Garden Party

Ricky Nelson sings
"Garden Party" (1981)

Garden Party
Worldwide Poetry Gathering

Johann Sebastian Bach plays
"Air on the G String" (1730)

Dante dancing
with Beatrice

Queens & Kings
came to hear J.S. Bach

William Blake

Cervantes & Goethe
France 859 (11-9-1957)
France 863 (11-9-1957)

Luna the Cow
at Hidden Villa

Melville's Moby Dick

Emily Dickinson
Letter #618 (1879)
on "philosopher's stone"

An Elf in the Flowers

Everybody from everywhere
came to the Garden Party—
all the famous poets were there.

They came from miles around,
faraway years and beyond
to hear the old-timer's songs.

None were lovelier than the pair
Dante dancing with Beatrice—
there was magic in the air.

Playing "Air on the G String"
in the corner sat J.S. Bach
surrounded by Queens & Kings.

Blake came with Tiger and Lamb,
now everything is burning bright
at this Worldwide Poetry Camp.

Here are 1000 leaves of ginkgo
Goethe offered to Cervantes for
his Golden Helmet of Mambrino.

I've learned my lesson well,
Never say "You eat like a cow"
or you'll be thrown straight to hell.

Melville's whale had much fright,
but Nausicaa's love for Ulysses
won Homer's tale for the night.

Hafez knocks on the tavern door:
patrons liked his verses of light
and want him to read some more.

Over in the kitchen, all alone—
Emily Dickinson slowly cooking
the precious Philosopher's Stone.

In the flowers, Rumi sees an elf,
you can't please everyone,
please get to know thyself.

La-dah-dah (la-dah-dah-dah)
La-dah-dah (la-dah-dah-dah)

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 12-4-2022

Moonlit Night
"Magic in the Air"

"Air on the G String"
played by J.S. Bach

Tiger & Lamb
from Blake's poems

1000 Ginkgo Leaves
Goethe offered Cervantes

Don Quixote's Golden
Helmet of Mambrino

Thrown into Hell

Homer's Odyssey

Nausicaa's love for Ulysses

Philosopher's Stone
Emily & Alchemy

"Know Thyself" at Delphi