557 poem

April Showers
bring May Flowers

May Flowers: Daisy

U.S. 548 "Mayflower Ship"
(issued 12-21-1920)

U.S. 549 "Pilgrims Landing""
(issued 12-21-1920)