Largest Tree: 1600 years old
225 feet high, 13 feet diameter
Memorial Park, San Mateo
from Hikes


Edited by Peter Y. Chou

Methuselah Tree, 1800 years old
225 feet high, 14 feet diameter
El Corte de Madera, San Mateo

Preface: After finishing Mountains as the first chapter of my book Platonic Lambda: Soul of the Universe, Redwoods will be the second chapter. Checked out a library copy of "Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast". Also found a Wikipedia article on "Sequoia sempervirens". Instead of citing Redwoods writings by others,
I feel it's better to write about memorable Redwoods encountered on hike trails, since they are my personal experiences. Looked through hike photos folders (2006-2018) and rounded up images of Redwoods (402), Goosepens (79), and Platonic Λ Shape (32) listed below. Will select most interesting photos and discuss my memories of them. On September 27, 2009, my friend Connie took me to the Methuselah Tree on Skyline Boulevard. Since we just saw the 1600 year-old, 225 feet tall, 13 feet wide Largest Tree at Memorial Park (August 16 & 23, 2009), and the 253 feet tall, 14.3 feet wide Advocate Tree at Forest of Nisene Marks Park (September 6, 2009), it would be nice to revisit the Methuselah Tree and compare it with these giants. This Methuselah Tree— 14 feet wide, 225 feet tall, 1800 years old, seems larger than the other giants.

1) NatureWalks/8Trees&Sun(720x480).jpg
8 Redwoods to the Sun (8-26, 2006, Sanborn Park, Saratoga, CA)

2) NatureWalks/26Redwoods(720x480).jpg
26 Redwoods in a Circle (8-26, 2006, Sanborn Park)

3) NatureWalks/26Redwoods&Sky(720x480).jpg
26 Redwods Soaring to the Sky (8-26, 2006, Sanborn Park)

4) NatureWalks/PetersonGrove(720x480).jpg
Entrance to Peterson Grove (8-26, 2006, Sanborn Park)

5) NatureWalks/6TreesPetersonGrove.jpg
6 Redwoods of Peterson Grove (8-26, 2006, Sanborn Park)

6) LongRidge/50-RedwoodEnter(979x1309).jpg
Giant Redwood, Hickory Oaks Trail ( 8-31-2008, Long Ridge, San Mateo)

7) LongRidge/66-RedwoodLight(979x1306).jpg
Sunlight on top of Redwood ( 8-31-2008, Ranch Spring Trail, Long Ridge, San Mateo)

8) LongRidge/67-RedwoodSpring(979x1306).jpg
Redwood Sentinel ( 8-31-2008, Ranch Spring Trail, Long Ridge, San Mateo)

9) Thornewood/80-ThornewoodEnter(1306x979).jpg
Entrance at Thornewood (9-1-2008, Thornewood Preserve, Woodside)

10) Thornewood/81-LoggedRedwood(979x1306).jpg
Young Redwoods by Logged-Off Ancestor (9-1-2008, Thornewood Preserve, Woodside)

11) Thornewood/89-RedwoodSunlight(1306x979).jpg
Redwood Top Drinking Sunlight (9-1-2008, Thornewood Preserve, Woodside)

12) Thornewood/92-BranchRedwood2(979x1306).jpg
Logged-Off Redwood Still Growing (9-1-2008, Thornewood Preserve, Woodside)

13) Thornewood/100-EverUpward(1306x979).jpg
Lower Branches Dead But Still Climbing (9-1-2008, Thornewood Preserve, Woodside)

14) Thornewood/101-GiantRedwood(979x1306).jpg
Giant Redwood 30-feet Girth (9-1-2008, Thornewood Preserve, Woodside)

15) Thornewood/102-RedwoodUpward(979x1306).jpg
Giant Redwood to the Sky (9-1-2008, Thornewood Preserve, Woodside)

16) Thornewood/106-TwinRedwoods2(979x1306).jpg
Twin Redwoods Midsection (9-1-2008, Thornewood Preserve, Woodside)

17) Thornewood/107-TwinRedwoods3(979x1306).jpg
Twin Redwoods to the Sky (9-1-2008, Thornewood Preserve, Woodside)

18) ElCorteDeMadera/119-GordonMillTrail(979x1306).jpg
Corridor of Redwoods (9-7-2008, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve,
Gordon Mill Trail, San Mateo County)

19) ElCorteDeMadera/128-OldRedwood(979x1306).jpg
Old Redwood 50-feet circumference
(9-7-2008, Timberview Trail, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

20) ElCorteDeMadera/130-PlatonicLambda(1306x979).jpg
Platonic Lambda Goosepen (9-7-2008, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

