Leonardo da Vinci
Self-Portrait (1512)
Biblioteka Reale, Turin, Italy

Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future

Tech Museum, San Jose, CA
(Sept. 27, 2008—Jan. 4, 2009)

Photos & Haikus of Visit
Saturday, November 1, 2008

By Peter Y. Chou

Leonardo da Vinci
Vitruvian Man (1487)
Gallerie dell'Accademia,
Venice, Italy

Preface: Leonardo da Vinci is celebrated as the visionary of extraordinary ideas that only were realized several centuries after his death. He is revered as a painter, architect, engineer, scientist, and philosopher— a true Renaissance man. Since my college days, I'd browse through Leonardo's Notebooks collecting inspiring quotes. During my trips to Europe, I saw Leonardo's Last Supper in Milan, Adoration of the Magi and The Annunciation at the Uffizi in Florence (1972). When I attended the First Sickle Cell Symposium in Washington D.C. (1974), I went to National Gallery of Art to view the newly acquired Ginevra de' Benci from Liechtenstein. When I attended the 6th International Biochemistry Conference in Hamburg, Germany (1976), I visited the Alte Pinakothek, Munich to see Madonna with the Carnation. During the "Protein Folding Workshop" at the University of Paris (1979), I visited the Louvre often to see Leonardo's Mona Lisa, Madonna of the Rocks, Virgin & Child with St. Anne, St. John the Baptist and La Belle Ferroniere. When Lady with an Ermine was on loan from Cracow and exhibited at the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco, I composed a web page after my visit (May 13, 2003). So I was excited that Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future was exhibited at the Tech Museum in San Jose. When Hoyt Smith announced that the Tech Museum was offering a $10 discount to KDFC listeners on Saturday, November 1, 2008, a friend and I went there despite the heavy downpour that day. With the exception of the two paintings on loan from the Uffizi Gallery, the Tech Museum allowed photographs without flash for the rest of the exhibit. I took photos with a Canon A590 camera and resized them for this web page. Unfortunately, there is no catalogue for this Leonardo exhibit. The details on the exhibit items are from notes taken at the Tech Museum. Web links were added when available. The haikus were written afterwards. From the Tech Museum brochure, a Leonardo da Vinci quote : “The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.” May Leonardo's insights inspire & illumine us with great joy.

Click on Photos for Enlarged Images

Saturday, November 1, 2008, 4:15 pm
San Jose Montgomery Theatre
271 S. Market Street, San Jose
Winged Angel Dancing Sculpture
Next to the Tech Museum, this sculpture
prepared my mind for Leonardo's flight

The wingèd dancer
leaps up in flight from earth
to heavenly delight!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 4:20 pm
Tech Museum of Innovation
201 South Market Street, San Jose
Bronze Horse designed by Leonardo da Vinci
Re-creation of Leonardo's Horse

Horse is gigantic
by Leonardo da Vinci
drawing the crowd here.

Saturday, November 1, 2008, 4:25 pm
Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future

Heavy rain today—
may Leonardo's genius pour
down and flood my mind!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 4:30 pm
San Jose Tech Museum
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo's Bronze Horse (NY Times)

Here's another view
of Leonardo's gigantic
horse weighing 70 tons.

Saturday, November 1, 2008, 5:00 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Anonymous, after Leonardo da Vinci
"Leda and the Swan" (1500-1510)
Uffizi Gallery, Florence (inv. 1890, #9953)

Zeus disguised as swan
made love to Leda who bore
him Helen of Troy.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 5:10 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Gian Giacomo Caprotti (1480-1524)
"Virgin & Child with St. Anne" (1510-1520)
Uffizi Gallery, Florence (inv. 1890, #737)
also known as "Salai" ("The Devil"),
Leonardo's dearest disciple.
Copy from painting in Louvre (right)

Gian Caprotti came
to Leonardo at ten years
old to study art.

