Q & A Session:
The spirited Q & A session ended at 11:55 am as another class was coming in
to use the room. I shook Prof. Frankfurt's hand telling him how much I enjoyed
his lectures and discussions. I asked him about his statement that "many
philosophers have tried to prove that bad people don't live good lives,
but none had succeeded." Then I mentioned Buddha's law of karma which
extends beyond a single lifetime. So evil doings will be punished eventually
in subsequent lifetimes. Prof. Frankfurt responded: "That's just a statement
but there's no proof."
Books by Harry Frankfurt: (at Amazon.com)
The Reasons of Love
Princeton University Press (2004)
Necessity, Volition, and Love
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (1998)
The Importance of What We Care About: Philosophical Essays
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (1988)
Leibniz : a collection of critical essays
University of Notre Dame Press, South Bend, IN (1972)
Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen: The Defense of Reason in Descarte's Meditations
(The Philosophy of Descartes)
Publisher: Garland Science (1970)
The Contours of Agency:
Essays on Themes from Harry Frankfurt
Edited by Sarah Buss & Lee Overton,
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2002)
Web Links to Harry Frankfurt
Princeton University, Philosophy Faculty: Harry Frankfurt (Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1954)
(Frankfurt joined the faculty in 1990. His major areas of interest include
moral philosophy, philosophy of mind and action, 17th century rationalism.)
Harry Frankfurt Named Romanell-Phi Beta Kappa Professor of Philosophy; to Deliver Public Lectures
(Princeton News: February 28, 2000)
Harry Frankfurt to deliver 2004 Tanner Lectures
(Stanford University News Service, April 6, 2004)
Harry Frankfurt: 2004 Tanner Lectures on Human Values
("Taking Ourselves Seriously" & "Getting It Right")
Harry Frankfurt: "Some Mysteries of Love" (Lecture in RealVideo)
(Univesity of California, Riverside, Wednesday, October 11, 2000)
Harry Frankfurt: "On Bullshit"
(Interview by Alice Quinn, New Yorker, October 29, 2001)
Doing Philosophy: Philosophers (McGraw-Hill)
(5 weblinks to Harry Frankfurt & his lectures)
Harry Gordon Frankfurt (born May 29, 1929, Longhorn, Pennsylvania)
(Academia Chronology & Publications)
Harry Frankfurt: "Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility"
(The Determinism and Freedom Philosophy Website edited by Ted Honderich )