# | Books that Influenced Me the Most |
1 | Ancient Greek Dramatists |
2 | Arabian Nights (for children) |
3 | Elizabethan Playwrights (excepting Shakespeare) |
4 | European Playwrights of 19th Century |
5 | Greek Myths and Legends |
6 | Knights of King Arthur's Court |
7 | Abèlard, Pierre, The Story of My Misfortunes |
8 | Alain-Fournier, The Wanderer |
9 | Andersen, Hans Christian, Fairy Tales |
10 | Anonymous, Diary of a Lost One |
11 | Balzac, Honoré de, Seraphita |
12 | Balzac, Honoré de, Louis Lambert |
13 | Bellamy, Edward, Looking Backward |
14 | Belloc, Hilaire, The Path to Rome |
15 | Blavatsky, Mme. H. P., The Secret Doctrine |
16 | Boccaccio, Giovanni, The Decameron |
17 | Breton, André, Nadja |
18 | Bronte, Emily, Wuthering Heights |
19 | Bulwyer-Lytton, Edward, Last Days of Pompeii |
20 | Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonderland |
21 | Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, Journey to the End of the Night |
22 | Cellini, Benvenuto, Autobiography |
23 | Cendrars, Blaise, Virtually the complete works |
24 | Chesterton, G.K., Saint Francis of Assisi |
25 | Conrad, Joseph, His works in general |
26 | Cooper James Fenimore, Leatherstocking Tales |
27 | Defoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoe |
28 | De Nerval, Gérard, His works in general |
29 | Dostoievsky, Feodor, His works in general |
30 | Dreiser, Theodore, His works in general |
31 | Duhamel, Geoges, Salavin Series |
32 | Du Maurier, George, Trilby |
33 | Dumas, Alexander, The Three Musketeers |
34 | Eckermann, Johann, Conversations with Goethe |
35 | Eltzbacher, Paul, Anarchism |
36 | Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Representative Men |
37 | Fabre, Henri, His works in general |
38 | Faure, Elie, The History of Art |
39 | Fenollosa, Ernest,
The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry |
40 | Gide, André, Dostoievski |
41 | Giono, Jean, Refus d'Obéissance |
42 | Giono, Jean, Que ma joie domeure |
43 | Giono, Jean, Jean le Bleu |
44 | Grimm Brothers, Fairy Tales |
45 | Gutkind, Erich, The Absolute Collective |
46 | Haggard, Rider, She |
47 | Hamsun, Knut, His works in general |
48 | Henty, G. A., His works in general |
49 | Hesse, Hermann, Siddhartha |
50 | Hudson, W. H., His works in general |
# | Books that Influenced Me the Most |
51 | Hugo, Victor, Les Misérables |
52 | Huysmans, Joris Karl, Against the Grain |
53 | Joyce, James, Ulysses |
54 | Keyserling, Hermann, South American Meditations |
55 | Kropotkin, Peter, Mutual Aid |
56 | Lao-tse, Tao Teh Ch'ing |
57 | Latzko, Andreas, Men in War |
58 | Long, Haniel, Interlinear to Cabeza de Vaca |
59 | M, Gospel of Ramakrishna |
60 | Machen, Arthur, The Hill of Dreams |
61 | Maeterlinck, Maurice, His works in general |
62 | Mann, Thomas, The Magic Mountain |
63 | Mencken, H. L., Prejudices |
64 | Nietzsche, His works in general |
65 | Nijinsky, Diary |
66 | Nordhoff & Hall, Pitcairn Island |
67 | Nostradamus, The Centuries |
68 | Peck, George Wilbur, Peck's Bad Boy |
69 | Percival, W. O., William Blake's Circle of Destiny |
70 | Petronius, The Satyricon |
71 | Plutarch, Lives |
72 | Powys, John Cowper, Visions and Revisions |
73 | Prescott, William H., Conquest of Mexico |
74 | Prescott, William H., Conquest of Peru |
75 | Proust, Marcel, Remembrance of Things Past |
76 | Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel |
77 | Rimbaud, Jean-Arthur, His works in general |
78 | Rolland, Romain, Jean-Christophe |
79 | Rolland, Romain, Prophets of the New India |
80 | Rudhyar, Dane, Astrology of Personality |
81 | Saltus, Edgar, The Imperial Purple |
82 | Scott, Sir Walter, Ivanhoe |
83 | Sienkiewicz, Henry, Quo Vadis |
84 | Sikelianos, Anghelos, Proanakrousma |
85 | Sinnett, A. P., Esoteric Buddhism |
86 | Spencer, Herbert, Autobiography |
87 | Spengler, Oswald, The Decline of the West |
88 | Strindberg, August, The Inferno |
89 | Suarès, Carlo, Krishnamurti |
90 | Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, Zen Buddhism |
91 | Swift, Jonathan, Guilliver's Travels |
92 | Tennyson, Alfred, Idylls of the King |
93 | Thoreau, Henry David, Civil Disobedience & Other Essays |
94 | Twain, Mark, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn |
95 | Van Gogh, Vincent, Letters to Theo |
96 | Wassermann, Jacob, The Maurizius Case (Trilogy) |
97 | Weigall, Arthur, Akhnaton |
98 | Welch, Galbraith, The Unveiling of Timbuctoo |
99 | Werfel, Franz, Star of the Unborn |
100 | Whitman, Walt, Leaves of Grass |