from Pierre Auguste Renoir's Notebook:

To be an artist you must learn
to know the laws of nature.

Young people should learn to see things for themselves, and not ask advice.

Look at the way the Japanese painted birds and fish. Their system is quite simple. They sat down in the countryside and watched birds flying. By watching them carefully, they finally came to understand movement; and they did the same as regards fish.

An artist, under pain of oblivion, must have confidence in himself, and listen only to his real master: Nature.

I believe that I am nearer to God by being humble before this splendor of nature; by accepting the role I have been given to play in life; by honoring this majesty without self-interest, and, above all, without asking for anything, being confident that He who has created everything has forgotten nothing.

— from Jean Renoir's
    Renoir, My Father (1962)

Pierre Auguste Renoir (circa 1894)

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