Jumble Puzzle Budapest

Jumbo Cartoon
(November 21, 2023)

Jumble Puzzle: November twenty-first
had my mind spinning and versed.

Pepper weary— growl & crunch
as "Hungary" people sit and munch.

Jack Mullen was teary and cried
when his pet dog Pepper died.

Named cat Fabulous that'll not stay,
while feeding her milk every day.

Such is Jack's kindness to dogs & cats,
though he has no love for Democrats.

Because of asthma, we had no pets—
it's one of my childhood regrets.

Each morning, working on Jumble
as I fumble, stumble, & tumble.

Solved today's puzzle in 5 minutes flat—
my mind is still a skilled acrobat!

  — Peter Y. Chou
       Mountain View, 11-21-2023