19 Wild Turkeys at Skyline Ridge

19 Wild Turkeys at Skyline Ridge Park
La Honda, California

Behold!— 19 wild turkeys scattered
at Skyline Ridge Park as Ann hiked there
on Saturday morning, September 16,
she tells her brother and me.

Her brother sends two photos
of four wild turkeys visiting
his home in Maui on the same day!—

It has been said that twins
experience similar things
even when they're far apart,
but Ann & Warren are not twins!

Benjamin Franklin proposed the turkey
as national emblem instead of bald eagle,
but it was rejected by the Congress,
or we'd be carrying turkeys in our wallets.

Maui is 3000 miles from La Honda,
but nearer awareness between siblings
since this world is within our mind—
to place those turkeys close by in time.

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 9-21-2023

4 Wild Turkeys
by Driveway in Maui

Wild Turkey
at Door in Maui

Turkey on U.S. Dollar Bill

Turkey on Massachusetts
Silver Dollar Coin