On the Number 80

80 in Mathematics
1) The 40th even number = 80
2) 2 x 40 = 80; 4 x 20 = 80; 5 x 16 = 80; 8 x 10 = 80
3) The 17th abundant number = 80
4) The 57th composite number = 80
5) Sum of the 3rd & 12th abundant numbers = 20 + 60 = 80
Sum of the 11th & 42nd composite numbers = = 20 + 60 = 80
6) Sum of the 2nd through 8th odd numbers = 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 = 80.
7) Sum of the 4th & 8th square numbers = 42 + 82 = 16 + 64 = 80
8) Sum of the 4th square & 4th cube number = 42 + 43 = 16 + 64 = 80
9) Sum of the 5th square numbers & 10th triangular numbers = 25 + 55 = 80
10) Sum of the 11th & 12th lucky numbers = 37 + 43 = 80
11) Sum of the 2nd perfect number & 26th even number = 28 + 52 = 80
12) Sum of the 1st, 3rd, & 21st prime numbers = 2 + 5 + 73 = 80
13) Sum of the 2nd, 4th, 8th, and 10th Fibonacci numbers = 1 + 3 + 21 + 55 = 80
(Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, 1170-1250)
14) Difference between the 15th & 5th pentagonal numbers, [n(3n-1)/2] = 92 - 12 = 80
15) Square root of 80 = 8.94427
16) Cube root of 80 = 4.30887
17) ln 80 = 4.3820 (natural log to the base e)
18) log 80 = 1.90309 (logarithm to the base 10)
19) Sin 80o = 0.984808
Cos 80o = 0.173648
Tan 80o = 5.671282
20) 1/80 expressed as a decimal = 0.0125
21) The 185th & 186th digits of e = 80
The 249th & 250th digits of e = 80

e = 2.7182818284 5904523536 0287471352 6624977572 4709369995
        9574966967 6277240766 3035354759 4571382178 5251664274
        2746639193 2003059921 8174135966 2904357290 0334295260
        5956307381 3232862794 3490763233 8298807531 9525101901
        1573834187 9307021540 8914993488 4167509244 7614606680

(Note: The 99th-108th digits of e = 7427466391 is the first 10-digit prime in
consecutive digits of e. This is the answer to the Google Billboard question
that may lead to a job opportunity at Google.com, San Jose Mercury News, 7-10-2004)
22) The 84th & 85th digits of pi, π = 80
The 105th & 106th digits of pi, π = 80
The 450th & 451st digits of pi, π = 80
23) The 3rd & 4th digits of phi, φ = 80
The 46th & 47th digits of phi, φ = 80
Phi or φ = 1.61803... is a transcendental number,
also called the Golden Ratio (or Golden number).
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) first called it the sectio aurea,
(Latin for the golden section) and related it to human anatomy.
Ratios may be found in the Pyramids of Giza & the Greek Parthenon.
24) Binary number for 80 = 01010000
(Decimal & Binary Equivalence; Program for conversion)
25) ASCII value for 080 = P
(Hexadecimal # & ASCII Code Chart)
26) Hexadecimal number for 80 = 50
(Hexadecimal # & ASCII Code Chart)
27) Octal number for 80 = 120
(Octal #, Hexadecimal #, & ASCII Code Chart)
28) Sum of the edges and corners of a 32-faces
small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron = 60 + 20 = 80
Great Ditrigonal Icosidodecahedron: 32 faces, 60 edges, 20 corners)
29) Sum of the edges and corners of a 24-faces
ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron = 60 + 20 = 80
30) The Greek-based numeric prefix octaconta means 80.
31) The Latin-based numeric prefix octoginti- means 80.
32) The Roman numeral for 80 is LXXX.
33) Ba Shí (8, 10) is the Chinese ideograph for 80.
34) (60, 20) is the Babylonian number for 80
Georges Ifrah, From One to Zero: A Universal History of Numbers,
Penguin Books, New York (1987), pp. 326-327
35) In old Greek tradition, the letter Pi, π, had the numerical value of 80.
(Greek & Hebrew numbering system)
36) In Hebrew, the letter Peh, , has the numerical value of 80.
(Hebrew Gematria = 80)
37) 80 in different languages:
Dutch: tachtig, French: quatre-vingts, German: achtzig, Hungarian: nyolcvan,
Italian: ottanta, Spanish: ochenta, Swahili: themanini, Swedish: åttio
38) An octogenerian is a person who is between 80 and 89 years old.
39) In the British system, there are 80 chains per mile.
There are 4 rods per chain. A chain = 66 feet.
80 in Science & Technology
40) Atomic Number of Mercury (Hg) = 80 (80 protons & 80 electrons)
Mercury is the only common metal liquid at ordinary temperatures.
Mercury is sometimes called quicksilver. It rarely occurs free in
nature and is found mainly in cinnabar ore (HgS) in Spain and Italy.
It's a heavy, silvery-white liquid metal, and a rather poor conductor of
heat as compared with other metals but is a fair conductor of electricity.
It alloys easily with many metals, such as gold, silver, and tin.
These alloys are called amalgams. Its ease in amalgamating with gold
is made use of in the recovery of gold from its ores. The physical
appearance of mercury is well known because of its use in thermometers.
41) Atomic Weight of Bromine (Br) = 79.904
Bromine is the only liquid nonmetallic element. It is a member of the halogen group.
It is a heavy, volatile, mobile, dangerous reddish-brown liquid. The red vapour has
a strong unpleasant odour and the vapour irritates the eyes and throat. It is a
bleaching agent. When spilled on the skin it produces painful sores. Bromine also
occurs in seawater as the sodium salt but in much smaller quantities than chloride.
42) Inorganic compounds whose molecular weight = 80:
Ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3 = 80.05
Beryllium chloride, BeCl2 = 79.93
Cupric oxide, CuO = 79.57
Cuprous hydroxide, CuOH = 80.58
Sulfur trioxide, SO3 = 80.05
43) Organic compounds whose melting point = 80oC:
Acetyl methyl-p-toluidine, CH3CO-N(CH3)C6H4-CH3, MP = 80oC
Amino-2,3'-dimethyl-azobenzene (4), CH3-C6H4-N2-C6H3-(CH3)NH3, MP = 80oC
Behenic acid, CH3-(CH2)20-CO2H, MP = 80oC
Benzamidine, C6H5C(:NH)-NH2, MP = 80oC
Benzoyl acetobnitrile, C6H5-CO-CH2-CN, MP = 80.5oC
Ceryl alcohol, C26H53-OH, MP = 80oC
Dibromo-aniline (3,4), Br2C6H3-NH2, MP = 80-81oC
Dinitro-diethylaniline, (NO2)2C6H3N(C2H5)2, MP = 80oC
Diphenyl carbonate, (C6H5O)2CO, MP = 80oC
Glyceral diphenylether, (C6H5OCH2)2CHOH, MP = 80-81oC
Naphthalene, C10H8, MP = 80.2oC
Tridecyclic aldoxime, C12H25CH=NOH, MP = 80.5oC
Vinyl acrylic acid (β), CH2=(CH2)2=CH-COOH, MP = 80oC
[Norbert A. Lange, Handbook of Chemistry, Sandusky, Ohio (1952)]
44) The 80th amino acid in the 141-residue alpha-chain of Human Hemoglobin is Proline (P)
The 80th amino acid in the 146-residue beta-chain of Human Hemoglobin is Asparagine (N)
Single-Letter Amino Acid Code
Alpha-chain sequence of human hemoglobin:
Beta-chain sequence of human hemoglobin:
45) The 80th amino acid in the 153-residue sequence of sperm whale myoglobin
is Glycine (G) [A.B. Edmundson, Nature 205, 883-887 (1965)]
Sequence alignment of myoglobin from 26 species by Margaret O. Dayhoff
[Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure (1978), p. 236]
shows conservation of Gly-80 in 26 species including human, badger,
chicken, dog, rabbit, horse, bovine, sheep, pig, opossum, platypus,
red kangaroo, European hedgehog, California sea lion, and bottle-nosed dolphin.
Gly-80 is part of the reverse β-turn 78-81 LysLysGlyHis between
the E-Helix & F-Helix of myoglobin, the 6th of 9 β-turns delineated by
P.Y. Chou & G.D. Fasman, Journal of Molecular Biology 115, 135-175 (1977)
46) The 80th amino acid in the 124-residue enzyme Bovine Ribonuclease is Serine (S)
It is next to Methionine-79 and Isoleucine-81
[C. H. W. Hirs, S. Moore, and W. H. Stein, J. Biol. Chem. 235, 633 (1960)]
47) Pig intestinal calcium-binding protein has 80 amino acids.
Residue 80 is Glutamine (Gln). The molecular weight is 9055 amu.
[Hofmann T, Kawakami M, Hitchman AJ, Harrison JE, Dorrington KJ,
Canadian Journal of Biochemistry 57, 737-48 (1979)]
48) Bacteriophage T4 internal protein I has 80 amino acids.
Residue 80 is Leucine (Leu). The molecular weight is 8489 amu.
[Isobe T, Black LW, Tsugita A.,
Journal of Molecular Biology 110, 165-177 (1977)]
49) Type V β-turns in proteins have dihedral angles:
φ2 = -80o, ψ2 = 80o, φ3 = 80o, ψ3 = -80o
Type V' β-turns in proteins have dihedral angles:
φ2 = 80o, ψ2 = -80o, φ3 = -80o, ψ3 = 80o
421 β-turns were found in 26 proteins of known X-ray structure.
Of these 3 belonged to Type V and 4 to Type V' β-turns.
[P.Y. Chou & G.D. Fasman, Journal of Molecular Biology 115, 135-175 (1977)]
50) Bend Positional Potentials in 29 proteins:
Tryptophan (Trp): Pt1 = 0.80
Tryptophan (Trp): Pt3 = 0.80
Arginine (Arg): Pt4 = 0.80
[from Table 4 (p. 160) of P.Y. Chou & G.D. Fasman,
Journal of Molecular Biology 115, 135-175 (1977)]
51) Messier M80 is a fine 8th mag globular galaxy. Its 10' angular diameter corresponds to roughly 95 light years linear dimension at its distance of 27,400 light years. Its appearance resembles very much that of a comet. This dense stellar swarm contains several 100,000s of stars, held together by their mutual gravitational attraction. It is one of the densest globulars in our Milky Way Galaxy. As was found by astronomers from observations with the Hubble Space Telescope in 1999 in the visible and UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum, M80 contains a large number of so-called "Blue Stragglers" in its core, about twice as much as any other globular investigated with the HST. Globular cluster M80 was one of the original discoveries of Charles Messier, who found it on January 4, 1780, and cataloged it as a "Nebula without a star... resembling the nucleus of a comet." William Herschel was the first to resolve it (before 1785), and found it was "one of the richest and most compressed clusters of small stars I remember to have seen."
52) The 78 km diameter Asteroid 80 Sappho had an occultation with a 9.6 mag star
in the constellation Taurus visible across New Zealand on Nov. 17, 2004.
Asteroid 80 Sappho was discovered by N. R. Pogson on May 2, 1864

Rose Gaujard
53) Rose Gaujard
      Bred in France, 1957
        Hybrid Tea, Large-flowered
        (Peace x Seedling)
        Cherry red; pink reverse
        Glossy leathery leaves

      80 petals

54) Lanceolate Red Lotus
      Lotus cultivars
        16 cm diameter
        Double, lanceolate

      80 petals

Pizhen Hong Lotus
55) Volume 80 of Nature (1909)— A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science
was published by Macmillan & Co., London (March to June 1909), pp. 1-480
Wordsworth epigraph on cover: "To the solid ground
Of Nature trusts the mind which builds for aye."

Three interesting articles in Nature 80:
1) Andrew C. Lawson, "The California Earthquake of 1906"
    Nature 80, 10-11 (March 4, 1909):
This is a summary of the "Report of the State Earthquake Investigation Commission"
(Carnegie Institution, Washington, 1908). Fig. 1 shows the rift features south-east
of Fort Ross. Fig. 2 shows ponds along rift near San Benito.
2) John G. McKendrick, "The Gramophone as a Phonautograph"
    Nature 80, 188-191 (April 15, 1909)
It is well know that during the last few years the gramophone
(invented by Berliner in 1887), in is more complete and expensive forms,
has been so much improved as to have completely eclipsed the phonograph.
It is now an instrument that not only records pitch and intensity, but also
quality to a surprising degree, so that one can listen to orchestral music
in which the quality of each musical instrument is rendered with much fidelity,
and also to the fine voices of many of the most celebrated vocalists of the day...
An inspection of the curves so obtained of a voice or of an orchestra only makes
the performance of a gramophone more wonderful and more difficult to understand.
We see a long series of waves of various forms which the eye cannot follow;
but when these waves appeal to the ear, then music starts into life.
Each sense has its own beat.
3) Frederick Soddy, "The Production of Radium from Uranium"
    Nature 80, 308-309 (May 13, 1909):
I have now been able to establish the production of radium in all the solutions
of very carefully purified uranyl nitrate prepared by Mr. T. D. Mackensie and
myself... That the initial rate of production of radium from uranium should
vary according to the square of the time was deduced mathematically by Rutherford
on the assumption that there was only one intermediate substance of period of life
long compared with the time of the experiment in the uranium-radium series.
56) Volume 80 of Science (1936)— a Weekly Journal devoted
to the Advancement of Science was published by
The Science Press, New York (July-December 1934), pp. 1-622
Edited by J. McKeen Cattell; Interesting articles in this volume:
1) Lord Rutherfold of Nelson
    "The New Hydrogen", Science 80 21-25 (July 13, 1934)
    [Lecture on heavy hydrogen of mass 2.0136; heavy water with MW= 20;
    freezing point = 3.8oC, boiling point =101.42 oC]
2) Joel H. Hildebrand (U.C. California)
    "The Liquid State", Science 80, 125-133 (August 10, 1934)
    [Not a treastise on corporation finance or the wetness of the post-prohibition era,
    but on the physical chemistry of molecules in solution, their polar & non-polar forces]
3) H. M. MacDonald, "Theories of Light"
    Science 80, 233-238 (August 10, 1934)
    [Historical survey of views on light from Empedocles, Aristotle,
    Newton, Huygens, Fresnel, Lagrange, Green, Faraday, Maxwell]
57) Volume 80 of Scientific American (1899)— a Weekly Journal of Practical
Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufacturers
published weekly by Munn & Co., 361 Broadway, New York
(No. 1-25, Jan. 7-June 24, 1899), pp. 1-418 [Stanford Library: T1.S5N.S.V80.1899]
Interesting articles in Volume 80:
1) "The Giant Wheel of Paris"
    Scientific American, LXXX, 7 (Jan. 7, 1899)
    [Ferris wheel: 305 feet diameter, 2.382 million lbs, 40 cars
    capable of accomodating 30 persons, estimated load 1167 tons.]
2) "The Telltale Plummet in the Washington Monument"
    Scientific American, LXXX, 122 (Feb. 25, 1899)
    [Longest plumb line suspended with free swing of 510 feet,
    measuring the "breathing" of this 81,120 ton mass of stone.]
3) Bicycle and Automobile Number
    Scientific American, LXXX, 291-322 (May 13, 1899)
    [Vintage photos & drawings of bicycles & automobiles]
4) "The Snake Dance of the Mokis-I"
    Scientific American, LXXX, 403, 408-409 (Feb. 25, 1899)
    [Hopi religious ceremony, Tusayan, Northern Arizona.
    The chief received the spider woman, and said:
    "I cause the rain clouds to come and go
    And I make the ripening winds to blow;
    I direct the going and coming of all the mountain animals.
    Before you return to the earth you will desire of me many things,
    Freely ask of me and you shall abundantly receive."
58) Volume 80 of Journal of Molecular Biology (1973)
was published by Academic Press, London & New York
(Oct. 15, 1973 to Nov. 15, 1973), pp. 1-664
Published three times a month at 24-28 Oval Road, London
NW1 7DX, England by Academic Press, Inc. (London)
Editor-in-Chief: J. C. Kendrew
Four interesting articles on protein structures in this volume:
1) Elton P. Katz & Shu-Tung Li
    "Structure and Function of Bone Collagen Fibrils"
    J. Mol. Biol. 80, 1-15 (1973)
2) Barry Honig, Elvin A. Kabat, Lou Katz, Cyrus Levinthal, and Tai Te Wu
    "Model-building of Neurohypophyseal Hormones"
    J. Mol. Biol. 80, 277-295(1973)
3) J.R. Herriot, K.D. Watenpaugh, L.C. Sieker, and L.H. Jensen
    "Sequence of Rubredoxin by X-Ray Diffraction"
    J. Mol. Biol. 80, 423-432 (1973)
4) G.E. Schulz, K. Biedermann, W. Kabasch, & R.H. Schirmer
    "Low Resolution Structure of Adenylate Kinase
    J. Mol. Biol. 80, 857-864 (1973)
59) Life expectancy for people over 80 years old is greater in the United States
than it is in Sweden, France, England, or Japan, according to this 1995 paper:
Kenneth G. Manton & James W. Vaupel,
"Survival after the Age of 80 in the United States, Sweden, France, England, and Japan"
New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 333, 1232-1235 (November 2, 1995)
60) Lockheed's F-80 Shooting Star was the first USAF aircraft
to exceed 500 mph in level flight. It was primarily a fighter-bomber
with wingspan of 38 feet 10 inches, length 34 feet 6 inches.
On Nov. 8, 1950, an F-80C jet flown by Lt. Russell J. Brown shot down
a Russian-built MIG-15, the world's first all-jet fighter air battle.
61) Arado Ar 80 was a pre-World War II fighter aircraft design by
Arado Flugzeugwerke, designed to compete for the Luftwaffe's first fighter contract.
62) IAR 80 was a Romanian World War II fighter aircraft,
one of the few fighters from a "smaller player" in the conflict
that proved to be as good as the enemy planes it faced.
63) T-80 is a Soviet Main Battle Tank. A development of the T-64, It was
first produced in 1983 and was the first production tank to be equipped with a gas
turbine engine. The latest version, T-84, continues to be produced in Ukraine.
The T-80 are in service in Cyprus, Pakistan, Russia, South Korea, and Ukraine.
64) IBM 80 Electric Punched Card Sorting Machine, was introduced by IBM
in 1925. It was almost twice the speed of the older IBM 70 sorter and
used an entirely new magnetically operated horizontal sorting design.
At the close of 1943, IBM had 10,200 of these units on rental.
65) TRS-80 was the designation for several lines of microcomputer systems
produced by the Tandy Corporation and sold through its Radio Shack stores
in the late-1970s and 1980s. Before its January 1981 discontinuation,
Tandy sold more than 250,000 TRS-80 Model I's.
66) 80 is the standard TCP/IP port number for http connection
on the World Wide Web assigned by IANA
67) 80A, 80B, 80C photographic filters correct
for excessive redness under tungsten lighting.
80 in Mythology & History
68) The 80th day of the year (non-leap year) = March 21
[Musical comedy producer, Florenz Ziegfeld (1869-1932) was born on March 21, 1869;
Swiss saint, Nicholas von Flue (1417-1487), born March 21, 1417, died March 21, 1487;
German composer, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) born March 21, 1685]
69) The 80th day of the year (leap year) = March 20
[American efficiency expert, Frederick W. Taylor (3/20/1856 - 3/21/1915) born on March 20, 1856;
Roman poet, Ovid (43 BC-17 AD) was born on March 20, 43 BC (Ovid Project);
French sculptor, Jean-Antoine Houdon (1741-1828) was born on March 20, 1741;
Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) was born on March 20, 1828;
American educator, Charles William Eliot (1834-1926) was born on March 20, 1834]
70) 80 B.C.— The Roman dictator Sulla halts public distribution of free grain.
James Trager (Ed.), The People's Chronology (1979), p. 30
71) 80 A.D.— Anthrax sweeps the Roman Empire in epidemic form,
killing thousands of humans and animals. Anthrax also strikes the cattle
and horses of tribespeople on the borders of China. Some 30,000 Asian tribespeople
migrate to the west, joining with Iranian tribespeople and with Mongols from the
Siberian forests to form a group that will be known in Europe as the Huns.

