Chick Befriends Bunny

Girl Kissing Fawn

Pig Sleeps by Lamb

Chimp Hugs Kitten

Ducklings Follow Goose

Hawk Riding Tortoise

Goat on Donkey

Dog and Goosr

Hen & Kittens

More Delightful Animals

Bunny befriended by chick,
Girl kissing a fawn,
Pig & lamb has clicked.

Chimp hugs kitten,
Raccoon hugs dog,
nice snuggling friends.

Ducklings follow goose,
one gets free ride
is not wet but dried.

Will this beaver share
his nut with four birds
coming with a prayer?

Hawk riding a tortoise,
too lazy to fly away—
Cat & puppy sleeping today.

Goat on donkey not moving,
Orca whale's sudden leaping
scared viewers' fast exit.

Dog found friend in goose,
Tiger leaps for hawk on beach
that's flying out of his reach.

Hen caring for kittens,
Fast delivering pizza geese
bringing pepperoni and cheese.

You are the final judge
of this photo contest—
which one is the best?

    — Peter Y. Chou
        Mountain View, 6-10-2022

Raccoon Hugs Dog

Beaver & Birds

Cat & Puppy Sleep

Orca Whale Leaps Up

Tiger Leaps for Hawk

Geese Delivering Pizza