Snail Smelling Lotus

Stop to Smell the Roses

A snail has emerged out
of its shell to smell
the lake's lotus blossom.

It's time for us to slow
down our hectic lives—
stop to smell the roses.

A harvest mouse climbs
to the topmost stalk to smell
the flower's fragrance.

A rabbit stopped running
when it found red roses
for relaxation.

A ground squirrel is in
dreamland with eyes closed
savoring heaven's perfume.

Another squirrel smells
at daisies— its secret
of joy everlasting.

My favorite photo is
squirrel kissing sunflower—
completely blissed out.

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 1-22-2022

Harvest Mouse & Flower

Rabbit Smelling Roses

Squirrel & Flowers

Squirrel & Daisies

Squirrel Blissed Out