Squirrel & Kitten
Hello my furry friend!
What a surprise to meet you
Let's play together.
I'm totally lost
Help me find mother cat,
I'm hungry for milk.
You help me find acorns
by oak trees in the field
many cows out there.
Yes, I'll go with you because
cows have lots of milk
It's my lucky day!
The secret password is not
meow meow, but moo moo
Practice before you go.
I'm no mimic mooing
like a cow perhaps
you can do it better.
Here comes the milkmaid
Purr your perfect smile so
she'll bring a bowl of milk.
Another bowl for squirrel
now both are drinking
to their hearts content.
They are energized
to find acorns in the fields
and bring them home fulfilled.
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 1-28-2022