Hunter's Moon |
Hunter's Moon 2022, Vancouver |
Moon Goddess Artemis |
Hunter's Moon by Tree and Mountain |
Native Americans call October's Full Moon "Hunter's Moon" since farmers prepare for winter time. Dakotas call it Drying Rice Moon, Cree tribes call it Migrating Moon, and Hopis call it the Long Hair Moon. Greek Moon Virgin Goddess of the Hunt is Artemis, shown with her bow & arrow, twin of Apollo, daughter of Zeus & Leto. Earliest paintings of hunting is in the Lascaux Caves of France over 17,000 years old. Notables with "Hunt" in their names SF Giants All-Star Hunter Pence and Nobel Biologist Thomas Hunt Morgan. Joseph Haydn's Symphony 73 "The Hunt" has hunting horn calls in the final fourth movement La chasse Presto. Fox hunting is a popular British sport with beagles sniffing out their prey as shown in the Oscar movie Tom Jones. Sagittarius is Latin for Archer 9th Zodiac sign between Scorpio & Capricorn shown as a centaur with bow shooting arrow. Paul de Kruif's classic Microbe Hunters (1926) focusing on Leeuwenhoek, Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur, Walter Reed, and Paul Ehrlich. Modern research leads us to the hunt of the God Particle (Higgs Boson), and hunt for Extraterrestials (SETI). With Hubble & James Webb Telescopes, astronomers peer through the universe hunting for Exoplanets similar to our Earth. Peter Y. Chou Mountain View, 10-9-2022 |
Full Hunter's Moon Farmers' Almanac
"Hunt for the God Particle" |
"Hunt for Extraterrestials" |
"Hunt for Exoplanets" |