Light on the Hill

Drawing by Nithin: "Light on the Hill" (9-3-2003)

Singularity in technology—
when you can't tell the difference
in response between robots & humans—
John Smart's talk to Stanford students.

"Accelerating Change Conference 2003"
is coming to Stanford, September 12-14,
and for the whole summer, I worked on
"Singularity Resources" every day.

John Smart sent me email September 3
at 3:30 am, saying he'll give me
the discount Student fee of $150
instead of the regular $495 fee.

At the exact time of 3:30 am, I receive
email from Nithin, student from India,
with drawing seeing sunlight at night on
a hill riding on bus home from school.

Earlier I wrote him of "Sun Dogs" from
lecture by Santa Cruz professor I just heard,
& asked whether he passed Mt. Arunachala
in South India, home of Ramana Maharshi.

When he said "yes", told him that
Ramana went there in September 1898—
I realized Nithin's email meant spirituality
is more important than singularity.

Nithin wrote to six weather experts to explain
sunlight at night, said my answer was the best
from a physical aspect, but also a spiritual
insight on sage Ramana whom he didn't know.

Told John Smart that either he lets me in
free or I won't come at all. It worked!
I was offered a free pass in 2003 as well
as 2004 & 2005— wonder of wonders!

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 9-27-2023

John Smart's 5-20-2003
Singularity Talk

Singularity Resources
(August 27, 2003)

Accelerating Change
(Sept. 2003)

Sun Dogs
multiple suns in sky

Mount Arunachala
South India

Ramana Maharshi