Saturday, November 1, 2008, 5:17 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)
Brunelleschi's Dome, Santa Maria del Fiore,
Florence, 177 ft above ground level;
drumbase to top of dome = 108 ft.
height of lantern at top = 72 ft.

Brunelleschi's Dome—
an engineering marvel!
artistic vision!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 5:40 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci III.1.l (Forster Ms. II)
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
(ca. 1495-97) Facsimile Gianto, Florence 1992
folios 90v-91r: Perpetual motion wheel (left)
Studies in the resistance of arches (right)

Perpetual motion—
Who started this universe?
What keeps it going?
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 5:48 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci III.f (Forster Ms. I)
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
(ca. 1487-80 &1505) Facsimile Gianto, 1992
folios 13v-14r: Studies of transformation of solids

Leonardo studied
the Platonic solids
and their transformation.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:00 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci III.1.h (Ms. A)
Institut de France, Paris
(ca. 1490-92) Facsimile Gianto, Florence 1992
folios 59v-60r: Studies of hydrodynamics,
sketches of waterfalls and whirlpools

Mirror image handwriting
so straight and spacious
from a lucid mind.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:07 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci III.w (Ms. E)
Institut de France, Paris
(ca. 1513-14) Facsimile Gianto, Florence, 1989
folios 42v-43r: Effect of strong wind in birds (left);
maneuvers of birds in wind (right)

Studied birds in flight,
effect of strong wind currents—
mind ever moving!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:12 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci III.1.r
Codex on the Flight of Birds
Biblioteca Reale, Turin, Italy
(ca. 1506) Facsimile Gianto, Florence 1976
folios 6v-7r: Studies of the joints
of a mechanical wing

Man can't fly like birds—
make a mechanical wing
that'll make us airborne.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:20 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo: machines & mechanism—
Leonardo's paintings are well known.
This exhibit showcases his inventions.

Artistic genius
and scientific inventor—
a Renaissance man!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:25 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo's Manuscripts—
Less than 1/3 of Leonardo's written archive
has survived. His notebooks show his prolific
ideas in art, science, and technology.

Leonardo Notebooks
his drawings and handwriting
emanate energy!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:43 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci III.3.j:
Studies of the spinal column
Royal Collection, Royal Library,
Windsor, 19007v; K/P 139v

Study the spinal
column for the Freemason's
secret— count the bones!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:45 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci III.3.k:
Studies of the mechanism of breathing
Royal Collection, Royal Library,
Windsor, 19007v; K/P 149v

Leonardo's artist's
eye— sharply focused
seeing the smallest detail.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:48 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo's Lost Robot
Around 1495 Leonardo built the first
humanoid robot, an armored robot
knight that's anatomically accurate.

500 years ahead
of his time, Leonardo
was into robotics!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:50 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo's Manuscripts—
III.4.c: Sketches of robotic parts
from Codex Huygens (circa 1495)
Leonardo's Robot

Leonardo's mind—
ever childlike having fun
designing robots!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 6:55 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci Multimedia—
II.1.a: The man in the circle & square [video]
Leonardo's Vitruvian Man (circa 1487)

The Vitruvian Man
with five points spread out—
a way to square the circle.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:00 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
II.3.A.c.5: Transformation of dodecahedron
into a cube having the same volume.
Model after Leonardo da Vinci
Forster Ms. I.7r.15v, 16v, 20v
[World is a dodecahedron]

twelve pentagonal faces—
symbol of the world.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:00 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci Exhibit Board—
II.3: Transformation and metamorphosis
(Taking photos of noteboards to save time)

Leonardo is a shape
shifter, modelling clay,
changing man into bird.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:10 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
II.3.A.d.2: Rosette pattern
Model after Leonardo da Vinci
Codex Atlanticus, 307v

