Sun Symbolism

Moon Symbolism

Sun & Moon Symbolism

Autumn Sun Daytime

Tarot Card #19: Sun

Romania 1648:
William Shakespeare

(issued 6-20-1964)

Sunset at Sea

Sun & Moon in Myth & Legends

Sun and Moon— forever a pair,
Masculine, Feminine— Yang & Yin.

Always opposites— day & night,
Not in fiction but true— hot & cold.

In ancient legends— King & Queen,
Tarot cards number nineteen & eighteen.

Sun is constant, its rays are bright,
Moon is fickle with phases of light.

Bible's citations: 161 Sun, 63 Moon;
Dante's Commedia: 117 Sun, 17 Moon.

Shakespeare cites 252 Sun, 130 Moon;
Whitman's poems: 115 Sun, 46 Moon.

Google Search: 725 million Sun pages
compared to 226 million for the Moon.

Clearly, Sun had dominance over Moon,
for its prominence in giving us life.

Sunset and Moonrise— same time at sea,
Joseph Campbell says "they look the same."

    — Peter Y. Chou
        Mountain View, 10-4-2022

Yang & Yin Symbol

Harvest Moon at Night

Tarot Card #18: Moon

Czechoslovakia 726:
Walt Whitman

(issued 10-27-1955)

Moonrise at Sea