Patrick McDonnell, "Mutts" (2-22-2022)

Hebrew Alphabet

Kabbalah's Tree

Book of Revelations

Jim Palmer

Grover Cleveland
Twosday 2-22-22

My Columbia friend Richard Hanauer was first to
inform me on palindrome date 2-22-22 as Twosday.

This theme is repeated in Mercury News
comics today Mutts and Frank & Ernest.

Last time this happened 1-11-11 was millenium ago
and next is 3-33-33 (Oops there's no such date!).

22 is a sacred number as there are 22 letters in
Hebrew alphabet & 22 Major Arcana Tarot Cards.

There are 22 paths in the Kabbalah's Tree of Life,
St. Augustine has 22 Books in his City of God.

22 Chapters in the Book of Revelations,
and Joseph Heller's Catch-22 is a paradox.

Jim Palmer wore uniform 22 for Baltimore Orioles,
won 22 games in 1972 & 1976 and 3 World Series.

22 yards between wickets in cricket,
and 22 players on a football field.

22nd U.S. President Grover Cleveland
appeared on 22¢ stamps in 1938 and 1986.

Emily Dickinson's Poem 22: "Crocus know
Let us chant it softly— There is no more snow!"

Byron's "myrtle and ivy of sweet two-and-twenty
Are worth all your laurels, though ever so plenty."

        — Peter Y. Chou
            Mountain View, 2-22-2022

Bob Thaves, Frank & Ernest (2-22-2022)

Tarot Cards

City of God

Heller's Catch-22

22 Football Players

Gordon Byron