Roman epigrammatic poet, Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis, 40-103 AD)
wrote Liber de Spectaculis (Book on Spectacles)
to commemorate the dedication of the Roman Colosseum.

The Roman Colosseum dedicated by the emperor Titus is a great Flavian amphitheater with solid masonry walls rising 160 feet above the ground and with 50,000 marble seats around the 617x513-foot oval arena built above its basements and subbasements. During the three months of celebration, Emperor Titus has 500 wild beasts and many gladiators slain to entertain the populace.
James Trager (Ed.), The People's Chronology (1979), pp. 38-39

The Roman control of Scotland runs from AD 80 to AD 367,
when heavy attacks by Picts caused the Empire to lose or
give up Southern Scotland and retreat behind Hadrian's Wall.
72) At Age 80:
"Cato learned Greek at 80 years." — Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journal, 8-31-1873
Pope Gregory XIII (1502-1585), Italian Pope
established the Gregorian calendar (1582) as used today.
André-Hercule de Fleury (1653-1742), French Cardinal
continues as First Minister of France (1733) under King Louis XV.
Prince Charles Maurice de Talleyrand (1754-1838), French diplomat
resigns as French Ambassador to London (1830-1834).
He served under Louis XVI, Napoleon I, Louis XVIII, & Louis-Philippe.
Roger Brooke Taney (1777-1864), U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice (1836-1864)
made judgment in the Dred Scott case (1857). He was Secretary of the Treasury
(1833-1834) under President Andrew Jackson. He appeared in a 80¢ Revenue stamp (1942).
Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892), British poet laureate (1850-1892),
publishes poem "Crossing the Bar" (1889)
Samuel Finley Breeze Morse (1781-1872), U.S. inventor of the telegraph—
For his 80th birthday in 1871 a statue was unveiled in Central Park on June 10th,
with 2000 telegraphists present. Morse was not, but was that evening at the
Academy of Music for an emotional acclamation of his work.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), Austrian neurologist, father of psychoanalysis.
He writes about his 80th birthday celebration (1936): "What is the
secret meaning of celebrating the big round numbers of one's life? Surely
a measure of triumph over the transitoriness of life, which, as we never
forget, is ready to devour us. Then one rejoices with a sort of communal
feeling that we are not made of such frail stuff as to prevent one of us
victoriously resisting the hostile effects of life for 60, 70, or even 80 years."

Freud in fact resists until 83.
Grandma Moses (1860-1961), has her first solo art show (1940)
She started serious work in her 70s and paints for another 20 years.
Winston Churchill (1874-1965), resigns as British Prime Minister
(1939-1945, 1951-1955) for the second and last time (April 1955).
His 80th birthday is a national celebration. Churchill continues
to appear in the House of Commons until 89, and lives until 90.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Swiss psychoanalyst, death of his wife Emma (1955).
They have been married for 52 years. In his bereavement, Jung takes up a project
in stone— he carves on three stone tablets the names of his male relatives,
his paternal ancestors, and his son's sons. The series begins with the motto
from Delphi— "Called or not called, God will be present."
Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967), 1st Chancellor of the Federal Republic
of Germany continues his reign in office (1956). His 4th Ministry ended
on October 16, 1963 at the age of 87.
Havergal Brian (1876-1972), British composer
composes 22 symphonies from 80 onward (1956).
His 32nd Symphony was finished at age 92 (1968).
Pablo Casals (12/29/1876-10/22/1973), Spanish cellist & conductor
marries his 20 year-old pupil, Maria Montanex (1957). Together
they went on to develop the Casals Festival (1957).
Pope John XXIII (1881-1963), Italian Pope inaugurated
the liberalism of the Second Vatican Council (1962)
Leopold Stokowski (1882-1977), British-U.S. conductor
injures his leg while playing football with his grandson,
but continues conducting in New York, Philadelphia, and London
in the same year (1962). At 80, he is the founder of the
American Symphony Orchestra.
Samuel Eliot Morison (1882-1977), American historian
publishes The European Discovery of America (1967)
His next book at age 82 is on Samuel de Champlain.
Boris Karloff (11/23/1887-2/2/1969), British actor, stars in the
film Targets (1968) directed by Peter Bogdanovich. (Filmography)
Maurice Chevalier (1888-1972), French singer & film star
makes his final farewell tour (1968). He starred in
the film Gigi (1958) at the age of 70, and sang the title song
of the Disney movie The Aristocrats (1970) at age 82. (Filmography).
Josef Albers (1888-1976), German-born Americanm artist
continues his work on Homage to the Square (1968).
He says, "That's my secret— stay a student and don't get old."
Friedrich August von Hayek (1889-1992), Anglo-Austrian economist,
writes his 54th book (1979). Wins Nobel Prize in economics (1974).
Jack Warner (1892-1978), U.S. film executive, Warner Brothers Studios
produced 1776, a film version of the Broadway musical
and Dirty Little Billy about Billy the Kid in 1972.
Arthur Fiedler (1894-1979), U.S. musical conductor
continues as the conductor of the Boston Pops Orchestra (1974).
John George Diefenbaker (1895-1979), Canadian Prime Minister (1957-1963)
continues as a member of the Canadian Parliament (1976).
Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983), U.S. engineer, architect, author
publishes his magnum opus: Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking (1975).
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), Indian philosopher continues
writing and lecturing in India, California, NY, Switzerland (1975). Timeline
Ruth Gordon (1896-1985), U.S. stage and film actress,
starred in the film The Big Bus and two TV movies
the Great Houdini and Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby.
Henry Moore (1898-1986), British sculptor, has a large exhibition
in Kensington Gardens, London (1978), a retrospective and work in progress.
Hans Feibusch (1898-1998), German-British artist, has a 80th birthday show
of his paintings and sculpture (1978), put on by the Greater London Council.
At age 94, he renounced his adopted faith Christianity and returned to Judaism.
Feibusch's The Heat of Vision (1995)
Armand Hammer (1898-1990), U.S. industrialist, CEO, Occidental Petroleum
negotiates a giant chemical fertilizer deal between the West and Comecon (1978).
Asked for the secret of his success, he says: "Some people call me lucky,
but when you work between ten and fourteen hours per day for seven days
a week, you get lucky." On Nov. 11, 1994, Bill Gates buys Leonardo da Vinci's
Codex Hammer for $30 million and renames it Codex Leicester again. (On Exhibit)
King Sobuza II (1899-1982), continues in office as King of Swaziland (1979)
until his death (1982) as the longest reigning monarch in the world (60+ years).
Regarded as "The Lion", he has had 200 children with 70 wives.
Lord Alfred Denning (1899-1999), British barrister
continues as Master of the Rolls (1979). On his 80th birthday,
he publishes The Discipline of the Law which sells well.
Hyman George Rickover (1900-1986), U.S. Naval Admiral continues
in charge of the U.S. Navy's nuclear submarine program (1979).
U. K. Kekkonen (1901-1986), continues as President of Finland (1980)
Finland celebrates his 80th birthday with a 50 markkaa coin.
Patrick Moore (born March 4, 1923), British astronomer & writer,
celebrates his 80th birthday on March 4, 2003 by publishing
his autobiography Eighty, Not Out (Contender Books, London).
Guinness Book of Records for longest running TV series "Sky at Night"
Nadine Gordimer (born Nov. 20, 1923), South African writer,
Nobel Laureate in Literature (1991) publishes her 33rd book
Loot and Other Stories (2003), serves as UN's Goodwill Ambassador
(2004), and collaborates in anti-AIDS book Telling Tales (2005).
[Sources: Jeremy Baker, Tolstoy's Bicycle (1982), pp. 485-493;
World Almanac Book of Who (1980); Linked Internet sources]
73) The Eighty Years' War or Dutch Revolt from 1568 to 1648 was the secession war
in which the proto-Netherlands first became an independent country. In 1568,
William The Silent of Orange led the revolt against King Philip II of Spain who
ruled the low countries. Philip sent the Duke of Alva to crush the rebellion.
In spite of Philip's death in 1598 the war went on. In the last 30 years the 80 Years'
War coincides with the Thirty Years' War. German emperial troops helped the
Spaniards and the German protestants were supported by the Dutch Republic.
On January 30, 1648, the war ended with the Treaty of Münster, which was
part of the Peace of Westphalia that also ended the Thirty Years' War.
74) Manfred von Richthofen, or the Red Baron, was Germany's greatest ace pilot,
with 80 victories to his credit. (Timeline, Death)
75) Stanford Bronze Plaque 80 on the ground to the right of Stanford University's Memorial Church is dedicated to the Class of 1980. It is near Building 70 for Buddhist Studies & Religious Studies. Geographically it is at the southwest corner of the Main Quad. The first graduating class at Stanford was 1892. In 1980, Stanford Provost Don Kennedy strolled around the Inner Quad and calculated that it would take 512 years for the bronze class plaques embedded in the walkways to circle the entire area ending with the Class of 2403.
80 in Geography
76) Cities located at 80o longitude:
Charleston, South Carolina: 79o 56' W longitude & 32o 47' N latitude
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 80o 0' W longitude & 40o 26' N latitude
Roanoke, Virginia: 79o 57' W longitude & 37o 33' N latitude
Guayaquil, Equador: 79o 53' W longitude & 2o 0' N latitude
Madras, India: 80o 15' E longitude & 13o 4' N latitude
Panama City, Panama: 79o 33' W longitude & 8o 58' N latitude
Colombo, Sri Lanka: 79o 52' E longitude & 6o 54' N latitude
77) North Pole Expeditions: Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) and his vessel Fram
crossed the Laptev Sea to the New Siberian Islands at 78o50'N, 133o37'E
on September 22, 1893, and three days later was firmly frozen in.
By February 2, 1894 Fram was north of 80o North latitude and 132o10'E.
(Nansen Biography, Scientist & Humanitarian, 1922 Nobel Peace Laureate)
Norway issued a set of stamps (Scott #596-598) on Sept. 20, 1972 honoring
Polar Exploration Ships. The 80 öre value (Scott #597) in red & black shows
Fritjof Nansen's ship Fram. Canada issued a 49¢ stamp in March 2004
honoring the Fram's polar expedition. Two other joint stamp issues—BR> Norway 6 krone: Norwegian polar explorer Otto Sverdrup (1854-1930) and
Greenland 17.50 krone: 1888-89 East-West crossing of the Greenland icecap.
(William J. Mills, Exploring Polar Frontiers: A Historical Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, 2003, p. 445)
78) Eighty Mile Beach is the length of a beach in northwestern Western Australia,
bordering the Indian Ocean. Extending in a curve northeast from Cape Keraudren
(east of the De Grey River mouth) to Cape Bossut, it is about 85 miles (140 km) long.
79) 80 is not used as a code for international direct dial phone calls.
(Other codes: 81 = Japan, 82 = South Korea, 84 = Vietnam)
However, a universal international freephone number (UIFN)
is a worldwide toll free "800 number" issued by the ITU.
80) 80 is used as the country ISBN code for books from the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Interstate 80 is 2904 miles long, the 2nd-longest interstate highway
in the U.S. It goes from San Francisco, Calif. at US Highway 101
in the west to Fort Lee, New Jersey at Interstate 95 in the east.
It passes through 11 statesCalifornia, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming,
Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey.
The longest stretch is 455 miles through Nebraska.
Shortest is 68 miles through New Jersey, constructed 1951-1973.
82) E-80 is the European Highway from Lisbon, Portugal to Gürbulak, Turkey
It is the shortest route between the Atlantic Ocean (Lisbon) and Asia Minor.
Turkey: E-80 highway connects Istanbul to eastern Anatolia & Black Sea and passes Cankiri.
E-80 Route: Lisbon - San Sebastián - Toulouse - Nice - Genova - Rome - Pescara -
Dubrovnik - Pristina - Sofia - Istanbul - Izmir - Gerede - Amasya - Erzurum - Gürbulak
83) King's Highway 80
ran for 69.6 km (43.2 miles)
in Southern Ontario, Canada
from 1937-1997.
Western Terminus:
St. Clair Parkway junction in Courtright;
Eastern Terminus:
Highway 2 junction at Stratburn
84) 80th Street/Hudson Street is a 3-tracks, 2-side platforms station
in the IND Fulton Street subway line in New York City. It is between
the Grant Avenue station and 88th Street/Boyd Avenue station.
85) Delacorte Theater located at mid-Central Park and 80th Street, is home
to the Public Theater and New York Shakespeare Festival. Every summer,
it offers open-air performances of Shakespeare plays free of charge.
However, there is always a long wait of several hours for the tickets.
86) Zabar's located on 80th Street and Broadway
is a gourmet food shop. Zagat 2003 New York City Marketplace Survey
calls them "the best of the best" and was rated the "#1 Major Gourmet Market."
87) Moscow International Business Center will be an 80 storeys tall skyscraper.
Not far from the Kremlin, the 80-story building will have 50 floors
of Class A commercial space. A shared sky lobby will provide amenities
to the offices below and the upper 20-floors of luxury apartments.
88) The Fringe Building is a proposed 800-feet tall building
that would tower 80-storeys in downtown Vancouver, Canada.
It would occupy a full city block, with a titanium clamshell theatre
at the base and thousands of feet of high-tensile steel cable running
at an angle from top to street-level to make it look like a harp.
89) Building 80 on the Stanford University campus houses the Program in Human Biology.
It is located at the southwest corner of the Inner Quad. On the ground in front
of the building are bronze numerical plaques dedicated to the Classes of 1989-2004.
80 in Sports & Games
90) Baseball's 80th World Series (1983): Baltimore Orioles defeats Philadelphia Phillies 4-1
Near neighbors Baltimore and Philadelphis met in a World Series for the first time.
The Phillies won the first game 2-1 in Baltimore. But the Orioles swept the next
four games 4-1, 3-2, 5-4, and 5-0. Homeruns by Rick Dempsey and Eddie Murray
(who hit 2) accounted for four of Baltimore's five runs in the final game,
as Scott McGregor pitched a five-hit shutout.
Total Baseball, 4th Ed., Viking, NY (1995), p. 409
91) Five players are tied for 62nd place with 80 stolen bases in a season: Emmett Seery (1888),
Hugh Nicol (1889), Bob Bescher (1911), Rickey Henderson (1985), Eric Davis (1986)
Total Baseball, 4th Ed., Viking, NY (1995), p. 2310
92) Rickey Henderson had his 80th stolen base (2nd base)
against Doyle Alexander of the New York Yankees on 7-8-1982
when he set the season stolen base record of 130 in 1982.
93) Christy Mathewson is third in pitching 80 shutouts in a lifetime.
[#1 Walter Johnson (110), #2 Grover Alexander (90), #4 Cy Young (76)]
The Baseball Encyclopedia, 8th Ed., Macmillan, NY (1990), p. 46
94) Bill Campbell and Gary Lavelle are tied for 14h place in pitching 80 relief wins in a lifetime.
[#1 Hoyt Wilhelm (124), #2 Lindy McDaniel (119), #3 Rollie Fingers (107)]
The Baseball Encyclopedia, 8th Ed., Macmillan, NY (1990), p. 47
95) 80th Wimbledon Mens Tennis: M.M. Santana (Spain) beats R.D. Ralston (USA)
(6-4, 11-9, 6-4) on July 5, 1966.
96) 80th Wimbledon Womens Tennis: Billie Jean King beats Chris Evert (6-0, 7-5) on July 7, 1973.
97) 80th Kentucky Derby was won by Determine in 2:03
with Jockey Raymond York aboard (May 1, 1954).
98) 80th Preakness Stakes was won by Hasty Road in 1:57.4
with Jockey Johnny Adams aboard (May 22, 1954).
99) 80th Belmont Stakes was won by Citation in 2:28.2
with Jockey Eddie Arcaro aboard (June 12, 1948) to win the Triple Crown.
100) 80th U.S. Golf Open: Jack Nichlaus shoots a 272
to win at the Baltusrol Golf Course, New Jersey (June 15, 1980)
101) Jerry Rice wore uniform #80
as the wide receiver for the
San Francisco 49ers (1985-2000),
Oakland Raiders (2001-2003),
and Seattle Seahawks (2004).
NFL's career leader in
combined net yards of 23,351
1986 Topps Football Card #161
Jerry Rice Rookie Card
80 in Coins, Collectibles, & Postage Stamps
British Crown (25 pence)
commemorating the 80th Birthday of
Elizabeth the Queen Mother (born Aug. 4, 1900):
issued by Great Britain in Aug. 4, 1980
Obverse: Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II
Reverse: Queen Mother in center surrounded
by radiating pattern of 12 bows and 4 lions
38.61 mm diameter; 28.28 grams weight
103) 80th Anniversary Jubilee Coins:
"80 Years of Declaration of Ukrainian
People's Republic Independence"