21) ElCorteDeMadera/131-OldGrowthRedwood(979x1306).jpg
Old Growth Redwood to Sky (9-7-2008, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

22) ElCorteDeMadera/133-RedwoodHigh(979x1306).jpg
Old Growth Redwood Trunk (9-7-2008, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

23) ElCorteDeMadera/134-RedwoodTop(979x1306).jpg
Old Growth Redwood from Afar (9-7-2008, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

24) Purisima2008/152-PeterInTree(979x1306).jpg
Peter Inside Circle of 6 Redwoods (9-14-2008, Soda Gulch Trail,
Purisima Creek Redwoods, Santa Cruz Mountains)

25) Purisima2008/153-SwordStump(1093x916).jpg
Sword from Redwood Stump (9-14-2008, Soda Gulch Trail,
Purisima Creek Redwoods, Santa Cruz Mountains)

26) Purisima2008/162-CurvedTree(1218x870).jpg
Fallen Redwood Spans Across Creek (9-14-2008, Soda Gulch Trail,
Purisima Creek Redwoods, Santa Cruz Mountains)

27) RedwoodGrove/1659-RedwoodGroveSign.jpg
Redwood Grove, Los Altos (6-25-2010, Los Altos)

28) RedwoodGrove/1663-RedwoodRoots.jpg
Redwood Roots by Creek (6-25-2010, Los Altos)

29) RedwoodGrove/1666-RedwoodsTall.jpg
Sunlight on Redwoods (6-25-2010, Los Altos)

30) ElCorte2010/1703-TuningForkRedwood.jpg
Tuning Fork Redwood (7-4-2010, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

31) ElCorte2010/1704-Branches&SkyT.jpg
Redwoods to the Sky (7-4-2010, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

32) /ElCorte2010/1725-LambdaRedwoodT.jpg
Redwood Goosepen Trunk (7-4-2010, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

33) ElCorte2010/1726-TallRedwoodsSkyT.jpg
Tall Redwoods to the Sky (7-4-2010, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

34) ElCorte2010/1738-RedwoodsSky.jpg
Redwoods Soaring to the Sky (7-4-2010, El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve)

35) SaratogaGap/1959-DoubleLambdaTreeT.jpg
Double Lambda Redwood (8-15-2010, Table Mountain Trail,
Saratoga Gap, Upper Stevens Creek, Saratoga-Cupertino)

36) SaratogaGap/1958-DoubleLambdaTree.jpg
Double Lambda Redwood (8-15-2010, Table Mountain Trail,
Saratoga Gap, Upper Stevens Creek, Saratoga-Cupertino)

37) OrtegaTree/OrtegaRedwood-Haikus.html
Mountain View Redwood Chopped Down (9-29-2008, Ortega Ave)

38) MemorialPark/MemorialPark-Haikus.html
(8-16-2009, Creek Trail, Memorial Park, San Mateo)
3 Goosepen photos; 20 Redwoods photos;
1600-years old, 39-feet circumference Redwood

39) MemorialPark2/MemorialPark2-Haikus.html
(8-23-2009, Wurr Trail, Memorial Park, San Mateo)
10 Redwoods photos (3 of Tallest Redwood)

40) MemorialPark3/MemorialPark3-Haikus.html
(8-30-2009, Wurr Trail, Memorial Park, San Mateo)
9 Redwoods photos, 2 Goosepen photos

41) ForestNisene/ForestNiseneMarks-Haikus.html
(9-6-2009, Forest of Nisene Marks State Park, Aptos)
6 Advocate Tree, 4 Redwoods, 2 Goosepen photos

42) MemorialPark4/MemorialPark4-Haikus.html
(9-7-2009, Legion Flat, Memorial Park, San Mateo)
10 Redwoods photos

43) MemorialPark5/MemorialPark5-Haikus.html
(9-13-2009, Mt. Ellen Nature Trail, Memorial Park, San Mateo)
5 Redwoods photos, 1 Goosepen photo

44) PescaderoCreek/PescaderoCreek-Haikus.html
(9-20-2009, Pescadero Creek County Park, San Mateo)
11 Redwoods photos

45) ElCorteDeMadera2009/ElCorteDeMadera2009-Haikus.html
(9-27-2009. El Corte De Madera Creek, San Mateo County)
12 Methuselah Tree (1800 years old, 14 feet wide, 225 feet tall),
3 Redwoods, 1 Goosepen photo

46) MuirWoods/MuirWoods.html
(11-21-2009, Muir Woods. Marin County, San Francisco)
14 Redwoods, 1 Goosepen photo

47) NorthLeafTrail/NorthLeafTrail-Photos.html
(8-22-2010,North Leaf Trail, El Corte de Madera, San Mateo)
12 Redwoods, 1 Goosepen photo

