Cascadilla Gorge, Cornell University
Ithaca, New York (1963-1964)

Philosopher's Walk, Heidelberg, Germany
(August 1976)

Triphammer Footbridge, Cornell University
Ithaca, New York (1963-1970)

Isolation: Far Away from People

Karen's isolation:
Macchu Picchu"

Ann's isolation:
Lake Catherine by Mt. Ritter

Rudy's isolation:
Millerton Lake, Fresno

Hillary climbing Mt. Everest
29,000 feet above the Earth
(May 29, 1953)

Neil Armstrong on the Moon
240,00 miles from the Earth
(July 20, 1969)

Ann posed question she read in an interview—
"What is the farthest you've ever been from anyone else?"
On Bay Area hikes, Connie is always by me,
in front or behind, so I had to think again.

Karen hiked at Macchu Picchu in Peru
far from others, but a companion near by;
Ann was alone by Lake Catherine at Mt. Ritter;
Rudy was all by himself at Millerton Lake in Fresno.

At Cornell, went down to Cascadilla Gorge
near my dormitory, to explore the trails
and waterfall streams, but students
could be reached just an hour away.

Another quiet spot on the Cornell campus
was the Triphammer Footbridge that I love
to walk through swaying in the wind, but
girls' dorms & sorority houses were nearby.

Nina's Journal Class at Lake Copco
and Medicine Walk at Mount Shasta
made me venture out in isolation—
two hours away from base camp grounds.

Didn't see anyone strolling by myself
at Heidelberg's Philosopher's Walk, and
felt isolated walking alone up the hill
to Mont Pèlerin's Tibetan Center,

Edmund Hillary was on top of Mt. Everest
29,000 feet above those below him, but Sherpa
Tenzing Norgay was nearby; Neil Armsrong on the Moon
240,000 miles from Earth, but Buzz Aldrin took his photo.

Finally found Astronaut John Glenn,
248 miles over & orbiting the Earth—
in Friendship 7 space capsule,
truly isolated and alone!

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 11-18-2022

Lake Copco, Oregon Border
Nina's Journal Class (1989)

Mount Shasta, California
Nina's Medicine Walk (1989)

Pèlerin: Tibetan Center
Switzerland (October 1978)

Astronaut John Glenn in
Friendship 7 Space Capsule

U.S. 1193: Glenn Orbits Earth
(issued February 20, 1962)