2 Hryvnia German silver coin, 31 mm diameter,
in circulation since March 20, 1998.
"80th Anniversary of the Battle of Kruty"
"80 Years of Declaration of Unification of Ukraine"
200 Sk Silver Coin
commemorating the 80th Anniversary of
the birth of Alexander Dubcek (1921-1992):
issued by Slovak Republic in 2001
Obverse: Coat of arms & young oak tree
Reverse: Portrait of Alexander Dubcek
Edge: Ludskost Sloboda Demokracia
          (Humanity Freedom Democracy)
105) Finland Euro Coin
The artist Pertti Maekinen created a motif
depicting two flying swans for this coin.
The designs were taken from his
competition entry for a 2002 coin
to commemorate the 80th Anniversary
of the independence of Finland (1922-2002)
Reverse side: 1 Euro & Map of Europe.
106) 80th Anniversary
of the Royal Air Force

First Day Cover
(May 7, 1998) showing
Guernsey #631 "Spitfire"
30 pence stamp and
1998 Guernsey £5 coin
107) Card #80 of Wings: 202 Civil Airline Transport (Topps 1952)
108) Card #80 of World on Wheels: Pierce Stanhope 1905 (Topps 1953)
109) Card #80 of Flags of the World: United Nations (Topps 1956)
110) Card #80 of Davy Crockett (Orange Back Series) is "Bowie's Last Stand".
Card #80A of Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontiers (Topps 1956)
is "Texas Triumph" with Texas Flag waving (last card of Green Series)
111) 80th Edition of Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
was published in 1924 by Scott Stamp & Coin Company
33 West 44th Street, New York. The 1408-page cloth bound
edition sold for $1.50; The thumb-indexed copy sold for $2.
The 160th Edition was published in 6 volumes (2004)
[Stanford Library: HE 6226.S48]
112) United States #C46: 80¢ airmail
showing Diamond Head, Hawaii.
Air parcel post rate per lb.
from Hawaii to the mainland.
Issued on March 26, 1952; Rotary Press;
Color: bright red violet
Printing: 18,876,800 issued.
Elena Marzulla (Editor),
Pictorial Treasury of U.S. Stamps (1974), p. 192.
113) United States #C137: 80¢ airmail
showing Mt. McKinley, Alaska.
Self-Adhesive definitive stamp
for an international rate
Issued on April 17, 2001;
Avery Dennison printed
85 million copies
in panes of 20.
114) United States #RD126: 80¢ Internal Revenue stamp
used from 1942-1952 for stock transfer.
The year of current use being
designated by an overprint.
The bright green stamp depicts Roger B. Taney,
President Andrew Jackson's Secretary of the Treasury in 1833.
In 1836, Jackson appointed him as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Elena Marzulla (Ed.), Pictorial Treasury of U.S. Stamps (1974), p. 207.
115) Postage Stamps with Denominations of 80 (Scott# cited; Click stamp for additional info)
Note: Stamps were scanned or downloaded from the web & resized in same proportion as originals.
Some stamps were retouched in Adobe Photoshop for brightness/contrast, centering, or perforations.

Albania #1057—
80 qintar
Man & Woman, Dropullit
Issued August 25, 1967
Regional costumes
Set of 8 values
(Scott #1051-1058)
Bulgaria #1135—
80 stotinki
Woman with candle
Yellow, slate green & pink
Issued Jan. 28, 1961
Regional costumes
Set of 6 values
(Scott #1130-1135)
Bulgaria #1060—
80 stotinki
Ballet Dancers
Bright green
Issued August 29, 1959
to publicize the 7th
International Youth
Festival in Vienna
(Scott #1056-1061)
Bulgaria #1182— 80 stotinki
Tom Thumb & rooster.
Ochre, black & dark carmine
Issued October 10, 1961.
Set of 6 (Scott #1177-1182)
Scenes from Fairy Tales
Denmark #136a—
Inverted frame
80 öre
in black on
#46 Coat of Arms
12 öre
rose carmine
Issued 1915
Denmark #427— 80 öre
Holte Allée, Bregentved
Dark blue
Issued June 16, 1966
to publicize the
preservation of
national treasures
& ancient monuments
Set of 3 (Scott #426-428)
China #1355— 80¢
Emperor T'ai Tsung
T'ang Dynasty
Issued Sept. 20, 1962
Lowest value
of 4-value set
(Scott #1355-1358)
China #1428— 80¢
Hsü Kuang Chi
Color: Indigo
Issued Nov. 8, 1964
to honor the scholar
and statesman of
the Ming Dynasty
Czechoslovakia #1508:
80 haleru
Cyprian Majernik
Don Quixote
Issued in sheets of 4
on Nov. 13, 1967
Painting Issue
5-value set
(Scott #1507-1511)
Czechoslovakia #1590:
80 haleru
Jan Preisler
Black Lake
Man & Horse
Issued in sheets of 4
on Nov. 29, 1968
Painting Issue
5-value set
(Scott #1589-1593)
Czechoslovakia #1356:
80 haleru
Corn Poppy
Issued Dec. 3, 1965
Medicinal Plants
7-value set
(Scott #1354-1360)
Czech #1621:
80 haleru
Mattháus Meriam
Groom & Horse
Violet brown
April 24, 1969
Engravings of horses
(Scott #1620-1624)
Czechoslovakia #2262:
80 haleru
Antique Clock
Issued October 1, 1979
18th Century Clocks
5-value set
(Scott #2260-2264)
Egypt #730:
80 milliemes
Pharaonic Dress
dark brown, blue, bright rose
Issued January 2, 1968
Egyptian Pharaonic Dress
3-value set
(Scott #728-730)
Egypt #C22:
80 milliemes
Plane over Giza Pyramids
Olive brown
& blue green
Issued 1933
(Scott #C5-25)
Egypt #C117:
80 milliemes
Back of Tutankhamen's
Throne & UN Emblem

Blue & yellow
Issued Oct. 24, 1967
to commemomorate UN's
22nd anniversary
France #696—
80 centimes
Coat of Arms: Berri
blue, red, yellow
Issued 1953
French provinces
6-value set
(Scott #694-699)
France #735—
80 centimes
Coat of Arms: Nivernaisi
blue, red, yellow
Issued 1954
French provinces
7-value set
(Scott #733-739)
France #784—
80 centimes
Coat of Arms: Roussillon
brown, yellow, red
Issued Nov. 19, 1955
French provinces
4-value set
(Scott #782-785)
France #1599—
80 centimes
Issued 1978
Tourist Issue
7-value set
(Scott #1598-1604)
History & Photos
France #B87A—
80 centimes
+ 10 centimes

Claude Debussy
Brown violet
Issued 1940
Set of 7 (B86-89A)
Surcharge to aid
unemployed intellectuals

France #CB1—
50 fr + 30 fr =
80 francs

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Violet brown
Issued 1948
Set of 2
(Scott #CB1-2)

Germany #362— 80 pfennings
Self-Portrait (1500)
by Albrecht Dürer
Issued 1926-1927
Set of 12 (Scott #351-362)

Sweden #406— 80 öre
August Strindberg (1849-1912)
Olive green
Issued Jan. 22, 1949
for birth centernary
of Swedish playwright
Set of 3 (Scott #404-406)

Greece #401—
80 lepta
Venus de Melos
Indigo & yellow brown
Issued Nov. 1, 1937
set of 13
(Scott #396-408)

Greece #1711—
80 drachma
Terpsichore, Polyhymnia
& Melpomeme
Issued March 11, 1991
3-value set of 9 Muses
(Scott #1710-1712)

Gabon #290— 80 franc
Louis Pasteur
Deep orange, purple, & green
Issued May 15, 1972
to honor the 150th
birth anniversary of
Pasteur (1822-1895)
scientist & bacteriologist

Mali #180—
80 franc
Mali woman in
ceremonial robe
Issued June 14, 1971
5-value set
Costumes of Mali
(Scott #156-160)

Guinea #370—
80 francs
Bassari dancer
from Koundara
Issued Feb. 15, 1965
12-value set
of native costumes
(Scott #361-371, C68)

Guinea #432—
80 francs
Woman & Morning Glory
Issued May 30, 1966
13-value set
Native Women &
Guinea flowers
(Scott #422-432, C86-87)

Hungary #J225—
80 fillér (Issued 1953)
Numerals Postage Due
Numeral typo in black
Dull green background
18-value set (Scott #J210-227)

Hungary #J243—
80 fillér (Issued 1958)
Numerals Postage Due
Numeral typo in black
Red background
18-value set (Scott #J228-245)

Italy #601B— 80 lire
Leonardo da Vinci
Brown carmine
Issued 1952
to commemorate the 500th
anniversary of the birth
of Leonardo da Vinci
Italy #142— 80 lire
Mazzini's Tomb
Dark blue
Sept. 20, 1922
to commemorate
50th anniversary
of the death of
Giuseppi Mazzini
(1805-1872), writer
patriot, revolutionary

Israel #51— 80 prutot
Theodor Zeev Herrzl
Issued August 14, 1951
on the occasion of the
23rd Zionist Congress
in Jerusalem, Israel
August 1951
Japan #2759f— 80 yen
Sleeping Cat
Toshogu Shrine
World Heritage Sites I
Issued Feb. 23, 2001
10 stamps in
Souvenir Sheet
(Scott #2759)

Japan #1806c— 80 yen
La Paix
Veret Le Marinier Jean-Paul
World Heritage: 2nd Series
"Peace" Stamp Competition
Photogravure in 6 colors
Issued March 20, 2003
Part of 10-value set
souvenir sheet

Japan #C40— 80 yen
Kamakura Buddha
& airplane flying
high over Mt. Fuji
Color: Blue
Issued August 15, 1952
4-value airmail set
(Scott #C39-42)

Korea #525— 80 won
Unjin Miruk Buddha &
Kwanchok Temple
Slate green, lithographed
Issued August 20, 1966
Highest value
of 9-value set
(Scott #516-525)
Korea #1097— 80 won
Ceramic Horseman
Light brown & sepia
Excavated Gyeongju City
Silla Dynasty (400-500 A.D.)
National Museum of Seoul
National Treasure #91
Issued Sept. 15, 1977
(Scott #1088-1103)
Iraq #C23— 80 fils
Spiral Tower
Minaret of Samarra
Light olive green, multicolored
Issued Dec. 1, 1967
for International
Tourist Year 1967
10-value set
(Scott #452-456, C22-26)
Poland #3520— 80 groszy
to celebrate the
80th birthday of
Pope John Paul II
Blue green
Issued May 9, 2000
in sheets of 25
Designer: Cz. Stania
Ecuador #654— 80 centavos
Virgin of Quito
Dark carmine rose
Issued Sept. 8, 1959
5-value set
(Scott #651-655)
Korea #1479— 80 won
Issued Dec. 20, 1986
Birds Set of 5
(Scott #1477-1481)
Mexico #C332—
80 centavos
Heinrich Hertz &
James Clerk Maxwell
bright green & black
issued Nov. 15, 1967
Second International
Telecomunication Conference,
Mexico City, Oct. 30-Nov. 15, 1967
Netherlands #893— 80¢
Peter J. W. Debye
1936 Nobel in Chemistry
blue & multicolored
Issued Sept. 26, 1995
Nobel Laureates
of the Netherlands
(Scott #892-894)
Russia #594— 80 kopecks
Statue of Pushkin
Carmine rose
issued Feb-July 1937
to commemorate the
the death centennial of
Aleksander Pushkin
Writer & Poet
(Scott #596-595)
Ivory Coast #613—
80 francs
Fiat 1907
Issued Nov. 21, 1981
to commemorate the
75th Anniversary
of the Grand Prix
Slovakia #72—
80 hallerov
Dark brown
Issued May 23, 1942
for National Philatelic
Exhibition at Bratislava
Set of 4 (Scott #70-73)
Slovakia #90—
80 hallerov
Issued Sept. 5, 1943
Inauguration of new railroad
line between Presov & Strazska
Set of 4 (Scott #89-92)
Spain #852—
80 centimos
Archangel Gabriel
by Fra Angelico
(c. 1387-1455)
Dull green
Issued Oct. 12, 1956
for Stamp Day.
Painting from
Altarpiece of
the Annuciation

(circa 1430-1432)
Tempera on panel
Museo del Prado
Madrid, Spain
Spain #843—
80 centimos
Holy Family (1590)
by El Greco
Dark green
Issued Dec. 24, 1955
to celebrate

Painting from
National Gallery of Art
Washington, D.C.
Spain #872— 80 centimos
Goya by Vicente Lopez
Dark slate green
issued March 24, 1958
to honor Franciso
Jose de Goya

(1746-1828) and
for Stamp Day
March 24, 1958.
(Scott #867-876)
Spain #898— 80 centimos
Velazquez Self-Portrait.
Dark slate green stamp
issued March 24, 1959
to honor Velazquez
(1599-1660) and
for Stamp Day
March 24, 1959.
(Scott #893-902)
Velazquez paintings.
Spain #1218— 80 centimos
Fisher Woman of Valencia
by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
Bluish green
Issued March 24, 1964
to honor Sorolla
(1863-1923) and
for Stamp Day
March 24, 1964.
(Scott #1215-1224)
Spain #1175— 80 centimos
Fleet of Columbus
brown, green & gold
Issued June 4, 1963
to publicize the
Congress of Institutions
of Spanish Culture
June 5-15, 1963
(Scott #1174-1176)
Turkey #1814— 80 kurush
Lady Serving Wine
Safavi Miniature, Iran
yellow & multicolored
5th anniversary of signing
of Regional Cooperation
for Development Past by
Turkey, Iran, Pakistan
Issued July 21, 1969
3-value set
(Scott #1813-1815)

80 grivna
Boat with Flag
& Ukrainian Emblem
Lithograph set of 14
(1 gr to 200 gr)
Issued in 1920
but never placed
in use.

80 in Art, Books, Music, & Film
116) Woodblock Print 80
of 100 Views of Edo (1856-1858)
by Japanese painter & printmaker
Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858)
is titled "Kanasugi Bridge at Shibaura"
showing a seascape and a boat
with numerous banners & sails.
117) Krishna Print 80 shows "Sri Radha gazing at Sri Krishna"
from the Krishna Darshan Art Gallery featuring 122 paintings of Lord Krishna.
118) 80 in Quotations:
"Eighty percent of success is showing up"
Woody Allen (born 1935)
"a coachman may be on the very amicablest terms with eighty mile of females,
and yet nobody think that he ever means to marry any one among them."

Charles Dickens (1812-1870), Pickwick Papers, Ch. LII (1836)
"If only one were eighty!"
Count Friedrich von Wrangel (1784-1877)
"Toothless eighty"
Ebenezer Elliot (1781-1849), Poems (1835), p. 225
"My eightieth year warns me to pack up my baggage."
(Annus octogesimus admonet me, ut sarcinas conligam.)

Marcu Terentius Varro, De Re Rustica, Book I, Sec. 1 (c. 50 BC)
"Surely a wiser wish were thus expressed,
At eighty years let me be laid to rest."

