Norman Fischer, Abbott of the San Francisco Zen Center, handed out a sheet
of 60 randomly-chosen words. The 10-minute speed writing exercise was to
use as many of these words in a poem. (Here's my poem that day.)
Acacia Ankles Arguments Asparagus Belie Black Bland Bread Cajole Crate Crystal Decorate Disguise Elegant End Eyesight Flakes Flyswatter Formality Free |
Freezing Ginger Gracious Guns Hammer Kick Kissing Leaving Lists Looms Manly Mounting Obligate Oil Peach Pearls Plates Prod Rattle Remember |
Rose Scoop Seal Shadows Shudder Sidle Skulk Slaver Snow Socks Spatula Splits Spruces Taller Terse Toss Tractors Wheeze Whole Yellow |