Pythagoras on Numbers![]() Pythagoras (570 BC-495 BC) |
Didn't go ballroom dancing on New Year's Eve, stayed home instead, listened to Beethoven's 9th Symphony welcoming the New Year 2022 20 amino acids building blocks of proteins & life, 20 Grand race horse that won Kentucky Derby & Belmont Stakes. 22 Major Arcana decorate the Tarot deck, 22 letters make up the Hebrew alphabet. Pythagoras said "All is number" discovered the 3-4-5 right triangle, the Pythagorean Theorem and 6 is the first perfect number. Pondering God knows number of hairs on our head (Luke 2:7) Too busy to count them the average is 100,000. 430 billion birds on earth, 3.04 trillion trees on earth, 10 quintillion (1018) insects on earth, 3,500,000,000,000 fish in the ocean. 86 billion neurons in the human brain, 3x1018 blades of grass in the world, 200 billion stars in the Milky Way, 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Carl Sagan was right: there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth 7.5x1018 grains of sand on the earth, 10 sextillion 10x1021 stars in the universe. Avogardo's Number: 6.022 x 1023 molecules/mole, 1082 atoms in the observable universe, Eddington number: 1.57 x 1079 atoms in universe, Number of protein conformations: 100 residues: 1095. Was I foolish predicting protein conformations when their possibilities are greater than number of atoms in the universe? Met sage Paul Brunton who said "Nothing is impossible" and wrote in Wisdom of the Overself (p. 49) "the problem of prediction cannot be solved until we solve higher mysteries of the mind". May my mind open to Grace and its blessings. Peter Y. Chou Mountain View, 1-7-2022 |