Solon (c. 638-558 BC), Fragments, Frag. 20 (c. 600 BC)
119) Around the World in Eighty Days is a Jules Verne novel in 37 chapters.
Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts was published in 1872.
George Makepeace Towle did the English translation (1873). The book opens with the line:
"Mr. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens"
120) The word eighty appears on the cover of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.
The first edition of this novel was published by Secker & Warburg, London in 1949.
121) Eighty Years and More: Reminiscenes 1815-1897 by Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902)
was originally published by T. Fisher Unwin, London (1898)
Reprinted by Northeastern University Press, Boston, 1993
Introduction by Ellen Carol DuBois; Afterword by Ann D. Gordon
122) My First Eighty Years by Bernard Horwich (1861-)
is his autobiography published by Argus Books, Chicago (1939)
The book concludes with this inspiring anecdote:
In Berlin, on a Jewish holiday, Nazi officials invaded a synagogue
and demanded hidden arms. Pointing to the Ark holding the Holy Scrolls,
the Rabbi answered, "There you will find our hidden arms, the only weapons
the Jews possess." The verdict of the centuries is with these Rabbis.
"They that live by the sword shall perish by the sword." Prayer,
patience,endurance, education, are our only effective weapons.
[Stanford Library: E184 .J5 H67 1939]
123) Westward Ha or Around the World in Eighty Cliches by S. J. Perelman
Drawings by Al Hirschfeld. The veteran New Yorker columnist on a satiric romp
from Hollywood to China, Singapore, Thailand, India, Egypt, and cities in Europe.
Published by Simon & Schuster, NY (1948) and reprinted by Burford Books (1998)
124) Orpheus at Eighty by Vincent Sheean
was published by Random House, NY (1958)
It is a biography of Giuseppi Verdi (1813-1901)
125) The Eighty-Minute Hour: A Space Opera (1974) is a novel by Brian W. Aldiss (UK).
It opens in 1999, but it moves onwards and outwards to eagerly embrace
just about every science fiction cliché there is— and it's all wrapped up
in a nudge-nudge, wink-wink style. An over-the-top comic romp
which unfortunately fails to amuse. One of Aldiss's few duds.
(David Pringle, The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction, 2nd Ed.,
Scolar Press, Aldershot, UK, 1990, p. 117)
126) Borges at Eighty: Conversations was published by Indiana University Press (1982)
Edited with photography by Willis Barnstone, it contains much insights
of the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges on literature and life.
127) Eighty, An American Souvenir by Eric Sloane
was published by Dodd, Mead, NY (1985)
It's an autobiography of a painter.
128) Eighty Acres: Elegy for a Family Farm by Ronald Jager
was published by Beacon Press, Boston (1990)
The former philosophy professor at Yale, details the
Michigan family farm that he grew up on in the 1930s.
129) Mad Old Man Under the Morning Star (the poet at eighty)
by the South African poet Tatamkhulu Afrika (1920-2002)
was the Winner of the 2000 Sanlam Literary Award.
130) Don Quixote at Eighty is a book review of Norman Mailer's
The Spooky Art: Some Thoughts on Writing by John Leonard
(New York Review of Books, Vol. 50, March 13, 2003)
"Norman Mailer at age eighty, with an anthology of scars, tickles, slaps, and
winks for would-be writers and weary readersÜnot Aquarius but Gerontion,
an old man in a drafty house under a windy knob... But this grandiosity was
also why we rooted for him, our kamikaze Don Quixote and our Elvis..."
131) Volume 80 of Time Magazine (1st issue: March 3, 1923)
runs from July 6, 1962, LXXX, No. 1 (Cover: Korvette's Eugene Ferkauf)
to December 28, 1962, LXXX, No. 26 (Cover: Chrysler President Lynn Townsend)
132) Commonweal is a Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature and the Arts,
an independent journal of opinion edited and managed by lay Catholics.
Volume 80 of Commonweal
was edited by Edward S. Skillin, No. 1-21 (March 27-Sept. 18, 1964), pp. 1-646
Interesting articles in Volume LXXX include:
Wilfrid Sheed, "The Second Sex, Etc., Etc."
Vol. LXXX, No. 1, 15-16 (March 27, 1964)
[Critique of Simon de Beauvoir's Second Sex & Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique]
Thomas Merton, "Demythologizing Bishop Robinson: The 'Honest to God' Debate"
Vol. LXXX, No. 19, 573-578 (August 21, 1964)
[Critique of Bishop of Woolwich, J.A.T. Robinson's Honest to God:
Robinson ought to re-read Pseudo-Dionysius and Eckhart's sermon Beati Pauperes Spiritu]
133) Volume 80 of Esquire: The Magazine for Men
was edited by Harold P. Hayes, No. 1-6 (July-December 1973)
Interesting articles in Volume LXXX include:
Germaine Greer, "What Turns Women On?" (Women Issue)
Vol. LXXX, No. 1, 88-91, 150-152 (July 1973)
40th Anniversary Issue"
Vol. LXXX, No. 4, 124-150 (October 1973)
[Articles by F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, Hemingway]
134) Bolligen Series LXXX is Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy
translated with a commentary by Charles S. Singleton
Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey
Inferno (1970), Purgatorio (1973), Paradiso (1975)
135) Volume 80 of the Dictionary of Literary Biography
is titled "Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Dramatists, First Series"
Paula R. Backscheider (Ed.), Gale Research, Detroit, 1989
DLB 80 is the first of three series. Its 18 essays are to be followed
by 36 more in the 2nd & 3rd series, representing playwrights born between
Susannah Centlivre & William Congreve in 1670 and George Colman the Younger
and James Boaden in 1762. The present volume covers 18 playwrights born
between 1621 and 1666, including Roger Boyle, John Dryden, George Etherege,
Nathaniel Lee, Peter Anthony Motteux, Mary Pix, Nahum Tate, and George Villiers.
136) Volume 80 of the Shakespearean Criticism
covers the Criticism of William Shakespeare's
Plays and Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluations
Michael LaBlanc (Ed.), Thomson Gale, Farmington Hills, MI, 2004
This volume covers the theme of Marriage, As You Like It,
Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2, and Macbeth.
Volume 1 of this series was edited by Laurie Lanzen Harris (1984).
137) Volume 80 of the Literary Criticism from 1400 to 1800
covers the following writers: Nicolaus Cusanus,
The Federalist Papers, Mary Leapor, and George Sandys
Michael L. LaBlanc (Ed.), The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, MI, 2003
138) Volume 80 of the Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism
covers the following topics: The Irish Novel, 19th-Century Captivity Narratives,
The Sensational Novel, and The Well-Made Play.
Suzanne Dewsbury (Ed.), The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, MI, 1999
139) Volume 80 of the Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism
covers the following writers: Brooks Adams, Hart Crane, W. C. Fields,
Sarojini Naidu, Yone Noguchi, Jacob Riis, and Xavier Villaurrutia.
Jennifer Baise (Ed.), The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, MI, 1999
140) Volume 80 of the Contemporary Literary Criticism
covers the following writers: Tudor Arghezi, Luis Buñuel, Athol Fugard,
Donald Goines, Ernest Hemingway, Daniel Keyes, Carolyn Kizer, Richard Llewellyn,
Juan Rulfo, Nathalie Saurraute, E. F. Schumacher, Gary Soto, Christina Stead,
Desmond Tutu, and Orson Welles.
James P. Draper (Ed.), Gale Research Inc., Detroit, 1994
141) Volume 80 of Annual Report of the Dante Society (1962)
is published by the Dante Society of America
Cambridge, Massachusetts (1882-1965)
Continued as Dante Studies (since 1996)
Volume 80 includes two papers:
Renato Poggioli, "Dante Poco Tempo Silvano:
or a 'Pastoral Oasis' in the Commedia"BR>     Vol. 80, 1-20 (1962)
Anthony L. Pellegrini, "American Dante Bibliography for 1961",
    Vol. 80, 21-38 (1962)
Report of the Secretary Anthony J. De Vito:
Membership of Dante Society: 320
Libraries receiving Annual Report: 95
142) Volume 80 of Bulletin of Spanish Studies (No. 1-6, January-November 2003)
Founder-Editor: Edgar Allison Peers (1891-1952)
Current Editors: Ann L. MacKenzie, C.A. Longhurst, James Whiston
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Christina H. Lee, "The Rhetoric of Courtship in Lope de Vega's Novelas a Marcia Leonarda",
    Vol. LXXX, 13-31 (No. 1, January 2003)
Stephen Gregory, "Scheherazade and Eva Luna: Problems in Isabel Allende's Storytelling",
    Vol. LXXX, 81-101 (No. 1, January 2003)
Theresa Ann Sears, "Sight Unseen: Blindness, Form and Reform in the Spanish Picareque Novel",
    Vol. LXXX, 531-543 (No. 5, September 2003)
143) Volume 80 of Hispania (March-December 1997)
Edited by Estelle Irizarry, Washington D.C.
(Donald Bleznick, Editor-in-Chief, 1974-1983)
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Mark Richard Couture, "Golden Age Poetry in Lezama's Ah, que tú escapes"
    Vol. 80, 21-30 (March 1997)
Joseph A. Feustle, Jr., "Literature in Context: Hypertext and Teaching"
citing Jorge Luis Borges & Rubén Darío
    Vol. 80, 216-226 (May 1997)
144) Volume 80 of Journal of American History (No. 1-4, June 1993-March 1994)
A quarterly publication of the Organization of American Historians
Formerly The Mississippi Valley Historical Review
Editor: David Thelen (Indiana University)
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Peter N. Stearns, "Girls, Boys, and Emotions: Redefinitions and Historical Change",
    Vol. 80, 36-74 (No. 1, June 1993)
John Higham, "The Future of American History",
    Vol. 80, 1289-1309 (No. 4, March 1994)
Interviews by Casey Blake & Christopher Phelps,
"History as Social Criticism: Conversations with Christopher Lasch",
    Vol. 80, 1310-1332 (No. 4, March 1994)
145) The Journal of Philosophy was founded in 1904 as the
Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods
by Frederick J. E. Woodbridge & J. KcKeen Cattell. In 1923, the Journal
was incorportated in the State of New York under its present name.
Volume 80 of Journal of Philosophy (No. 1-12, Jan.-Dec. 1983)
Editor: Bernard Berofsky, Arthur C. Danto, Hide Ishiguro, Isaac Levi,
Mary Mothersill, Sidney Morgenbesser, Charles D. Parsons, James J. Walsh
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Ruth Barcan Marcus, "Rationality and Believing the Impossible",
    Vol. LXXX, 321-338 (No. 6, June 1983)
Fred Dretske & Palle Yourgrau, "Lost Knowledge",
    Vol. LXXX, 356-367 (No. 6, June 1983)
W. V. Quine, "Ontology and Ideology Revisited",
    Vol. LXXX, 499-502 (No. 9, Sept. 1983)
Thomas S. Kuhn, "Ratinality and Theory Choice",
    Vol. LXXX, 563-570 (No. 10, October 1983)
Robert Merrihew Adams, "Divine Necessity",
    Vol. LXXX, 741-752 (No. 11, Nov. 1983)
146) The Journal of Religion is published by the
Divinity School of the University of Chicago since 1921
Editors: Hans Dieter Betz, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Kathryn Tanner
Volume 80 of Journal of Religion (No. 1-4, Jan.-Oct. 2000)
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Owen C. Thomas, "Interiority and Christian Spirituality",
    Vol. 80, 41-60 (No. 1, Jan. 2000)
L. W. Hurtado, "Religious Experience and Religious Innovation in the New Testament",
    Vol. 80, 183-205 (No. 2, April 2000)
Walter Andreas Euler, "Does Nicholas Cusanus Have a Theology of the Cross?",
    Vol. 80, 405-420 (No. 3, July 2000)
John N. Jones, "The Status of the Trinity in Dionysian Thought",
    Vol. 80, 645-657 (No. 1, Jan. 2000)
147) Mind is A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy,
published for the Mind Association by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK
Editor: Professor Gilbert Ryle, Magdalen College, Oxford University
Volume 80 of Mind (No. 317-320, Jan.-Oct. 1971)
Interesting articles in Volume LXXX include:
Richard Robinson, "The Concept of Knowledge",
    Vol. LXXX, 17-28 (No. 317, Jan. 1971)
John Hunter, "Some Questions About Dreaming",
    Vol. LXXX, 70-92 (No. 317, Jan. 1971)
R. K. Scheer, "Knowledge of the Future",
    Vol. LXXX, 212-226 (No. 318, April 1971)
Mary A. McCloskey, "Pleasure",
    Vol. LXXX, 542-551 (No. 320, October 1971)
148) Volume 80 of The Modern Language Journal (No. 1-4, Spring-Winter 1996)
Edited by Sally Sieloff Magnan
Interesting articles in this volume include:
Erwin Tschirner, "Scope and Sequence: Rethinking Beginning Foreign Language Instruction",
    Vol. 80, 1-14 (Spring 1996)
Lee Thomas, "Language as Power: A Linguistic Critique of U.S. ENGLISH",
    Vol. 80, 129-140 (Summer 1996)
Judith E. Liskin-Gasparro, "Narrative Strategies: A Case Study of Developing
    Storytelling Skills by a Learner of Spanish",
    Vol. 80, 271-286 (Fall 1996)
149) Volume 80 of Modern Language Notes (No. 1-5, Jan.-Dec. 1965), pp. 1-683
Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore 18, Maryland
General Editor: René N. Girard
Interesting articles in this volume include:
Charles S. Singleton, "The Poet's Number at the Center",
    Vol. 80, 1-10 (No. 1, January 1965)
John Freccero, "The Sign of Satan",
    Vol. 80, 11-26 (No. 1, January 1965)
George Haley, "The Narrator in Don Quijote:
    Maese Pedro's Puppet Show",
    Vol. 80, 145-165 (No. 1, January 1965)
Michael P. Predmore, "J. R. Jiménez's Second Portrait of Antonio Machado",
    Vol. 80, 265-270 (No. 2, March 1965)
W. N. Ince, "Transcendence in Valéry or Inspiration by the Back Door",
    Vol. 80, 373-378 (No. 3, May 1965)
Carl Lofmark, "German Rast as a Measure of Distance",
    Vol. 80, 449-453 (No. 4, October 1965)
[Germanic rasata roughly equal to 4.5 kilometres or 3 English miles]
E. K. Grotegut, "Schiller's Wilhelm Tell: A Dramatic Triangle",
    Vol. 80, 628-634 (No. 5, December 1965)
150) Modern Philology is a journal devoted to research in medieval & modern literature
Volume 80 of Modern Philology (No. 1-4, August 1982-May 1983), pp. 1-452
published by the University of Chicago Press
Editors: Gwin J. Kolb & Edward W. Rosenheim
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Ben D. Kimpel & T. C. Duncan Eaves, "Ezra Pound's Use of Sources as Illustrated
    by His Use of Nineteenth-Century French History"
    Vol. 80, 35-52 (No. 1, August 1982)
Stanley Lourdeaux, "Toads in Gardens for Marianne Moore and William Carlos Williams"
    Vol. 80, 166-167 (No. 2, November 1982)
Louis L. Martz, "Review: Meditation as Poetic Strategy"
    Vol. 80, 168-174 (No. 2, November 1982)
Frederic B. Tromly, "Milton Responds to Donne: 'On Time' and 'Death Be Not Proud'"
    Vol. 80, 390-393 (No. 4, May 1983)
151) The Monist is An International Quarterly Journal of
General Philosophical Inquiry, published by The Hegeler Institute,
La Salle, Illinois. Founded 1888 by Edward C. Hegeler
Volume 80 of The Monist (No. 1-4, Jan.-Oct. 1997)
Editor: Barry Smith, University at Buffalo
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Nick Huggett, "Identity, Quantum Mechanics and Common Sense",
    Vol. 80, 118-128 (No. 1, Jan. 1997)
T. L. S. Sprigge, "Pantheism",
    Vol. 80, 191-217 (No. 2, April 1997)
John Leslie, "A Neoplatonist's Pantheism",
    Vol. 80, 218-231 (No. 2, April 1997)
Peter Forrest, "Pantheism and Science",
    Vol. 80, 307-319 (No. 2, April 1997)
Patrick J. Hayes, "What Is a Computer?",
    Vol. 80, 389-404 (No. 3, July 1997)
Brian Davies, O.P., "Aquinas, God, and Being",
    Vol. 80, 500-520 (No. 4, Oct. 1997)
John Lamont, "Aquinas on Divine Simplicity",
    Vol. 80, 521-538 (No. 4, Oct. 1997)
152) The Philosophical Review was founded in 1892 and edited by
the faculty of the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University.
Volume 80 of The Philosophical Review (No. 1-4, Jan.-Oct. 1971)
Editor: Max Black, E. A. Burtt, et. al.
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Nicholas P. White, "Aristotle on Sameness and Oneness",
    Vol. LXXX, 177-197 (No. 2, April 1971)
Robert C. Coburn, "Knowing and Believing",
    Vol. LXXX, 236-243 (No. 2, April 1971)
Robert J. Fogelin, "Three Platonic Analogies",
    Vol. LXXX, 371-382 (No. 3, July 1971)
153) Philosophical Studies is an International Journal for
Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition; Editor-in-Chief: Stewart Cohen
Volume 80 of Philosophical Studies (No. 1-3, Oct.-Dec. 1995)
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Beth Preston, "Ontological Argument Against the Mind-Machine Hypothesis",
    Vol. LXXX, 131-157 (No. 2, Nov 1995)
Eric T. Olson, "Human People or Human Animals?",
    Vol. 80, 159-181 (No. 2, Nov 1995)
154) Volume 80 of Romania (1959)
Edited by Mario Roques, Paris
Interesting articles in this volume include:
C. Brunel, "Recettes Médicales d'Avignon en Ancien Provençal", pp. 145-190
Roger S. Loomis, "Morgain La Fée in Oral Tradition", pp. 337-367
155) Romanic Review is a journal devoted to the study of Romance literatures.
Founded by Henry Alfred Todd in 1910, it is published by the Department of French
& Romance Philology of Columbia University in cooperation with the Departments
of Spanish & Italian. The current General Editor is Dominique Jullien
Volume 80 of Romanic Review (No. 1-4, January-November 1989)
Edited by Michael Riffaterre
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Pierre Force, "What is a Man Worth? Ethics and Economics in Moliere and Rousseau",
    Vol. LXXX, 18-29 (No. 1, January 1989)
Carroll B. Johnson, "Personal Involvement and Poetic Tradition in the
    Spanish Renaissance: Some Thoughts on Reading Garcilaso",
    Vol. LXXX, 288-304 (No. 2, March 1989)
Albert L. Rossi, "The Poetics of Resurrection: Virgil's Bees (Paradiso XXXI, 1-12)"
    Vol. LXXX, 305-324 (No. 2, March 1989)
Patrick J. Gallagher, "The Conversion of Tragic Vision in Dante's Comedy"
    Vol. LXXX, 607-625 (No. 4, November 1989)
156) Poetry: A Magazine of Verse was founded in 1912.
Volume 80 of Poetry (No. 1-6, April-Sept. 1952)
Editor: Karl Shapiro; Modern Poetry Association, Chicago
Interesting poems & articles in Volume LXXX include:
Kathleen Raine, "Rock", Vol. LXXX, 3 (April 1952)
Robinson Jeffers, "Hungerfield", Vol. LXXX, 63-88 (May 1952)
E. E. Cummings, "I carry your heart with me", Vol. LXXX, 128 (June 1952)
Karl Shapiro, "Poets and Psychologists", Vol. LXXX, 184 (June 1952)
W. S. Merwin, "On the Subject of Poetry", Vol. LXXX, 264 (August 1952)
157) The Sewanee Review is America's oldest literary quarterly
Volume 80 of Sewanee Review (No. 1-4, Jan.-Oct. 1972), pp. 1-646
Edited by Andrew Lytle; Published by University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee
Interesting articles in Volume LXXX include:
Howard Baker, "Pythagoras of Samos",
    Vol. LXXX, 1-38 (No. 1, Jan-March, 1972)
William White, "The Dynamics of Whitman's Poetry",
    Vol. LXXX, 347-360 (No. 2, April-June, 1972)
158) Volume 80 of Southern Atlantic Quarterly (No. 1-4, Winter 1981-Autumn 1981)
Interesting articles in Volume LXXX include:
David Farrell, "Robert Penn Warren: A Conversation on Poetry",
    Vol. LXXX, 272-280 (No. 3, Summer 1981)
Robert Beum, "The Transformation of Consciousness: The Mechanism",
    Vol. LXXX, 281-288 (No. 3, Summer 1981)
159) Theology is published by SPCK (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge).
Editors of Theology: 26 The Close, Norwich, UK
Volume 80 of Theology (No. 673-678, Jan.-Nov. 1977)
Editors: John Drury, David Jenkins, and James Mark
Interesting articles in Volume 80 include:
Joseph Needham, "Love Sacred and Profane",
    Vol. 80, 16-22 (No. 673, Jan. 1977)
Brian Hebblethwaite, "Incarnation— the Essence of Christianity",
    Vol. 80, 85-91 (No. 674, March 1977)
K. V. Wilkes, "Perfection",
    Vol. 80, 170-172 (No. 675, May 1977)
Rowan Williams, "Poetic and Religious Imagination",
    Vol. 80, 178-187 (No. 675, May 1977)
John A.T. Robinson, "Re-investigating the Shroud of Turin",
    Vol. 80, 193-197 (No. 675, May 1977)
Colin Pritchard, "Science, Faith and the Vision of a New Society",
    Vol. 80, 331-340 (No. 677, Sept. 1977)
Elizabeth Templeton, "Science, Faith and the Vision of a New Society",
    Vol. 80, 413-422 (No. 678, Nov. 1977)
P. K. Walker, "Auden Thoughts",
    Vol. 80, 428-438 (No. 678, Nov. 1977)
160) Volume 80 of Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie (1964)
Edited by Kurt Baldinger, Max Nemeyer Verlag, Tübinger
Interesting articles in this volume include:
Richard O'Gorman, "The Legend of Joseph of Arimathea and
the Old French Epic Huon de Bordeaux", pp. 35-42
August Rüegg, "Zu Schürrs Cervantes", pp. 478-485
161) Joseph Haydn's Symphony #80 in D Minor (Nov. 8, 1784)
[New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians, Vol. 8 (1980), p. 373]
Recordings: Dorati, Philharmonia Hungarica; Orpheus Chamber Orchestra
162) Beethoven's Opus #80 is the "Choral Fantasia" written in 1808
for piano, chorus, and orchestra.
163) Felix Mendelssohn's Opus #80 is String Quartet #6 in F minor (Sept. 1847).
Allegro Vivace, Allegro Assai, Adagio, Allegro Molto
[New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians, Vol. 12 (1980), p. 153]
(MP3 Recording: Borealis String Quartet)
164) In March 1879, the University of Breslau conferred an honorary doctorate on Johannes Brahms.
In the summer of 1880, he wrote the Academic Festival Overture (Opus #80) as a thank-you
to the institution and conducted the first performance of it there in January 1881. On the same
program he also premiered his only other concert overture, the Tragic Overture, Opus #81.
165) Sergei Prokofiev's Opus #80 is Sonata for Violin and Piano #1 in F minor (1938/1946)
(CD recording: Pierre Amoyal & Frederic Chiu)
166) Jean Sibelius's Opus #80 is Sonatina in E for violin & piano (1915)
Around the World in 80 Days is 175-minutes film (1956)
Producer: Michael Todd, Director: Michael Anderson, based
on Jules Verne's novel. David Niven starred as Phileas Fogg
and Shirley MacLaine as Princess Aouda. Winner of 5 Oscars:
Best Picture, Screenplay, Cinematography, Score, Film Editing.
James Monaco, Movie Guide, Perigee Books, NY, 1992, pp. 33-34

