Pretty Legs in Movie 42nd Street

42nd Street
Film Poster

Busby Berkeley choreographed
"Circle of Girls" in film 42nd Street

Lambda Λ-Shaped Legs
in film 42nd Street

200 girls selected from 5000
in movie "Pretty Lady" in
the 1933 film 42nd Street.

Pre-code Hollywood in 1934
so "42nd Street" had more
risque scenes showing flesh.

"Higher, higher" shouts dance director
to the chorus girls pulling up their
skirts to showcase their legs.

Busby Berkeley is famous designing
sexual scenes of girls dancing
to his geometric patterns.

When the camera panned through those
dancer's legs— "Platonic Lambda Λ"
I tell myself, "Soul of the Universe".

Ruby Keeler singing & dancing
with her happy feet in 42nd Street
to "Song of the Soul" is so sweet.

Never thought seeing "42nd Street"
turning from sexual to spiritual
would be such a joyous treat.

Platonic Lambda numbers add to 55—
sexual goddess Marilyn & spiritual poet
Dante understood this— what a delight.

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 10-22-2022

Dance director tells girls:
"show more of your legs"

Busby Berkeley choreographed
"Circle of Legs" in the film

Ruby Keeler's Happy Feet
in Lambda Λ-Shape dancing

Platonic Lambda
(Timaeus 35b)

Marilyn Monroe
in Lambda Λ-Shape pose

(Christie's 1999 Catalogue)