48) CastleRock2010/CastleRock2010-Photos.html
(9-5-2010, Castle Rock State Park, Santa Cruz Mountains)
5 Douglas Fir Trees

49) PurisimaCreek2010/PurisimaCreek2010-Photos.html
(9-6-2010, Purisima Creek Redwoods, Santa Cruz Mountains)
18 Redwoods, 5 Goosepen photos

50) Thornewood2010/Thornewood2010-Photos.html
(9-19-2010, Thornewood, Woodside)
23 Redwoods (5 Redwood Sentinel 30-feet girth)

51) MemorialDay5-30-2011/3761-CharlestonParkingLotT.jpg
(5-30-2011, Platonic Lambda Shape in Parking Lot, Palo Alto)

52) WindyHill2011/4473-TreeToSkyT.jpg
(9-4-2011, Tall Redwood at Thornewood)

53) Rancho9-8-2011/4599-BridgeBetweenRedwoodsT.jpg
(9-8-2011, Rancho San Antonio, Los Altos Hills)
Bridge Between Two Redwoods

54) UVasCanyon/4916-SwansonFallsLambdaT.jpg
(9-25-2011, UVas Canyon, Santa Clara County)
Platonic Lambda Branch in Swanson Creek

55) UVasCanyon/4921-PlatonicLambdaT.jpg
(9-25-2011, UVas Canyon, Santa Clara County)
Platonic Lambda Branch in Swanson Creek

56) PortolaRedwoods6-10-2012/PortolaRedwoods6-10-2012.html
(6-10-2012, Portola Redwoods-1, La Honda, San Mateo)
20 Redwoods, 7 Goosepen photos

57) PortolaRedwoods6-17-2012/PortolaRedwoods6-17-2012.html
(6-17-2012, Portola Redwoods-2, La Honda, San Mateo)
11 Redwoods, 2 Goosepen photos

58) PortolaRedwoods7-1-2012/PortolaRedwoods7-1-2012.html
(7-1-2012, Portola Redwoods-3, La Honda, San Mateo)
19 Redwoods, 19 Goosepen photos

59) PortolaRedwoods7-4-2012/PortolaRedwoods7-4-2012.html
(7-4-2012, Portola Redwoods-4, La Honda, San Mateo)
39 Redwoods, 22 Goosepen photos

60) PortolaRedwoods7-29-2012/PortolaRedwoods7-29-2012.html
(7-29-2012, Portola Redwoods-5, La Honda, San Mateo)
31 Redwoods, 12 Goosepen photos

61) PortolaRedwoods7-29-2012/7092-GreekLambdaLog.jpg
(7-29-2012, Portola Redwoods-5, La Honda, San Mateo)
Platonic Lambda Shaped Log

62) PortolaRedwoods7-29-2012/7118-LambdaFormingTrunksT.jpg
(7-29-2012, Portola Redwoods-5, La Honda, San Mateo)
Platonic Lambda Shaped Trunk

63) PortolaRedwoods7-29-2012/7149-LambdaShapedLogT.jpg
(7-29-2012, Portola Redwoods-5, La Honda, San Mateo)
Platonic Lambda Shaped Log Cross-Section

64) PortolaRedwoods7-29-2012/7168-IslamRedwoodsShrine1924.jpg
(7-29-2012, Portola Redwoods-5, La Honda, San Mateo)
Islam Redwoods 1924 Shrine Pyramid

65) Tarwater7-22-2012/Tarwater7-22-2012.html
(7-22-2012, Tarwater Loop, Upper Coyote Ridge Trail)
20 Redwoods photos

66) WindyHill2013/9599-DouglasFirTreeT.jpg
(6-30-2913, Upper Windy Hill, San Mateo)
"Platonic Λ" Douglas Fir Tree

67) Purisima7-4-2013/9679-PlatonicLambdaShadowT.jpg
(7-4-2013, Purisima Creek Redwoods, Santa Cruz Mountains)
Shadow of Platonic Lambda Branch

68) Purisima7-4-2013/9695-LambdaFirVistaView.jpg
(7-4-2013, Purisima Creek Redwoods, Santa Cruz Mountains)
Lambda Shaped Douglas Fir & Vista

69) Purisima7-14-2013/Purisima7-14-2013.html
(7-14-2013, Purisima Creek Redwoods, Santa Cruz Mountains)
16 Redwoods

(7-21-2013, Purisima Creek Redwoods, San Mateo)
6 Redwoods

71) SkylineTrail/SkylineTrail.html
(7-28-2013, Skyline Trail, Bear Gulch Road, San Mateo)
16 Redwoods, 1 Goosepen

72) CowellRanchBeach/192-VanishingPointToBeachT.jpg
(8-11-2013, Cowell Ranch Beach Trail, South Half Moon Bay)
Vanishing Point to the Beach

