The Three Graces on Montebello Ave
The "Bachelor and Three Graces" redwoods
at Mariposa Grove in Yosemite made me
ponder on these 1000-year-old trees
Sequoia sempervirens everlasting giant
whose rings date beyond the Magna Carta
shown in Hitchcock's Vertigo at Big Basin.
The Three Graces depict Beauty, Love, Pleasure
painted at left in Botticelli's Primavera
daughters of Venus, their dress sheerer than silk,
hand entwined, their steps so light they do not
bend the grass as they dance nearby is Mercury
whose caduceus is probing the clouds for rain.
There is a giant Eucalyptus I pass by
on Montebello Ave with three huge trunks
soaring to the skies, I've called "The Three Graces".
Close by is a Sequoia, "sentinel of the block"
whose arrowhead Λ-top is aimed skyward
whom I touch for longevity, strength, & wisdom.
Now I notice two more redwoods ten paces apart
these three giants are close enough for their roots
to be entwined below, their leaves touching above
as if doing the Greek line dance Syrtos
or perhaps Morris dancing if you hear bells
or Native American chanting with drumming.
I'm the Bachelor on this Beautiful Mountain
overjoyed in finding another "Three Graces"
blessing me with beauty, love, and civility.
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 2-11-2018, 6:30 am
"Bachelor & Three Graces", Yosemite
Botticelli's Primavera (1478), Uffizi Gallery

"Three Graces" Redwoods, Montebello Ave