Swami Chinmayananda

Meditation by the River
to find the gap between thoughts

Paul Brunton

Gap Between Thoughts

"Space Between Thoughts"
CD by D.J. Sadhu (2019)

Man Sleeping

Twilight Zone

Buddha's Emptiness

Waves in the ocean
all made of water

"Catch the gap between thoughts"
Swami Chinmayananda tells students
searching and seeking enlightenment.

Patanjali's Yoga Sutra opening—
"Yoga is ceasing of the flow of thoughts."—
so this was the guidance I followed.

Paul Brunton told me "It's easier
to capture the moment before falling
asleep than the moment upon waking.

I've had over 29,000 chances
in my 81 years, but that precious
moment always escaped me.

Be alert for the Twilight Zone—
where Krishna unveiled to Arjuna
a thousand suns in the sky.

Or perhaps it's sunyata
dark Emptiness of Buddha—
the Nothingness of Nirvana.

Focus less on the form,
more on the essence—
on water not the waves.

Abide in silence behind the music,
be aware that all movies are
projected on the white screen.

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 11-26-2022

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
written 400 A.D.

Waking Up

"1000 Suns in the Sky"
Bhagavad Gita XI:12

Beethoven's 5th Symphony

White Movie Screen
where movies are projected