Project 2: Create image composition that tells a story
The image must be a composite of 3 or more images.
It must tell a story or advertise a concept.
Cut-outs should be very smooth and life-like.
Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950)
Ramana Maharshi was one of the greatest sages in
the 20th century. He was introduced to the West
by Paul Brunton's
A Search in Secret India (1935).
Ramana was self-enlightened at age 17 and went to Arunachala Hill in Tiruvannamalai, South India,
where he stayed all his life. After Brunton's book, visitors all over the world
came to seek his spiritual guidance. When Ramana died on April 14, 1950 at 8:47 pm,
the French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson saw a comet
streak across the sky and disappear behind Arunachala Hill. Others
also witnessed this comet, as it symbolized the passing of a great sage
Photo Source: Mudallar's Day by Day with Bhagavan (1968) p. iii.
Image 1: Arunachala Hill
Photo Source:
Ramana sold his gold earring
for enough train fare
to Arunachala Hill at
age 17 after his enlightenment.
He remained here all his life. Ramana's
"Eleven Verses
to Sri Arunachala" shows his
love for this sacred Hill.
Image 2: Bresson
Light Magenta
Photo Source:
Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) was a famous French humanist photographer.
50 of his photos are archived at Magnum Photos. The first image
was "The Allée du Prado" taken in Marseille, France (1932).
The (474x704) pix image was cropped to (230x384) pix. After deleting
the trees in the background, it was scaled to (174x358) pix with a light yellow background.
Since this figure was going to appear at night at Arunachala Hill, his black overcoat was changed to light magenta (30% opacity) so it's more
visible in the dark.
Image 3: Comet
Photo Source:
A search in Google Images for "comet" showed 14,100,000 results. Selected the 8th image "Sloop-Comet" since it
had a longer tail than most of the other images. |
Darkened Image 4: Arunachala Hill at Night
Photo Source:
The (1000x666) pix photo of Arunachala Hill at daytime was changed to nighttime by selecting
the sky above the hill and filling it black (Arunachala Hill at Night).
The white border between Hill and Sky was darkened using the Paint Brush at 1 pix black. To brighten the trees
in front of Arunachala Hill so some leaves were visible, Images/ Adjustments/Curves was used.
Then the Magenta Figure was pasted in the foreground of Bresson-ArunachalaNight(1000x666).jpg
and scaled down to size using Edit/Transform/Scale to create the above image
Darkened Image 5: Arunachala Hill at Night with Stars
Starry Background Image of Comet(850x567).jpg was used to replace
the Black Background of Sky above Arunachala Hill. This step was laborious since the Clone Tool on
my old Mac Photoshop was not functioning. Using the Rectangular Tool & Lasso Tool, segments of
the Starry Sky were copied & pasted above the Hill to create above image
Darkened Image 6: Arunachala Hill at Night with Comet
Comet(850x567).jpg was pasted to Bresson-ArunachalaStars (1000x666).jpg.
It was then resized, rotated, and positioned in the upper right corner heading for the peak of Arunachala Hill.
Resulting image was named Bresson-ArunachalaComet(1000x666).jpg.
Since the Magenta Bresson Figure appeared almost invisible in this dark photo, it was brightened
more by filling it with White 30% Opacity to make it more visible. This Light Magenta Figure
was pasted over the above image, to create
For further enhancement, the Bresson Figure was slightly enlarged.
File Name: pychou_Project2.psd