A re-make of Around the World in 80 Days (1989) starred
Pierce Brosnan & Julia Nickson-Soul, directed by Buzz Kulik.
168) Around the World in Eighty Ways is a 91-minutes Australian comedy
film (1987) directed by Stephen Maclean. It is a bizarre but engaging comedy
about two Aussie brothers out to spring their aged dad from a rest home and
take him around the world.
James Monaco, Movie Guide, Perigee Books, NY, 1992, p. 34
169) 80 Steps to Jonah is 107-minutes U.S. dramatic film (1969)
about a young man hiding from the law takes refuge in a summer camp
for blind children. Directed by Gerd Oswald, the cast includes
Wayne Newton, Mickey Rooney, Sal Mineo, and Jo Van Fleet.
80th Ranking in Lists
170) 98.5WNCX, Cleveland's Classic Rock radio station has ranked the Top 98 LP albums
ZZ Top's Eliminator (1983) was selected as the 80th Greatest LP.
(#1. Pink Floyd, "Dark Side of the Moon", #2. "Led Zepplin 4", #3. Beatles, "White Album")
171) Rolling Stone Magazine's poll of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time
has named Marvin Gaye's I Heard It Through the Grapevine (1968) as the 80th Greatest Song.
(#1. Bob Dylan "Like a Rolling Stone", #2. Rolling Stones "Satisfaction", #3. John Lennon "Imagine")
172) Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch (1969) was selected
as the 80th best film in AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies (1998).
The Western drama action film starred William Holden and Ernest Borgnine.
173) The Sheik (1921) was selected as the 80th best love stories film
in AFI's 100 Years... 100 Passions (2002).
Directed by George Melford, the silent B&W film starred Rudolph Valentino & Agnes Ayres.
174) Rebecca (1940) was selected as the 80th best thriller film
in AFI's 100 Years... 100 Thrills (2001).
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the film starred Joan Fontaine & Laurence Olivier.
175) Sleeper (1973) was selected as the 80th funniest film
in AFI's 100 Years... 100 Laughs (2000).
Directed by Woody Allen, the film starred Woody Allen & Diane Keaton. (Film Review)
176) Chorus song "Springtime for Hitler" from the film The Producers (1968)
was selected as the 80th best song in AFI 100 Years... 100 Songs (2004).
Directed by Mel Brooks; Music & Lyrics: Mel Brooks.
The film starred Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder, and Lee Meredith.
177) In the KDFC 2004 Top #100 Classical All-Star Music Poll,
Tchaikovsky's Symphony #6 Pathétique was selected as the 80th musical piece (Aired Jan. 9, 2005)
(Musical Piece #79: Mozart, Pianco Concerto #21; Piece #81: Haydn, Symphony #94 "Surprise")
(Top composers: Beethoven, Mozart, Bach; Top performers: Yo Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, Joshua Bell)
178) In the book Sporting News Selects Baseball's 100 Greatest Players (1998),
Brooks Robinson of the Baltimore Orioles was ranked the 80th best baseball player of all time.
(#1 Babe Ruth; #2 Willie Mays; #3 Ty Cobb; #4 Walter Johnson)
179) In the book Sporting News Selects Football's 100 Greatest Players (1999),
Red Grange of the Chicago Bears was ranked the 80th best football player of all time.
(#1 Jim Brown; #2 Jerry Rice; #3 Joe Montana; #4 Lawrence Taylor)
180) In the book 1,000 Years, 1,000 People: Ranking the Men and Women Who Shaped the Millennium
by Agnes Hooper Gottlieb, Henry Gottlieb, Barbar Bowers, Brent Bowers (1998),
J. Robert Oppenheimer was ranked the 80th most influential person of the millennium 1001-2000.
(#1 Johannes Gutenberg; #2 Columbus; #3 Martin Luther; #4 Galileo)
181) University of Maryland was ranked as the 80th largest library (2,626,800 volumes)
in a listing of "The 100 Largest Libraries in the United States" (1999).
(#1 Library of Congress; #2 Harvard University; #3 New York Public Library; #4 Yale University)
2001 Listing: #80 University of California, San Diego (2,890,650 volumes)
(#1 Library of Congress; #2 Harvard University; #3 Boston Public Library; #4 Chicago Public Library)
182) In Martin Seymour-Smith's book The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written:
The History of Thought from Ancient Times to Today
Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)
was listed as the 80th book in chronological order
among the 100 most influential books in the history of thought.
183) In Henry Miller's The Books in My Life (1969)
Dane Rudhyar's Astrology of Personality
was listed as the 80th book in author alphabetical order
among the 100 most influential books that Henry Miller has read.
184) In The Internet Top 100 Science Fiction/Fantasy List (July 6, 2003)
Last Call by Tim Powers was ranked as the 80th most popular book.
(#1 George R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire; #2 J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings; #3 Lois M. Bujold, The Vorkosigan Series)
185) Montreal, Canada was ranked as the 80th most populous city (3,401,000)
in Top 100 Cities of the World— ranked by population.
(#1 Tokyo, Japan; #2 Mexico City, Mexico; #3 Mumbai, India; #4 Sáo Paulo, Brazil)
186) Zambia was ranked as the 80th most populous country (9,872,007)
in Top 100 Countries of the World— ranked by population.
(#1 China; #2 India; #3 United States; #4 Indonesia; #5 Brazil)
187) "People" was ranked as the 80th most used English word
in The First 100 Most Commonly Used English Words from
The Reading Teacher's Book of Lists (4th Ed., 2000)
by Edward Bernard Fry, Jacqueline E. Kress, & Dona Lee Fountoukidis
(#1 the, #2 of, #3 and, #4 a, #5 to, #6 in, #7 is, #8 you, #9 that, #10 it)
In a survey of The 500 Most Commonly Used Words in English
"come" was ranked as the 80th most commonly used English word.
188) In The Modern Library 100 Best Novels (2003).
Board's List 80th best novel: Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited
(#1 James Joyce, Ulysses; #2 F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby)
Reader's List 80th best novel: William S. Burroughs's Naked Lunch
(#1 Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged; #2 L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics)
189) In The Modern Library 100 Best Nonfiction (2003).
Board's List 80th best nonfiction: Erwin Panofsky's Studies in Iconography
(#1 Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams; #2 William James, Varieties of Religious Experience)
Reader's List 80th best nonfiction: Mary Kefkowitz's Not Out of Africa
(#1 Ayn Rand, Virtue of Selfishness; #2 Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead)
190) 80th best-loved novel is Jacqueline Wilson's Double Act
in BBC's Big Read: Top 100 (April 2003).
#79 Charles Dicken's Bleak House; #81 Roald Dahl's The Twits
(#1 JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings; #2 Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice)
191) 80th most popular book downloaded is Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
in Project Gutenberg's Top 100 (1-22-2005).
#79 Beowulf; #81 Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment
(#1 Notebooks of Leonardo; #2 Sun Tzu, Art of War; #3 James Joyce, Ulysses)
192) Marc Weissbluth's Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child was the 80th most popular book
in Amazon.com's Top 100 Sellers (January 23, 2005)
#79 Robert Mankoff, Complete Cartoons of The New Yorker
#81 Stephen Greenblatt, Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare [#1 J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6)]
193) Netflix was ranked as the 80th most popular web site
in Web 100: Top 100 by web100.com
(#1 CNET; #2 Shutterfly; #3 ESPN.com; #4 National Geographic Online)
80 in the Bible
194) 80th word of the King James Version of the Bible's Old Testament Genesis = And
1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
    And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
    And the evening and the morning were the first day.
    — Genesis I.1-5 (1611)
195) 80 cited 13 times in the Bible:
And Moses was fourscore years old, and Aaron fourscore
and three years old, when they spake unto Pharaoh.

Exodus, 7.7
So Moab was subdued that day under the hand of Israel.
And the land had rest fourscore years.

Judges, 3.30
Now Barzillai was a very aged man, even fourscore years old:
and he had provided the king of sustenance while he lay at Mahanaim;
for he was a very great man.

II. Samuel, 19.32
I am this day fourscore years old: and can I discern between good and evil?
can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice
of singing men and singing women? wherefore then should thy servant be yet
a burden unto my lord the king?

II. Samuel, 19.35
And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it,
until an ass's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver,

II. Kings, 6.25
And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings,
Jehu appointed fourscore men

II. Kings, 10.24
Of the sons of Hebron; Eliel the chief, and his brethren fourscore:
I. Chronicles, 15.9
And Azariah the priest went in after him, and with him
fourscore priests of the Lord, that were valiant men:

II. Chronicles, 26.17
And of the sons of Shephatiah; Zebadiah the son of Michael,
and with him fourscore males.

Ezra, 8.8
There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines,
and virgins without number.

Song of Solomon, 6.8
That there came certain from Shechem, from Shiloh, and from Samaria,
even fourscore men, having their beards shaven, and their clothes rent,
and having cut themselves, with offerings and incense in their hand,
to bring them to the house of the Lord.

Jeremiah, 41.5
The days of our years are threescore years and ten;
and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years,
yet is their strength labour and sorrow;
for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
Psalms, 90.10
Then said he to another, And how much owest thou?
And he said, An hundred measures of wheat. And he said
unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore.
Luke, 16.7
The Complete Concordance to the Bible (New King James Version)
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN (1983), p. 250
196) The 80th Psalm is a prayer for the restoration of Israel:
Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock;
thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth.
The hills were covered with the shadow of it,
and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars.
She sent out her boughs unto the sea,
and her branches unto the river.
Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts,
cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.
Psalms 80.1, 10-11, 19 (1023 BC),
197) 80th Book of Enoch: Perversion of Nature and the heavenly Bodies owing to Men's Sins:
1. And in those days the angel Uriel answered and said to me: 'Behold, I have shown
    thee everything, Enoch, and I have revealed everything to thee that thou shouldst
    see this sun and this moon, and the leaders of the stars of the heaven and all
    those who turn them, their tasks and times and departures.
2. And in the days of the sinners the years shall be shortened,
    And their seed shall be tardy on their lands and fields,
    And all things on the earth shall alter,
    And shall not appear in their time:
    And the rain shall be kept back
    And the heaven shall withhold (it).
3. And in those times the fruits of the earth shall be backward,
    And shall not grow in their time,
    And the fruits of the trees shall be withheld in their time.
4. And the moon shall alter her order,
    And not appear at her time.
5. And in those days the sun shall be seen and he shall journey
    in the evening on the extremity of the great chariot in the west.
    And shall shine more brightly than accords with the order of light.
Book of Enoch LXXX.1-5 (circa 105 B.C.-64 B.C.)
      translated by R. H. Charles, S.P.C.K., London, 1917, pp. 106-107
198) Saying 80 of Gospel of Thomas:
Jesus said, "Whoever has come to know the world has discovered the body,
and whoever has discovered the body, of that one the world is not worthy."

Gospel of Thomas #80 (114 sayings of Jesus, circa 150 A.D.)
(trans. Marvin Meyer, 1992; adapted by Elaine Pagels, Beyond Belief, p. 238)
199) Chapter 80 of Pistis Sophia (circa 150 A.D.):
Martha came forward again and said: "My Lord, I am sober in my spirit,
and I understand the words which thou speak. Now at this time command
me that I give their interpretation openly." The First Mystery, however,
answered and said to Martha: " I command thee, Martha, that thou givest
the interpretation of the words which the Sophia said in her song of praise."
Martha, however, answered and said: "My Lord, these are the words
which thy light-power once prophesized through David in the 7th Psalm:
11. 'God is a righteous judge, and strong and long-suffering,
      who does not bring down his wrath every day.
12. If you do not turn round he will sharpen his sword;
      he has bent his bow and made it ready...
16. His trouble will return upon his head and his violence
      will come down upon the crown of his head'."
But when Martha had spoken these things, the First Mystery which
looks forth said to her: "Excellent, well done Martha, thou blessed one."
Pistis Sophia Ch. 80
(Translated by Violet MacDermott, Edited by Carl Schmidt,
Nag Hammadi Studies, IX: Pistis Sophia, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1978, pp. 176-177)
80 in Philosophy & Religion
200) Hymn 80 in Book 5 of the Rig Veda is a song of praise to Dawn:
1. The singers welcome with their hymns and praises the Goddess Dawn who bringeth in the sunlight,
Sublime, by Law true to eternal Order, bright on her path, red-tinted, far-refulgent.
2. She comes in front, fair, rousing up the people, making the pathways easy to be travelled.
High, on her lofty chariot, all-impelling, Dawn gives her splendour at the days' beginning.
3. She, harnessing her car with purple oxen. injuring none, hath brought perpetual riches.
Opening paths to happiness, the Goddess shines, praised by all, giver of every blessing.
4. With changing tints she gleams in double splendour while from the eastward she displays her body.
She travels perfectly the path of Order, nor fails to reach, as one who knows, the quarters.
5. As conscious that her limbs are bright with bathing, she stands, as 'twere, erect that we may see her.
Driving away malignity and darkness, Dawn, Child of Heaven, hath come to us with lustre.
6. The Daughter of the Sky, like some chaste woman, bends, opposite to men, her forehead downward.
The Maid, disclosing boons to him who worships, hath brought again the daylight as aforetime.
Rig Veda, Book 5, 80.1-6 (circa 1500 B.C.)
201) Chapter 80 in The Papyrus of Ani, Egyptian Book of the Dead:
Making transformation into a god and giving light and darkness—
I am he who donned the white and bright fringed cloak of Nun which
is on his breast, which gives light in darkness, which unites the two
companion— goddesses who are in my body by means of the great magic
which is on my mouth... I equipped Thoth in the Mansion of the Moon
before the festival of the fifteenth day had come... I am the Woman who
lightens darkness, I have come to lighten the darkness, and it is bright.
I have lightened the darkness, I have felled the evil spirits, those who were
in darkness have given praise to me, I have made the mourners whose faces
were hidden to stand up, even though they were languid when they saw me.
As for you, I am the Woman of whom I do not permit you to hear.

Egyptian Book of the Dead: Book of Going Forth by Day
Complete Papyrus of Ani, Chapter 80, Plate 28 (circa 1250 B.C.)
(translated by Raymond Faulkner), Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1994
202) Apollo inspires Calchas to speak in Line 80 from Book I of Homer's Iliad
Achilles had his say and sat down. Then up rose
Calchas, son of Thestor, bird-reader supreme,
Who knew what is, what will be, and what has been.
He had guided the Greek ships to Troy
Through the prophetic power Apollo
Had given him, and he spoke out now:

Homer, The Iliad, I.76-81 (circa 800 BC)
(translated by Stanley Lombardo)
Hackett Publishing Co., Indianapolis, IN, 1997, p. 3
203) Athena asks Poseidon for Odysseus' safe return home
in Line 80 from Book 1 of Homer's Odyssey
Then the bright-eyed goddess Athene answered him [Poseidon]:
"Our father, son of Cronos, highest of all rulers,
If this course is now really dear to the blessed gods,
That many-minded Odysseus return to his own home."