73) CowellRanchBeach/350-VanishingPointToHills.jpg
(8-11-2013, Cowell Ranch Beach Trail, South Half Moon Bay)
Vanishing Point to the Hills

74) CowellRanchBeach/321-SecondBridgeBeachTrailT.jpg
(8-11-2013, Cowell Ranch Beach Trail, South Half Moon Bay)
Vanishing Point at 2nd Bridge on Beach Trail

75) WunderlichPark/WunderlichPark.html
(10-18-2013, Wunderlich County Park, Woodside)
4 Redwoods

76) ArastraderoPreserve/1507-Peter'sShadowWoodratSignT.jpg
(11-15-2013, Arastradero Preserve, Palo Alto)
"Daddy Long Legs" Lambda Shadow

77) ArastraderoPreserve/1517-DaddyLongLegsT.jpg
(11-15-2013, Arastradero Preserve, Palo Alto)
"Daddy Long Legs" Lambda Shadow

78) ArastraderoPreserve/1525-DaddyLongLegs2T.jpg
(11-15-2013, Arastradero Preserve, Palo Alto)
"Daddy Long Legs" Lambda Shadow

79) HiddenVilla/1662-PlatonicLambdaFernT.jpg
(11-22-2013, Hidden Villa, Los Altos Hills)
Platonic Lambda Shaped Fern

80) HiddenVilla/1688-LambdaBranchBayTree.jpg
(11-22-2013, Hidden Villa, Los Altos Hills)
Platonic Lambda Branch Bay Tree

81) HiddenVilla/1708-LetterAFromTreesT.jpg
(11-22-2013, Hidden Villa, Los Altos Hills)
"Letter A" from Bay Trees

82) CoyoteCreek/2021-SunlightThruTwoRedwoodsT.jpg
(12-25-2013, Coyote Creek Trail, Milpitas)
Sunlight through Two Redwoods

83) CoyoteCreek/2018-CREATIVELogo2.jpg
(12-25-2013, Coyote Creek Trail, Milpitas)
CREATIVE Logo with Lambda-Shape A

(5/24/2014-7/13/2014, Montebello Ave, Mountain View)
11 Redwoods Photos

(1/19/2015, Cuesta Park, Mountain View)
2 Redwoods Photos

(2/16/2015, San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail, Santa Clara)
Redwoods at Ponderosa Center

87) Gaudalupe2015/4139-PineTreeT.jpg
(4-19-2015, Guadalupe River Park, San Jose)
Platonic Lambda Shape Pine Tree

88) RengstorffPark/RengstorffPark.html
(1-16-2017, Rengstorff Park, Mountain View)
4 Redwoods Photos

89) PaulsonPark/6470-PlatonicLambdaFlowersT.jpg
(3-18-2017, Paulson Park, Mountain View)
Platonic Lambda Houseleek (Aeonium arboreum)

90) PaulsonPark/6553-BuddleiaCloseupT.jpg
(3-18-2017, Paulson Park, Mountain View)
Platonic Lambda Buddleia Flower (Buddleia davidii)

91) PineCones(4-5-2017)/PineCones&PineTrees.html
(4-5-2017, Mountain View Parks & Streets)
5 Redwoods, 2 Pine Cones, Houseleek, Buddleia

92) RedwoodGrove(2017)/RedwoodGrove(2017).html
(5-22-2017, Redwood Grove, Los Altos)
2 Redwoods Photos

93) HuddartPark(2017)/HuddartPark(2017).html
(5-22-2017, Huddar Park, San Mateo)
12 Redwoods

94) HuddartPark(2017)/6713-LambdaBranchCloseupT.jpg
(5-22-2017, Huddar Park, San Mateo)
Platonic Lambda Branches under Bridge

95) BayBridgeTrail/BayBridgeTrail.html
(5-23-2018, Bay Bridge Trail, Oakland)
3 Vanishing Point Photos

96) MoriPoint/6941-CoastalTrailT.jpg
(7-16-2017, Mori Point, San Francisco)
Vanishing Point on Coast Trail

97) ThreeGracesMontebello/Eucalyptus&RedwoodsMontebelloAve.html
(5-24-2014, 12-20-2017, 2-11-2018, Montebello Ave, Mountain View)
11 Redwoods Photos

98) NeighborhoodStrolls2018/NeighborhoodStrolls2018.html
(7-18-2018, Hackett Ave, Montebello Ave, Mountain View)
4 Redwoods

99) WalkToJaneLane/WalkToJaneLane.html
(7-23-2018, Hackett Ave, Montebello Ave, Mountain View)
4 Redwoods

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (8-23-2018)