Rosette pattern is
like six-cornered snowflake
and honeycomb— beautiful!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:17 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci Exhibit—
I.7: Pythagorean Table. Model after
Leonardo da Vinci, Madrid Ms. II.48v
I.8: Fountain pen. Replica after
Leonardo, Codex Atlanticus, 51.3bv

No need for goose quills
dipping into inkwells—
this pen will write smoothly.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:20 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci Exhibit Board—
In Leonardo's studio
Madrid Ms. II, folio 2v

Leonardo's library
showed his curious mind
ever expansive for learning.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:25 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
II.3.B.b5: Transformation of man into bird
Model after Leonardo, Ms. B, 74v &
Codex on the Flight of Birds, 11v & 7v

Man transformed into
bird— his arm changing to wings
preparing for flight!
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:27 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
Leonardo da Vinci Exhibit—
II.4.B.a: Vincian Knot [Dürer's Knot]

A pretty design—
this symmetric Vincian Knot
blooms like a flower.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:35 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
II.5.B.9: Anonymous (4th-3rd century B.C.)
Equine protome: Reproduction after the original
bronze kept in the Museo Archeologica Nationale,
Florence, inv. 1639. Leonardo may have been
familiar with this Hellenistic sculpture.

Where is the chessboard
to accomodate this knight—
this gigantic horse head?
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:50 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
III.6.f3: Leonardo's mechanical lion (1515)
Working model based on the
interpretation of Luca Garai [Ancient Automata]

Leonardo's robot—
this mechanical lion
made kids roar with joy.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:50 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
III.6.f3: Leonardo's mechanical lion (1515)
King Francis I commisioned Leonardo
to make him the robotic lion and
invited him to France (1516-1519).

Leonardo died in
the arms of Francis I,
the King of France
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:53 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
III.6.g2: Planetary clock of Chiaravalle
Model after Leonardo da Vinci
Codex Atlanticus, 1111v &1106r

Planetary clock
with astrological signs—
a journey through space.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:55 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
IV.3b2: Vision & Illumination
Leonardo da Vinci, "John the Baptist"
Copy from Louvre Museum, Paris

Saint John the Baptist
points to the Platonic One—
Beauty, Truth, Goodness.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:58 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
III.8.B: Motions of the mind
Leonardo's "The Last Supper" (1498)
Santa Maria delle Grazie,
Refectory, Milan, Italy

Leonardo made casts
of disciples for study
in his Last Supper.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:58 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
III.8.B: Motions of the mind
Leonardo's "The Last Supper" (1498)
Cast of Judas Iscariot

Betrayer Judas—
his body leaning away
from Christ— face in the dark.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:58 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
III.8.B: Motions of the mind
Leonardo's "The Last Supper" (1498)
Cast of Peter (John, 13.38)

"The cock shall not crow
till thou has denied me thrice"—
that's Peter's loyalty.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:58 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
III.8.B: Motions of the mind
Leonardo's "The Last Supper" (1498)
Cast of John (Mary Magdalene?)

John in ecstasy—
being close to Christ, he feels
love overflowing.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:58 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
III.8.B: Motions of the mind
Leonardo's "The Last Supper" (1498)
Cast of Simon (face full of doubt)
(Matthew 26.21, John 13.21)

He can't believe what
Christ is saying— "that
one of you who shall betray me."
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:59 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
IV.5B.a1: Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488)
"Lady with a bunch of flowers" (1480)
Cast of original in the Museo Nazionale
del Bargello, Florence, Italy

She has flowers in
her hands and looks content—
she is so much in love.
Saturday, November 1, 2008, 8:00 pm
Leonardo: 500 Years into the Future
IV.5B.a2: Leonardo da Vinci
"Portrait of Ginervra de' Benci" (1480)
Photographic reproduction of original painting
in the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

Original painting
was cropped so hands with
mudra were not shown.

— Peter Y. Chou, San Jose Tech Museum, November 1, 2008

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© Peter Y. Chou, Wisdom Portal
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (11-11-2008)