Homer, The Odyssey, I.80-83 (circa 800 BC)
(A new verse translation by Albert Cook,
W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1967, p. 5
Lao Tzu (604-517 BC), Tao Te Ching, Verse 80:
Imagine a small state with a small population
let there be labor-saving tools
that aren't used
let people consider death
and not move far
let there be boats and carts
but no reason to ride them
let there be armor and weapons
but no reason to employ them
let people return to the use of knots
and be satisfied with their food
and pleased with their clothing
and content with their homes
and happy with their customs
let there be a state so near
people hear its dogs and chickens
and live out their lives
without making a visit
(translated by Red Pine, Taoteching,
Mercury House, San Francisco, 1996, p. 160)
205) Lao Tzu (604-517 BC), Hua Hu Ching, Verse 80:
The world is full of half-enlightened masters. Overly clever, too "sensitive"
to live in the real world, they surround themselves with selfish pleasures and
bestow their grandiose teachings upon the unwary. Prematurely publicizing themselves,
intent upon reaching some spiritual climax, they constantly sacrifice the truth
and deviate from the Tao. What they really offer the world is their own confusion.
The true master understands that enlightenment is not the end, but the means.
Realizing that virtue is her goal, she accepts the long and often arduous cultivation
that is necessary to attain it. She doesn't scheme to become a leader, but quietly
shoulders whatever responsibilities fall to her. Unattached to her accomplishments,
taking credit for nothing at all, she guides the whole world by guiding the individuals
who come to her. She shares her divine energy with her students, encouraging them,
creating trials to strengthen them, scolding them to awaken them, directing the streams
of their lives toward the infinite ocean of the Tao. If you aspire to this sort of mastery,
then root yourself in the Tao. Relinquish your negative habits and attitudes. Strengthen
your sincerity. Live in the real world, and extend your virtue to it without discrimination
in the daily round. Be the truest father or mother, the truest brother or sister,
the truest friend, and the truest disciple. Humbly respect and serve your teacher,
and dedicate your entire being unwaveringly to self-cultivation. Then you will
surely achieve self-mastery and he able to help others in doing the same.
(translated by Brian Walker,
Hua Hu Ching: The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu, 80
Harper SanFrancisco 1992)
206) Aphorism 80 of Symbols of Pythagoras:
Templum dextra ingredito, sinistra egredito. — J. Castalio
Enter a church by the right hand side,
and leave it by the left.

Pythagoras (580-500 B.C.), Symbols of Pythagoras
(translated by Sapere Aude, Collectanea Hermetica, Vol. V, 1894)
reprinted in Percy Bullock, The Dream of Scipio, Aquarian Press,
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, UK, 1983, p. 86
207) Section 80 of Plato's Phaedo— Socrates to Cebes on the nature of the soul:
The soul is most like that which is divine, immortal, intelligible, uniform,
indissoluble, and ever self-consistent and invariable, whereas body is most
like that which is human, mortal, multiform, unintelligible, dissoluble,
and never self-consistent... The truth is much more like this. If at its release
the soul is pure and carries with it no contamination of the body, because it
has never willingly associated with it in life, but has shunned it and kept
itself separate as its regular practice--in other words, if it has pursued
philosophy in the right way and really practiced how to face death easily—
this is what 'practicing death' means, isn't it?

Plato (428-348 BC), Phaedo 80b, 80e (360 BC)
(trans. Hugh Tredennick), Edited by Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns,
Plato: The Collected Dialogues, Bollingen Series LXXI,
Princeton University Press, 1961, pp. 63-64
208) Verse 80 of Buddha's Dhammapada: Canto VI— The Spiritually Mature
Irrigators draw off waters; fletchers straighten arrows;
carpenters shape wood; the spiritually mature discipline themselves.

Buddha, Dhammapada Verse 80 (240 B.C.)
(translated by Sangharakshita, Dhammapada: The Way of Truth, 2001, p. 35)
209) 80th Verse in Chapter 18 of Astavakra Gita
(Sage Astavakra's dialogue with King Janaka):
To the wise man there is neither heaven nor hell, nor even
liberation in life. Briefly, in the yoga-vision nothing exists.

Astavakra Gita Chapter 18, Verse 80 (circa 400 B.C.)
translated by Radhakamal Mukerjee, Astavakra Gita,
Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, India, 1971, p. 160
210) Aphroism 80 Patanjali's Yoga Sutra:
Restraint, Observance, Posture, Regulation of breath (Pranayama), Abstraction,
Concentration, Meditation and Trance are the eight accessories of Yoga.

Patanjali (circa 200 B.C.), Yoga Sutra II.32: Aphroism 80 (circa 200 B.C.)
translated by Rama Prasada, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi, 1995, p. 155
211) 80th Tetragram of the T'ai Hsüan Ching: Ch'in / Laboring
December 12 (pm) - December 16:
Correlates with Human's Mystery;
Yin; the phase Wood; and the Yi Ching Hexagram #39, Difficulty Walking;
the sun enters the Dipper constellation, 18th degree.
Head: Yin freezes firm as it is terrified of being wounded on the outside.
Tenuous yang lodges in darkness, exerting its strength on the inside.
We are nearly now at the winter solstice, the point at which yang will
start to wax and yin to wane. Yin has already rendered itself immobile,
now that the myriad things are frozen; being immobile, it is particularly
vulnerable to attack. Meanwhile, we detect the first hints of yang's
latent strength gathering its force in the secret recesses of the Earth.

Yang Hsiung (53 BC-18 AD),
Canon of Supreme Mystery ( T'ai Hsüan Ching)
(translated by Michael Nylan, 1993, p. 415)
212) 80th Trigraph of the Ling Ch'i Ching: Pei Chiao / Bound Up
The image of speed being appropriate
Clusters of yin encroaching and flourishing
K'un (Earth)— Southwest

Suspended and anxious as if bound up,
rescue cannot arrive.
Even the case of the state of Lu looking to Kao-tzu
for rescue is too weak for comparison.

Yin at its pinnacle, balefulness and danger extreme;
The living people are already overturned and suspended.
Without some force to rescue and protect them,
How could they preserve their lives intact?

Tung-fang Shuo,
Ling Ch'i Ching (circa 222-419)
(trans. Ralph D. Sawyer & Mei-Chün Lee Sawyer, 1995, p. 191)

213) In Section 80 of Lankavatara Sutra, Buddha answers Mahamati
the Bodhisatva-Mahasattva's questions about the state
of perfect tranquillisation (nirodha):
At the seventh stage, the Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas, giving up the view
of self-nature as subsisting in all things, attain perfect tranquillisation
in every minute of their mental lives... the Sravakas and Pratyekabuddhas
at the eighth stage of Bodhisattvahood are so intoxicated with the happiness
that comes from the attainment of perfect tranquillisation, and failing
to understand fully that there is nothing in the world but what is seen
of the Mind itself, they are thus unable to overcome the hindrances and
habit-energy growing out of their notions of generality and individuality...
in ultimate reality there is neither gradation nor continuous succession;
only the truth of absolute solitude (viviktadharma) is taught here.
The first seven stages are still of the mind, but here the eight is imageless;
the two stages, ninth & tenth, have still something to rest themselves on...
Self-realisation and absolute purity— this stage is my own; it is the highest
station of Mahesvara, the Akanishtha [heaven] shining brilliantly. Its rays
of light move forward like a mass of fire; they who are bright-coloured,
charming, and auspicious transform the triple world.
The Lankavatara Sutra (before 443 AD)
(translated from the Sanskrit by D. T. Suzuki, 1932, pp. 181-186)
214) 80th Verse of Sagathakam: Lankavatara Sutra:
Things known as defiled or as pure are like hairnets
[that is, wrongly perceived by the dim-eyed]; they [really]
have nothing to do with such notions as birth, abiding,
and disappearance, or as eternity and non-eternity.
The Lankavatara Sutra (before 443 AD)
(translated from the Sanskrit by D. T. Suzuki, 1932, p. 233)
215) In the 99 Names of Allah, the 80th Name is At-Tawwaab:
The Acceptor of Repentance, The Relenting.
["Al-Muqtadir, He who prevails" was listed as the 80th Name of Allah
in Arthur Jeffrey, Islam: Muhammad and His Religion (1958), pp. 93-98].
216) Chapter 80 of Mohammed's Holy Koran is titled "He Frowned":
1. He frowned and turned (his) back,
2. Because there came to him the blind man.
3. And what would make you know that he would purify himself,
4. Or become reminded so that the reminder should profit him?
24. Then let man look to his food,
25. That We pour down the water, pouring it down in abundance,
26. Then We cleave the earth, cleaving it asunder,
27. Then We cause to grow therein the grain,
28. And grapes and clover,
29. And the olive and the palm,
30. And thick gardens,
31. And fruits and herbage
32. A provision for you and for your cattle.
33. But when the deafening cry comes,
34. The day on which a man shall fly from his brother,
35. And his mother and his father,
36. And his spouse and his son—
37. Every man of them shall on that day have an affair which will occupy him.
38. Many faces on that day shall be bright,
39. Laughing, joyous.
40. And many faces on that day, on them shall be dust,
41. Darkness shall cover them.
42. These are they who are unbelievers, the wicked.
Mohammed, Holy Koran Chapter 80.1-4, 80.24-42 (7th century AD)
(translated by M. H. Shakir, Holy Koran, 1983)
217) 80th Verse of Chapter 5 in Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara:
With the eye one should look honestly at beings, as if drinking together.
Thus, by taking refuge with them, I shall achieve Buddhahood.

Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
V.80 (Guarding of Total Awareness: Samprajanyaraksana) (circa 700 AD)
(translated by Marion L. Matics, Macmillan, London, 1970, p. 169)
218) 80th Verse of Chapter 8 in Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara:
Such is the misery which abounds for the one who desires,
and its sweetness is as slight as the particle of food
received by a beast who pulls a cart.

Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
VIII.80 (Perfection of Contemplation: Dhyana-paramita) (circa 700 AD)
(translated by Marion L. Matics, Macmillan, London, 1970, p. 201)
219) Section 80 of Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu:
A monk asked, "The ancient mirror1 is not polished, then does it shine or not?"
The master said, "The previous life is the cause, the present life is the effect."
Chao Chou (778-897),
The Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu
translated by James Green, AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, CA, 1998, p. 35
[1 The original nature, the true self.]
220) Section 80 of Record of the Chan Master "Gate of the Clouds":
Someone asked Yunmen, "What is shallowness within profundity?"
The Master said, "Mountain, river, earth."
"What is profundity within shallowness?"
The Master remarked, "Earth, mountain, river."
The questioner continued, "What is profundity?"
The Master said, "Going to India in the morning
and returning to China in the evening."
Master Yunmen (864-949),
Record of the Chan Master "Gate of the Clouds"
translated by Urs App, Kodansha International, NY & Tokyo, 1994, p. 125
221) Case 80 of Hekiganroku: Joshu's "A Newborn Baby"
Main Subject: A monk asked Joshu,
"Does a newborn baby possess the six senses or not?"
Joshu said, "It is like throwing a ball into the rapids."
The monk later asked Tosu, "What is the meaning of
'throwing a ball into the rapids'?"
Tosu said, "Nen after nen, without ceasing."

[Notes: The word nen, which has no equivalent in English,
means either a unit of thought or a steadily willed activity of mind. Zen theory sees
the activity of consciousness as a continuous interplay between a sequence of nen.
Setcho's Verse:
The question: the six senses. Purposeless.
Well acquainted with it, the masters.
A ball is thrown into the rapids;
Do you know where it is carried?

Setcho (980-1052), Hekiganroku, 80 (Blue Cliff Records)
(translated by Katsuki Sekida, Two Zen Classics, 1977, pp. 354-355)
[Notes: the six senses. Purposeless: The sun shines silently
without purpose or motive, without seeking profit or trying to earn merit. A mirror's
reflecting is purposeless, meaningless, and empty. Pure cognition through the medium
of the six senses is also done purposelessly. Sekida commentary of Verse, p. 356
222) Aphroism 80 of Guigo's Meditations:
Is anger happiness? Misery, is it not?
Guiges de Chastel (1083-1137), Meditations of Guigo, Prior of the Charterhouse
translated by John J. Jolin, Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, 1951, p. 16
223) Arthur's falcon injures a goose in the forest
in Line 80 of Chapter 6 in Eschenbach's Parzival:
A thousand geese sat on the ground
And made a most tremendous sound.
Into their midst the falcon flew
And one of them it almost slew:
The goose just barely got away.
Beneath the fallen tree it lay,
Unable lofty flight to show,
and from its wound upon the snow
Three drops of red blood came to fall,
They brought distress to Parzival.
Wolfram von Eschenbach (1165-1217) Parzival (1195)
Book VI: "Parzival at King Arthur's Court", Lines 73-82
(translated by Edwin H. Zeydel & Bayard Quincy Morgan,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1951, p. 145)
224) Section 80 in Chapter II:
"The Essentials of Learning" of Chu Hsi's Chin-ssu lu (1175):
With the existence of physical form, there exists physical nature.
If one skillfully returns to the original nature endowed by Heaven
and Earth, then it will be preserved. Therefore in physical nature
there is that which the superior man denies to be his original nature...
Without the material force and concrete stuff of the universe, principle
would have nothing in which to inhere. When material force is received
in its state of clearness, there will be no obscurity or obstruction and
principle will express itself freely. If there is obscurity or obstruction,
then, in its operation of principle, the Principle of Heaven will dominate
if the obstruction is great. From this we know that original nature is
perfectly good. However, it will be obstructed if the physical nature contains
impurity. Hence in the physical nature there is that which the superior
man denies to be his original nature, and if one learns to return to the
original nature endowed by Heaven and Earth, then it will be preserved.

Chu Hsi (1130-1200), Reflections on Things at Hand (Chin-ssu lu)
translated by Wing-Tsit Chan
Columbia University Press, NY, 1967, pp. 72-73
225) Section 80 of William of Auvergne's The Trinity, or the First Principle:
It has already become clear from what has gone before that the highest essence is the being (esse) sufficient through itself and that it has no equal or other things of equal duration... That essence is the most powerful ruler of the ages, and his every wish is a certain spontaneous necessity for the universe... The universe is like his word and sign by which he speaks his power and wisdom and goodness to rational beings, and the whole universe is like a book or tablet written by the marvelousness and beauty of the creator for those who correctly philosophize to read and like a book open and explained for learning his mighty works. That essence is in a sense the summation of the whole book, and whole intention of the same book aims at opening and clarifying it. From this we can see the vanity of those erring men for whom the truth of philosophy is thought to reside in the words of this book. Individual creatures are individual words and also signs of the creator who speaks of himself through his creatures, indicating his power and wisdom and goodness. The intellect that is uneducated and just beginning needs this book, while philosophizing in the body. But the perfect and free intellect reads the book in its creator the more openly and lucidly, the more the truth is perfectly and truly known in itself rather than in his sign or expression.
William of Auvergne (1180-1249), The Trinity, or the First Principle, Ch. XIII
(translated by Roland J. Teske & Francis C. Wade,
Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, 1989, pp. 117-118)
226) Letter 80 of The Letters of Marsilio Ficino:
Vota non sunt spernenda: Prayers are not to be despised
Marsilio Ficino to Francesco Marescalchi of Ferrar,
his distinguised fellow philosopher: greetings.
Listen to what has happened to me during this illness [fever and diarrhoea].
There were times when I became so weak, that I almost despaired of recovery.
I then turned over in my mind those great works I have read during the last
thirty years, to see if anything occurred to me that could ease a sick heart.
Except for the Platonic authors, the writings of men did not help at all, but
the works of Christ brought much more comfort than the words of philosophers.
What is more, I offered prayers to the divine Mary and begged for some sign
of recovery. I felt some relief immediately, and in dreams received a clear
indication of recovery. So I do not owe a cock to Aesculapius, but my heart
and body to Christ and His mother. One must always accept everything as leading
to the good. Could it be that God wished to warn me by a sign during this illness
that I must in future declare the Christian teaching with greater zeal and depth.
A few days later, with a similar prayer, I was freed of the heat of my urine.
    Listen, if you will, to another thing that is wonderful and true.
My father, Ficino, who was a surgeon in Florence and outstanding amongst his
contemporaries, was once called by a countryman named Pasquino to heal his son
Tommaso whose head had been most gravely wounded. After the doctor had examined
the incurable wound he felt sure that the boy would soon be dead and left without
expecting to return. The parents of the sick child whom the doctor had abandoned
offered prayers to the divine Mary to heal their son. Now, at the very time that
they were praying Ficino was in a light sleep resting under an oak tree on his
journey when there appeared to him a woman whose countenance was worthy of
reverence, and she rebuked him thus: 'Why are you ungrateful towards God, Ficino?
You do not give freely what you have freely received from Him.' He replied,
'I give bread daily to those in need.' She rejoined: 'Give generously also
to those who need the gifts of your art.' Three days later, the countrymen came
to the doctor again asking him to come back and treat his son. Ficino was utterly
astonished as he had been convinced the boy would be dead. He returned, without
charge, mindful of his recent dream and the prayers of the parents, for the
countryman had releated what prayers he had ofered and at what hour. Eventually
the boy, who had been beyond the hope of the doctor and the art of healing,
fully recovered. From that time on, Ficino frequently offered prayers to Mary,
with fortunate results for the health of those entrusted to his care. So warn
your friends not to despise prayers, for even Aristotle did not scorn them
during the illness of his son-in-law.

Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), Letter to Francesco Marescalchi of Ferrara (6th September, 1474)
The Letters of Marsilio Ficino, Vol. I, Shepheard-Walwyn, London, 1975, pp. 125-127
227) Section 80 of Lo Ch'in-shun's Knowledge Painfully Acquired:
"Ch'ien knows through what is easy. K'un exhibits its capacity through what is simple."
This is the source of man's innate knowledge and innate ability. But ch'ien begins
things and k'un brings them to completion, so there is a natural order of precedence.
When it comes to learning, the effort of extending knowledge and the effort of earnest
practice must be carried on simultaneously. There is certainly no reason to wait until
one's knowledge has been perfected before one engages in earnest practice, but at the
same time one cannot be entirely confident concerning his actions before his knowledge
is perfected. Everything depends on exerting oneself. What good is it to engage in
consulting and deliberating which will merely result in idle talk?

Lo Ch'in-shun (1465-1547), Knowledge Painfully Acquired or K'un-chih chi
translated by Irene Bloom, Columbia University Press, NY, 1987, p. 109
228) Section 80 of Wang Yang Ming's Instructions for Practical Living:
The Teacher said: “when one speaks without proper order,
one can see that his mind is not preserved.”

Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529),
Instructions for Practical Living or Ch'uan-hsi lu (1518), I.80
(translated by Wing-tsit Chan, Columbia University Press, NY, 1963, p. 53)
229) Section 80 of Swedenborg's Arcana Coelestia (1837):
He [celestial man] is also permitted to acquire a knowledge of what is good
and true by means of every perception from the Lord, but he must not do so from
himself and the world, nor search into the mysteries of faith by means of the
things of sense and of memory-knowledge (sensualia et scientifica);
which would cause the death of his celestial nature. Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)
Arcana Coelestia, 61 (Swedenborg Foundation, NY, 1965, p. 43)
230) Section 80 of Swedenborg's Worlds in Space (1758):
Soon some angels from that world [Jupiter] arrived, and I was able to perceive from the way they talked with me that they were quite different from the angels of our world. Their speech was not in spoken words, but in ideas which spread in all directions through my interiors; they also had an effect on my face, making it agree with each detail, beginning from the lips and spreading out to the periphery in all directions. The ideas which took the place of words were separated, but only slightly... Finally they spoke in such a way that their speech fell only on my inner intellect. It was as fluid as a rarefied atmosphere. I could feel the influence, but not distinguish its details. These types of speech were rather like fluids; the first like flowing water, the second like a more rarefied liquid, the third in comparison like air, and the fourth like a rarified atmosphere.
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), The Worlds in Space, 80.3, 80.5
(translated from Latin by John Chadwick, Swedenborg Society, London, 1997, p. 55-56)
231) "The Nameless" is the title of Chapter 80 in Franklin Merell-Wolff's
Pathways through to Space (1936)
Above, below, to right, to left, all-encompassing,
Before and after and all between,
Within and without, at once everywhere,
Transforming and stable, ceaselessly;
Uncaused, while fathering all causes,
The Reason behind all reasoning,
Needing nought, yet ever supplying,
The One and Only, sustaining all variety,
The Source of all qualities, possessing no attributes,
Ever continuous, appearing discrete,
Inexpressible, the base of all expression,
Without number, making possible all number,
Containing the lover and the beloved as one,
Doing nought, remaining the Field of all action—
The actor and the action not different—
Indifferent in utter completion;
Diffused through all space, yet in the Point concentrated,
Beyond time, containing all time,
Without bounds, making bounds possible,
Knowing no change;
Inconceivable, yet through It all conceiving becoming;
Nameless ever and unmastered;
THAT am I, and so art Thou.

Franklin Merrell-Wolff
Franklin Merrell-Wolff (1887-1985), Pathways through to Space,
Chapter LXXX: The Nameless (October 7, 1936)
(2nd Edition, Julian Press, NY, 1973, pp. 211-212)
232) Chapter 80 of Wei Wu Wei's Ask the Awakened (1963) is "Absolute Absence":
    Wu, No-thingness, Void is just no thing— non-objectivity. It is therefore
subjectivity. It is void simply because all 'things' whatsoever are objective,
and it is that which is not objective. Being subjectivity, in so far as it 'is' at all,
it can only 'be' the 'act' of subjectivity looking at itself via us, such 'act' being
purely theoretical, since there could not be anything seen. The term 'void' and its
synonyms alone can give an indication of this process of an eye looking at itself,
and consequently seeing nothing.
    When one says 'I am not', that means 'I am void', for I am subjectivity
and nothing else— and that is nothingness when 'looked at' by itself.
The same words can also mean that I am not as a phenomenal individual,
so that either in samsara or in nirvana I am not and nothing is, and I am
absolute absence. Since, 'things' depend upon me, they are absence also.
The only sense in which anything can 'be' is as perceived by us who are
only pure subjectivity which itself is no-mind.
    One should clearly understand tha subjectivity 'is' not either,
but is only a method of indicating no-mind as it can be apprehended by us who
perceive manifestation subject to the notions of space and time. This cannot be
stated syllogistically, for 'we' are only the apperceiving in question ourselves.
All this that I have said, meaningless to many, can only serve as a clue or
an indication to those who may be ready to use it as such.

Wei Wu Wei (1895-1986), Ask the Awakened (1963), pp. 190-191

Paul Brunton (1898-1981),
Notebooks of Paul Brunton,
XV, Paras #80
from various chapters
Volume 15:
Advanced Contemplation
& The Peace Within You
Larson Publications,
Burdett, NY, 1988,
Part I: pp. 14, 76, 141, 226;
Part II: pp. 12, 24, 88

Para #80 from Volume 15 of Paul Brunton's
Notebooks: "Advanced Contemplation"—
If he is to be true to his espousal of philosophy he will
keep himself outside partisan, officially titled, and other
limiting forms. And one of the best ways to approach this
ideal is through the practice of self-emptying.
The same Grace which starts us off on the Quest carries
us through to its end. The Short Path phase begins when
we awaken to the presence of the Grace's source.
The point where one can pass from wakefulness to pure consciousness
is naturally most difficult to find. Everyone misses it because
habit-patterns compel him to do so. Much patience is needed for
these exercises. This is indeed a task for one's whole lifetime.
But there are easier objectives and more accessible goals which
are quite excellent for most people of the present day.
This is the experience whose mystery as well as peace passeth
understanding. It is incommunicable by or to the intellect. For with
it we attain unity but lose personality yet preserve identity.
Para #80 from Volume 15 of Paul Brunton's
Notebooks: "The Peace Within You"—
Letting himself be borne along by this inner rhythm
of life will yield a contented happy feeling.
When the evils or tribulations or disappointments of life
become too heavy a weight, if he has made some advance he has
only to pause, turn away and inward, and there he can find
a radiance peace of mind which offsets the dark things and
counterbalances the menacing depression.
Shiva Yoga Dipika: "Listen, I shall mention to you the method
of worshipping Shiva who is made of Intelligence. It is a secret—
the essence of the Sastras and the bestower of instantaneous freedom...
Thoughtlessness is the contemplation of Shiva; Inactivity is his worship;
Motionlessness is going round him in veneration; the realization of the
state 'I Am He' is prostration before him; Silence is singing his glory;
knowledge of what ought to be done and what not, is good character;
looking on all alike is the supreme pleasure." (4.80)
234) "Odic and Actinic Forces" is Lesson 80
of Subramuniyaswami's Merging with Siva (1999):
    Meditation can be sustained only if one lives a wholesome life, free from emotional entanglements and adharmic deeds. Intensive, consistent meditation dispels the antagonistic, selfish, instinctive forces of the mind and converts those channels of energy into uplifted creative action. The same force works to make either the saint or the sinner. The same force animates both love and hate. It is for the devotee to control and direct that one force so that it works through the highest channels of creative expression. When this soul force is awakened, the refined qualities of love, forgiveness, loyalty and generosity begin to unfold. In this ascended state of concentrated consciousness, the devotee will be able to look down on all the tense conditions and involvements within his own mind from a view far "above" them. As the activity of his thoughts subsides, he begins to feel at home in that pure state of Being, released from his identification with and bondage to lower states of mind. A profound feeling of complete freedom persists.
    Meditation is similar to watching the play of light and pictures on television. Identify with the pictures, and emotion is experienced. Identify with the light, and peace is experienced. Both light and energy forms have their source in God. Begin this evening, while watching the news on TV, by keeping awareness more within the light than the pictures. By all means, begin this ancient, mystical art, but as you progress, don't be surprised when regrets, doubts, confusions and fears you hardly knew you remembered loom up one by one to be faced and resolved. Perform the vasana daha tantra: simply write down all the regrets, doubts, confusions and fears in as much detail as possible, then burn the paper in a fireplace or garbage can. Claim the release from the past impression that this tantra imparts.
    There are two forces that we become conscious of when we begin to meditate: the odic force and the actinic force. Actinic force is pure life energy emanating from the central source of life itself. Odic force is magnetism that emanates out from our physical body, attracts and merges with the magnetism of other people. The odic force is what cities are made of, homes are made of. The actinic force, flowing through the physical body, out through the cells and through the skin, eventually becomes odic force.
    As soon as we begin to meditate, we become conscious of these two forces and must be aware of how to deal with them. The odic forces are warm, sticky. The actinic forces are inspirational, clean, pure, true. We seek in meditation the actinic force.

Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001)
Merging with Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics
Himalayan Academy, Kapaa, Hawaii, 1999, pp. 166-168
235) Koan 80 of Zen Master Seung Sahn— At the Soul's Center:

Unless you find the paradise
at your soul's very center,
you haven't got the smallest chance
that you can once there enter.

  1. Where is the soul's center?
  2. How do you enter paradise?

Originally, there is no name and no form,
so where is south, east, west, and north?
If you attain this point, you attain the standing place.

Seung Sahn (born 1927),
The Whole World Is A Single Flower
365 Kong-ans for Everyday Life
Tuttle, Boston, 1992, p. 59

80 in Poetry & Literature
236) Han-shan's Poem 80 of Collected Songs of Cold Mountain:
adding add to your essence
that could be called an addition
changing change your form
that would be called a change
able to add and able to change
you're sure to scale the Roll of Immortals
without addition and change
you won't avoid the crisis of death
Han-shan (fl. 627-649), Collected Songs of Cold Mountain,
Poem 80 (translated by Red Pine, 1990)
( Robert G. Henricks translation, 1990; Burton Watson translation, 1962)
237) Poem 80 of Su Tung-p'o (1036-1101)
is titled "I'm a Frightened Monkey Who's Reached the Forest" (1095):
On the 4th day of the 3rd month, I took a trip to the Grotto of Buddha's Footprint
at White Water Mountain. I bathed at the hot spring there, dried my hair in the sun
at the foot of the waterfall, and came home singing at the top of my voice. Returning
by palanquin, I became absorbed in conversation with my companions and did not realize
we had reached Lichee Nut Cove. The evening sun was pale and washed-out, the shadows
of the bamboo deserted and lonely, and the lichee nuts hung in great clusters like
water chestnuts. An old man of eight-five who lived nearby pointed to the nuts and said,
"When these are ready to eat, why don't you bring some wine and come visit me?" I was
delighted at the idea and promised I would do so. I took a nap as soon as I got home,
and woke up to hear my son Kuo chanting T'ao Yüan-ming's six poems on "Going Back
to the Country". I decided to compose poems of my own using the same rhymes...
I'm a frightened monkey who's reached the forest,
a tired horse unharnessed at last,
my mind a void to fill with new thoughts;
surroundings are old to me— I see them in dreams.
River gulls flock around, growing tamer;
old Tanka men drop in to visit.
South pond lotus spreads green coins;
north hill bamboo sends up purple shoots.
Bring-the-jug (what does he know about wine?)
inspires me with a fine idea.
The spring river had a beautiful poem
but, drunk, I dropped it somewhere far away.

translated by Burton Watson,
Su Tung-P'o: Selections from a Sung Dynasty Poet,
Columbia University Press, New York, 1965, pp. 126-127
Expanded edition, Copper Canyon Press, 1994, pp. 131-132)
238) Verse 80 of Rubáiyát, of Omar Khayyam (1048-1122):
Oh, Thou, who didst with pitfall and with gin
Beset the Road I was to wander in,
Thou wilt not with Predestined Evil round
Enmesh, and then impute my Fall to Sin!
(translated by Edward Fitzgerald, London, 1st Ed. 1859, 2nd Ed. 1868)
239) Verse 80 of Rumi Daylight:
O God, help me against this self of mine
that is seeking help from You;
I seek justice from no one but from
this justice-seeking self.
I shall not get justice from any one except from
Him sho is nearer to me than myself:
For this I-ness comes moment by moment from Him.

Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273), Mathnawi, I.2195-8
Rumi Daylight, Verse 80
(Edited by Camille & Kabir Helminski, 1994, p. 56)
240) "The Beautiful" in Verse 80 of Rumi Mathnawi II:
The Beautiful attracts the beautiful.
Know this for sure.
Recite the text, The good women for the good men.
In thisÊ world everything attracts something.
Those of the Fire attract those of the Light.

Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273), Mathnawi, II.80-82
Quoted in Rumi Daylight
(Edited by Camille & Kabir Helminski, 1994, p. 96)
241) The 80th Canto of Dante's Commedia is Canto 13 of Paradiso
where Dante is in the Fourth Heaven, the Sphere of the Sun.
Dante invites the reader to exercise his astronomical fantasy—
seeing the 24 brightest stars in the sky brought together into
two concentric but oppositely wheeling circles of 12 stars each.
We witness the dance and song of the two rings of spirits.
Saint Thomas speaks on the wisdom of King Solomon
and warns against hasty judgments.
( Allen Mandelbaum translation, 1982)
242) Virgil's poetry pours like a stream from
a fountain in the 80th line of the Inferno:
"Or se' tu quel Virgilio e quella fonte
che spandi di parlar s“ largo fiume?",
rispuos'io lui con vergognosa fronte
"And are you then that Virgil, you the fountain
that freely pours so rich a stream of speech?"
I answered him with shame upon my brow.
Inferno I.79-81 ( Allen Mandelbaum translation, 1984)
243) Dante flies through the Sphere of Fire, which is just below the circle
of the moon, and is amazed at its brilliance in the 80th line of Paradiso:
parvemi tanto allor del cielo acceso
de la fiamma del sol, che pioggia o fiume
lago non fece alcun tanto disteso.
the fire of the sun then seemed to me
to kindle so much of the sky, that rain
or river never formed so broad a lake.
Paradiso I.79-81 ( Allen Mandelbaum translation, 1984, p. 7)
244) Poem 80 of The Zen Works of Stonehouse:
Old and retired I nurse a sick body
long after sunrise my door is still closed
shivering I get up to light a pine fire
over the next rise I hear a woodcutter's song

Ch'ing-hung (1272-1352), The Zen Works of Stonehouse, Poem 80
translated by Red Pine (Bill Porter),
Mercury House, San Francisco, p. 41 (Zen Poems)
245) Verse 80 of Hafiz: The Tongue of the Hidden:
I ask no word about the how and why,
A slave, I do as may the master cry.—
    Who told you then that I think still of you?
O my Beloved, I tell you, it's a lie!

Hafiz (1320-1389), Hafiz: The Tongue of the Hidden, Verse 80
adaptation by Clarence K. Streit, Viking Press, NY, 1928
(Author on Time cover, March 27, 1950)
246) Verse 80 of The Divan of Hafez:
Did you see that the friend had no intention but cruelty,
That he broke his promise and did not care for my grief?
Cruelty befell me because of my own bad luck. Otherwise,
The friend never quits his habit of kindness and generosity.
Nevertheless, whoever did not suffer humiliation from him,
He did not receive any respect wherever he went.
Any wayfarer who did not reach the sanctuary of his door,
Poor man traversed the desert but did not enter the Ka'ba.
Hafez, go ahead and take the ball of happiness.
For the claimant had neither art nor knowledge.

Hafiz (1320-1389), The Divan of Hafez, Verse 80
translated from the Persian by Reza Saberi,
University Press of American, Lanham, MD, 2002, p. 97
247) Line 80 from the Pearl Poet's Pearl: "Sunbeams shone with shimmering brightness"
Dubbed wern alle tho downes sydes
Wyth crystal klyffes so cler of kynde.
Holtewodes bryghte aboute then bydes
Of bolles as blwe as ble of Ynde.
As bornyst sylver the lef onslydes,
That thike con trylle on uch a tynde.
Quen glem of glodes agayns hem glydes,
With schymeryng schene ful schrylle thay schynde.
In splendour shone those downland sides
Clear did those cliffs their nature show,
And, bright about them, woodland rides
With tree-trunks blue as indigo;
Like silver, each leave open slides
And gently flickers to and fro;
When broken cloud above them glides
With shimmering sheen I see them glow.
Pearl (c. 1370-1400) Lines 73-80
(Edited by J.J. Anderson, Everyman, London, 1996, p. 4)
(This Pearl translation: by Bill Stanton, another by Vernon Eller)
248) Verse 80 of Songs of Kabir:
The true Name is like none other name!
The distinction of the Conditioned from the Unconditioned
    is but a word:
The Unconditioned is the seed, the Conditioned
    is the flower and the fruit.
Knowledge is the branch, and the Name is the root.
Look, and see where the root is: happiness shall be
    yours when you come to the root.
The root will lead you to the branch,
    the leaf, the flower, and the fruit:
It is the encounter with the Lord, it the attainment
    of bliss, it is the reconciliation
    of the Conditioned and the Unconditioned.
Kabir (1398-1448), Songs of Kabir, Verse LXXX
(Translated by Rabindranath Tagore, Macmillan, NY, 1916, p. 126)
249) Sloka 80 of Kabir's Slokas of Kabir:
take and beat your drum
for a few days:
Passengers crossing a river
meet in the boat,
and then never
see each other
Kabir (c. 1398-1518)
Songs of Kabir from the Adi Granth (translated by Nirmal Dass)
State University of New York Press, Albany, 1991, p. 275
250) Kabir's Sabda: Verse 80:
Make your own decision.
See for yourself while you live.
Find your own place.
Dead, what house will you have?
Creature, you don't see
your opportunity.
In the end no one belongs to you.
Kabir says, it's difficult,
this wheel of time.

Kabir (1398-1448), The Bijak of Kabir, Sabda: Verse 80 (p. 68)
(Translated by Linda Hess & Shukdev Singh, North Point Press, San Francisco, 1983)
251) Chapter 80 of Wu Ch'eng-en The Journey to the West:
The fair girl, nursing the yang, seeks a mate;
Mind Monkey, guarding his master, knows a monster.

As the ancient proverb says, "A mountain does not block a road. For a road passes through
a mountain." Why ask about whether there is any road or not? "Perhaps the mountain does
not block the road," replied Tripitaka, "but I fear that such a treacherous region will breed
some fiends, or that monster-spirits will emerge from the depth of the mountain."
"Relax! Relax!" said Pa-chieh. "This place is probably not too far from the region of
ultimate bliss, and it's bound to be peaceful and safe."...
    Cloud and mist shrouding the summit
    And rushing torrent in the brook;
    Fragrant flowers clogging the road;
    Ten thousand trees both thick and dense;
    Blue plums and white pears;
    Green willows and red peaches...

