March Fourth Sonnet

March Fourth

365 days of the year—
This one day will bring on cheers.
March Fourth— just 17 days to Spring—
Have you heard Robin Redbreast sing?

March Fourth sounds like marching forth—
a day of action— spring geese flying north!
Not time to procrastinate or delay—
finish your work so you may play.

This is no time to be sitting still,
fly forth and hike at Windy Hill.
Go forth to planets Jupiter and Mars,
then venture off to heavenly stars.

March forth with no backward glance—
on this day it's time to leap and dance!

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 3-4-2023

Robin Redbreast
singing "It's Spring"

Spring Geese Flying

Jupiter & Mars
Planetary Travel

Leaping Dancer