Music Art Poetry: Ascension

Raphael's Transfiguration
Christ Ascending (1520)

Sent "Thanksgiving" poem to Frances McKenzie—
first date 60 years ago at Cornell in 1963.

She's living now in New Mexico—
We saw David Lean's "Doctor Zhivago".

Before much time has passed by—
five minutes was her prompt reply.

Said she was just thinking of me—
is this a case of synchronicity?

Tells me to see Telegraph event—
a program called "Songs of Ascent".

Gordon Hunt is playing oboe on KDFC
my favorite "Ascension" of Zipoli.

Raphael's last painting "Transfiguration"
showing Christ ascending in elation.

Poet Denise sent seven photos of Thanksgiving—
whom I sent "Ascension" poem on mindful living.

Great old friends finding each other so soon—
on today's November's Full Beaver Moon!

             — Peter Y. Chou
                  Mountain View, 11-27-2023

"Thanksgivng 2023"
sent 11-26, 9:16 pm,
Her reply 9:21 pm

Cornell University

Songs of Ascent

Gordon Hunt, KDFC
11-26, 10:30-10:35 pm

Domenico Zipoli

Beaver Moon
Nov. 27, 2023