Poem: Emerson's Quote on Power


                “No man ever forgot the visitations of that power
                  to his heart and brain, which created all things new;
                  which was the dawn in him of music, poetry, and art.”

                                                        — Ralph Waldo Emerson

I push Emerson's words around the page
not knowing where to place them
until Blake's Vision strikes me:
“Poetry Painting & Music
  the three Powers in Man
  of conversing with Paradise
  which the flood did not Sweep away.”

Now I cast aside those bold fonts
of Stone Serif and Charlemagne
in favor of Medici Script,
its fluid italic flow, elegant proportions,
beauty flowering in Renaissance Florence,
set the quote heading in Trajan Bold,
its long classical Roman tradition,
see the dawning sun pour out
from the “O” in “POWER”
and I open all the color palettes,
stretch the blending tool across the screen—
a rainbow watercolor for the sky,
a medium spectrum in “POWER”
flowing into Emerson's name,
his words flooding the page
in golden waves of light.

Peter Y. Chou
Palo Alto, 5-27-94

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© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: peter@wisdomportal.com (6-4-2003)