Wolf Moon

Wolf Moon in Januaary

"Woof, Woof, Woof" howling
at January's Wolf Moon—
this year's first fullness.

Are you coming to
the karaoke party—
to sing with the wolves?

A pack of wolves have
gathered in the snowy fields
waiting just for you—

"What big ears you have"
Little Red Riding Hood
asked grandma in bed.

Don't wait for answers—
Just run away before you
are the wolf's supper.

Three little pigs tell
you about Big Bad Wolf
blowing their houses down.

Those are fairy tales—
Recent film "Alpha" shows
wolf became man's best friend.

Wolf Moon is howling—
Perfect Pearl presenting
a beautiful New Year.

Let's join howling wolves—
sing together to honor
wonderful Wolf Moon!

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 1-17-2022

January Wolf Moon

Mary Pettis
"Moonlight Chorus"

"Big Ears Grandma"

Little Red Riding Hood

Big Bad Wolf &
Three Little Pigs

"Alpha" film (2018)

Mercury News (1-17)

Howling Wolf Moon