As the ancients said, "If wealth in life you wish to see, Deadly earnest your work must be."
Tripitaka said, "What you say is quite right, disciple, but I wonder how much more there
is of this road that leads to the Western Heaven!"... You and I have gone through
several pine forests, but none was as deep and wide as this one. Just look at it!
    Densely spread out east and west—
    In thick columns north and south—
    Densely spread out east and west it pierces the clouds;
    In thick columns north and south it invades the sky.
    Lush thistles and thorns are growing on all sides;
    Creepers and weeds wind up and down the trunks.
    The vines entwine the tendrils—
    The tendrils entwine the vines—
    In this forest
    One may spend half a year
    Not knowing the seasons,
    Or walk a few miles
    Without seeing the stars.
    Look at those thousand kinds of scenery on the shady side
    And ten thousand bouquets in the sunny part.
    There are also the millennial huai.
    The immortal juniper,
    The cold-enduring pine,
    The mountain peach,
    The wild peony,
    The dry-land hibiscus—
    In layers and clumps they pile together,
    So riotous that e'en gods can't portray them.
    You hear also a hundred birds:
    The parrot's squeal;
    The cuckoo's wail;
    The magpie darting through the branches;
    The crow feeding her parents;
    The oriole soaring and dancing;
    A hundred tongues making melody;
    A call of red partridges,
    And the speech of purple swallows.
    The mynah learns to speak like a human;
    Even the grey thrush can read a sutra...

Not daunted in the least, however, our Great Sage Sun used his iron rod to open up
a wide path and led the T'ang monk deep into the forest. Footloose and carefree, they
proceeded for half a day but they had yet to reach the road leading out of the forest.
Wu Ch'eng-en (1500-1582),
The Journey to the West or Hsi-yu chi (1518), Volume 4, Chapter 80
(translated by Anthony C. Yu, University of Chicago Press, 1980, pp. 70-86)
252) Page 80 of an 1853 English edition of
Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote shows
an illustration at end of Part I, Book I, Chapter II
In the mean time there came to the inn a sow doctor,
who, as soon as he arrived, sounded his whistle of reeds
four or five times; which entirely confirmed Don Quixote
in the thought, that he was in some famous castle, that
they served him with music, and that the poor jack was
trout, the coarse loaf the finest white bread, the wenches
ladies, and the host governor of the castle; and so he
concluded his resolution to be well taken, and his sally
attended with success. But what gave him the most
disturbance was, that he was not yet dubbed a knight;
thinking he could not lawfully undertake any adventure,
until he had first received the order of knighthood.
Miguel de Cervantes (1549-1617),
Don Quixote de La Mancha,
translated by Charles Jarvis, Esq,
Illustrations by Tony Johannot
Philadelphia: Blanchard and Lea, 1853, Vol. I
[Stanford Library: PQ6329.A2.1853.V.1]
253) 80 occurs four times in Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote:
there were in days of yore damsels that at the end of eighty years,
in all which time they had never slept a day under a roof,
Chapter IX Battle between the Gallant Biscayan & the Valiant Manchegan
and over the flask he repeated more than eighty paternosters and as many
more ave-marias, salves, and credos, accompanying each word with a cross by
way of benediction, at all which there were present Sancho, the innkeeper,

Chapter XVII: Don Quixote Mistakens the Inn for a Castle
rather more than eighty fathoms they felt a weight, at which they were
greatly delighted; and at last, at ten fathoms more, they saw Don Quixote
distinctly, and Sancho called out to him, saying, "Welcome back..."

Part II, Chapter XXII: Don Quixote's Adventure in the Cave of Montesinos
"Sirs, will your worships be pleased of your courtesy to lend me sixty
crowns, and her ladyship the regent's wife eighty, to satisfy this
band that follows me, for 'it is by his singing the abbot gets his dinner.'"

Part II, Chapter LX: Don Quixote on His Way to Barcelona
Miguel de Cervantes (1549-1617),
Don Quixote de La Mancha
254) 80 occurs 15 times in the works of William Shakespeare:
eighty odd years of sorrow have I seen (King Richard III, IV.1.95)
I knew a man / of eighty winters (Two Noble Kinsmen, V.1.108)
I have liv'd fourscore years and upward (Merry Wives of Windsor, III.1.56)
a man of fourscore pound a year (Measure for Measure, II.1.123)
are you of fourscore pound a year? (Measure for Measure, II.1.195)
Genoa, as I heard, one night fourscore ducats (Merchant of Venice, III.1.109)
fourscore ducats at a sitting! (Merchant of Venice, III.1.111)
fourscore ducats! (Merchant of Venice, III.1.112)
from/seventeen years still now almost fourscore (As You Like It, II.3.71)
seek, / but at fourscore it is too late a week (As You Like It, II.3.74)
the coast on we'nsday the fourscore of April (Winter's Tale, IV.4.276)
Sir, / you have undone a man of fourscore three (Winter's Tale, IV.4.453)
goes up and down in from fourscore to thirteen (Timothy of Athens, II.2.113)
your father's tenant, / these fourscore years (King Lear, IV.1.14)
fourscore and upward, not an hour more nor less (King Lear, IV.7.60)
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Maurice Spevack, Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare,
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1973, pp. 344 & 443
255) Rival poet compared to a large ship
in Sonnet 80 of William Shakespeare:
O! how I faint when I of you do write,
Knowing a better spirit doth use your name,
And in the praise thereof spends all his might,
To make me tongue-tied speaking of your fame.
But since your worth, wide as the ocean is,
The humble as the proudest sail doth bear,
My saucy bark, inferior far to his,
On your broad main doth wilfully appear.
Your shallowest help will hold me up afloat,
Whilst he upon your soundless deep doth ride;
Or, being wrack'd, I am a worthless boat,
He of tall building, and of goodly pride:
Then if he thrive and I be cast away,
The worst was this, my love was my decay.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Sonnets LXXX, Commentary
256) Chapter 80 of Hsiao hsiao-sheng's The Golden Lotus (1617)
is titled "Picture of Grace Goes Back to the Bawdy-House":
Like a woman in wine she swayed
And thought of the joys of past days.
The memory of them was beyond endurance.
There was a silence in the high buildings
The Spring rain was falling.
At midnight, through the distand window, a dim light flickered.
She leaned against the pillar, and the breeze blew softly
She wandered through the passages, and her thoughts were troubled.
Through the window she could hear the sound of the snuffers,
But, when she beat upon the railing, no answer came.
Hsiao Hsiao-sheng (Ming dynasty),
The Golden Lotus (Chin P'ing Mei), Vol. 4, Chapter 80
(translated by Clement Egerton, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1939, p. 104)
257) Haiku 80 of Basho's Haiku (1678):
Polish up and show us
Tonight's moon, Hitomi
Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), Basho's Haiku, Vol. 2, Haiku 83
(translated by Toshiharu Oseko, Maruzen, Tokyo, 1996, p. 46)
[Hitomi means: "A man sees." and Izumo is the name of a province,
but it literally means: "to show up out of the cloud"]
258) "Every vein and fibre glows" when Faust opens
the Book and sees the sign of the Macrocosm
in Line 80 of Goethe's Faust:
Ha! welche Wonne fliesst in diesem Blick
Auf einmal mir durch alle meine Sinnen!
Ich fühle junges, heil'ges Lebensglück
Neuglühend mir durch Nerv' und Adern rinnen.
War es ein Gott, der diese Zeichen schrieb,
Die mir das innre Toben stillen,
Das arme Herz mit Freude füllen,
Und mit geheimnisvollem Trieb
Die Kräfte der Natur rings
    um mich her enthüllen?
Bin ich ein Gott? Mir wird so licht!
Ich schau in diesen reinen Zügen
Die wirkende Natur vor meiner Seele liegen.
Ha! what a sudden rapture leaps from this
I view, through all my senses swiftly flowing!
I feel a youthful, holy, vital bliss
In every vein and fibre newly glowing.
Was it a God, who traced this sign,
With calm across my tumult stealing,
My troubled heart to joy unsealing,
With impulse, mystic and divine,
The power of Nature here,
    around my path, revealing?
Am I a God?— so clear mine eyes!
In these pure features I behold
Creative Nature to my soul unfold.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832),
Faust, Scene I: Night (Faust monologue)
Verse translation by Bayard Taylor (1870)
Modern Library, New York, 1950, p. 17 (German)
259) Poem 80 of Goethe, the Lyrist: 100 Poems
"Ein Gleichnis" (Parable):
Jüngst pflückt' ich einen Wiesenstrauss,
Trug ihn gedankenvoll nach Haus;
Da hatten, von der warmen Hand,
Die Kronen sich alle zur Erde gewandt.
Ich setzte sie in frisches Glas,
Und welch ein Wunder war mir das!
Die Köpfchen hoben sich empor,
Die Blätterstengel im grünen Flor,
Und allzusammen so gesund,
Als stŠnden sie noch auf Muttergrund.

So war mir's, als ich wundersam
Mein Lied in fremder Sprache vernahm.
I picked wild flowers recently
And took a bunch home thoughtfully;
The warmth that by my hand was shed
Make every flower droop its head.
I gave them water in a glass,
And what a miracle came to pass!
The little heads perked up once more,
The stems were greening as before,
And all in all they looked so well
As when they grew in their native dell.

I felt that way when I heard my song
Wondrously in a foreign tongue.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), "Ein Gleichnis"
Goethe, the Lyrist: 100 Poems, (translated by Edwin H. Zeydel
University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 1955, pp. 158-159)
260) Haiku 80 of Issa's Haiku:
Plum blossom branch—
moon urge me
to steal you.
Kobayashi Issa (1763-1827),
The Dumpling Field: Poems of Issa, Haiku 80
(translated by Lucien Stryk, Swallow Press, Athens, Ohio, 1991, p. 24)
261) 80 appears twice in Lord Byron's poem:
Don Juan, Canto XI:
However, he did pretty well, and was
    Admitted as an aspirant to all
The coteries, and, as in Banquo's glass,
    At great assemblies or in parties small,
He saw ten thousand living authors pass,
    That being about their average numeral;
Also the eighty "greatest living poets,"
As every paltry magazine can show its.

"Where is the world?" cries Young, at eighty"— "Where
    The world in which a man was born?" Alas!
Where is the world of eight years past? 'T was there—
    I look for it— 't is gone, a globe of glass!
Crack'd, shiver'd, vanish'd, scarcely gazed on, ere
    A silent change dissolves the glittering mass.
Statesmen, chiefs, orators, queens, patriots, kings,
And dandies, all are gone on the wind's wings.
Lord George Gordon Byron (1788-1824),
Don Juan (1819-1824), Canto XI.54, XI.76
262) Poem 80 of Thomas Cole:

Life is the keeper of the gate called Death,
Leadeth us there and ope's the gloomy door
Taketh theret the toll, our mortal breath;
Then journeys on with us forever more.

Life is the mortal house where dwells the soul
Upon the margin of eternal time
One side is bared when waves of trouble roll;
The other stands 'mid silent deeps sublime.

Life is the air we breathe, the things around
We see and feel— these are its mortal load
Death touches us, they pass and with a bound
We spring aloft to seek a new abode.

Life is our all— this little vale of tears
Is but the vestibule where we unrobe,
Death lifts the curtain and beyond appears
The Life of Life that is not of our globe.

Life! Life! Which way we look is Life. Death
Is but the shadow of our sin on Life;
That dims the glass of being like a breath;
But Heaven shall shine upon the shade and Life
Be free from strain, and brighter be through Death.

Thomas Cole (1801-1848), Thomas Cole's Poetry, Poem 80
(Compiled & Edited by Marshall B. Tymn, 1972, p. 171)

Thomas Cole, Self-Portrait (1836)

263) Poem 80 is the last poem in F. I. Tyutchev's
Eighty Stars from Tyutchev's Galaxy:

Of all that seething life with bustle and sounds,
Of all the blood that flowed in rivers here—
What has survived? What traces do appear?
In silence cloaked, three darksome burial mounds...

Three mighty oaks project against the blue,
Spreading their branches o'er the solemn spot;
They stand in beauty, rustle, and care not
Whose ashes cold their roots are digging through.

Dame Nature is indifferent to the past,
Treating our ghostly years as alien gleams;
and all of us, down to the very last,
We vaguely guess ourselves but Nature's dreams.

Her children all, however dull or spry,
Whose deeds are nothing more thatn uselessness,
In turn and equally She welcomes by
Her all-absorbing and all-quietening abyss.

                                    August 17, 1871

Feodor I. Tyutchev (1803-1873)
Eighty Stars from Tyutchev's Galaxy
(Introduction & Notes by Alexander Pokidov,
OOO "PoligrafAtelePlius", Moscow, 2003, p. 244); 2003 Coin
264) Grandmother at 80 in Oliver Wendell Holmes poem
Grandmother's Story of Bunker-Hill Battle (1874):

'T is like stirring living embers when, at eighty, one remembers
All the achings and the quakings of "the times that tried men's souls";
When I talk of Whig and Tory, when I tell the Rebel story,
To you the words are ashes, but to me they're burning coals.

I had heard the muskets' rattle of the April running battle;
Lord Percy's hunted soldiers, I can see their red-coats still;
But a deadly chill comes o'er me, as the day looms up before me,
When a thousand men lay bleeding on the slopes of Bunker's Hill.
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894),
"Grandmother's Story of Bunker-Hill Battle", Stanza 1-2 of 36
Grandmother's Story: and Other Poems
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1919
265) The sperm whale's brain and spinal cord discussed
in Chapter 80 of Melville's Moby-Dick (1851):
If the Sperm Whale be physiognomically a Sphinx, to the phrenologist his brain seems that geometrical circle which it is impossible to square. In in full-grown creature the skull will measure at least twenty feet in length. Unhinge the lower jaw, and the side view of this skull is as the side of a moderately inclined plane resting throughout on a level base... The brain is at least twenty feet from his apparent forehead in life; it is hidden away behind its vast outworks, like the innermost citadel within the amplified fortifications of Quebec... Lying in strange folds, courses, and convolutions, to their apprehensions, it seems more in keeping with the idea of his general might to regard that mystic part of him as the seat of his intelligence... For I believe that much of a man's character will be found betokened in his backbone. I would rather feel your spine than your skull, whoever you are. A thin joist of a spine never yet upheld a full and noble soul. I rejoice in my spine, as in the firm audacious staff of that flag which I fling half out to the world. Apply this spinal branch of phrenology to the Sperm Whale. His cranial cavity is continuous with the first neck-vertebra; and in that vertebra the bottom of the spinal canal will measure ten inches across, being eight in height, and of a triangular figure with the base downwards. As it passes through the remaining vertebrae the canal tapers in size, but for a considerable distance remains of large capacity. Now, of course, this canal is filled with much the same strangely fibrous substance— the spinal cord- as the brain; and directly communicates with the brain. And what is still more, for many feet after emerging from the brain's cavity, the spinal cord remains of an undecreasing girth, almost equal to that of the brain. Under all these circumstances, would it be unreasonable to survey and map out the whale's spine phrenologically? For, viewed in this light, the wonderful comparative smallness of his brain proper is more than compensated by the wonderful comparative magnitude of his spinal cord.
Herman Melville (1819-1891), Moby-Dick, Chapter 80: The Nut
266) Glorious afternoon in Letter 80 of Emily Dickinson:
It's a glorious afternoon— the sky is blue and warm— the wind blows
just enough to keep the clouds sailing, and the sunshine, Oh such sunshine,
it is'nt like gold, for gold is dim beside it; it is'nt like anything which you or I
have seen! It seems to me "Ik Marvel" was born on such a day; I only only wish
you were here. Such days were made on purpose for Susie and you and me, then
what in the world you gone for, Oh dear, I do not know, but this I do know, that
if wishing would bring you home, you were here today. Is it pleasant in Boston?
Of course it is'nt, tho', I might have known more than to make such an inquiry.
No doubt the streets are muddy, and the sky some dingy hue, and I can think
just how every thing bangs and rattles, and goes rumbling along thro' stones
and plank and clay! I dont feel as if I could have you there, possibly, another
day. I'm afraid you'll turn into a bank, or a Pearl Street counting room, if you
have not already, assumed some monstrous shape living in such a place.
    Let me see— April— three weeks until April— the very first of April, well,
perhaps that will do, only be sure of the week, the whole week, and nothing but
the week; if they make new arrangements, give my respects to them, and tell them
old arrangements are good enough for you, and you will have them, then if they raise
the wind, why let it blow— there's nothing more excellent than a breeze now and then!
    What a time we shall have Fast day, after we get home from meeting—
why it make me dance to think of it; and Austin, if I dance so many days beforehand
what will become of me when the hour really arrives? I dont know, I'm sure, and
I dont care, much, for that, or for anything else, but get you home!...
Much Love from Mother and Vinnie— we are now pretty well,
and our hearts are set on April, the very first of April!
Liked your letter very much, and hope I shall have another one pretty soon.
(Notes: The New England Puritans established a Fast Day in March or April, celebrated by
proclamation of the magistrates of each province or colony; the custom survived as
a holiday in Massachusetts well into the 19th century. In 1852 it fell on April 8.
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Letter 80 (to her brother Austin Dickinson, 7 March 1852)
The Letters of Emily Dickinson, Volume I (Biography)
(edited by Thomas H. Johnson, Harvard University Press, 1955, p. 187-189)
267) Poem 80 of Emily Dickinson:

Our lives are Swiss—
So — so Cool—
Till some odd afternoon
The Alps neglect their Curtains
And we look farther on!

Italy stands the other side!
While like a guard between—
The solemn Alps—
The siren Alps
Forever intervene!

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, Poem 80 (circa 1859)
(edited by Thomas H. Johnson, 1955, pp. 41-42)
268) 80th New Poem of Emily Dickinson:
You have experienced Sanctity.
It is to me untried.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
(Letter 413: To T. W. Higginson, late May 1874)
New Poems of Emily Dickinson
(edited by William H. Shurr, University of North Carolin Press, 1993, p. 26)
269) There are 84 lines in Walt Whitman's poem Faces (1855).
Line 80 tells about a gown of cream-hued linen:
She sits in an arm-chair, under the shaded porch of the farmhouse,
The sun just shines on her old white head.
Her ample gown is of cream-hued linen,
Her grandsons raised the flax, and her granddaughters spun it with the distaff and the wheel.
Walt Whitman (1819-1892), Faces, Lines 78-81
A Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems, Vol. I, Poems, 1855-1856
(Edited by Sculley Bradley, Harold W. Blodgett, Arthur Golden, William White
New York University Press, 1980, p. 137)
270) Circumnavigation accomplished in Line 80 of Walt Whitman's Passage to India (1871):
Again Vasco de Gama sails forth;
Again the knowledge gain'd, the mariner's compass,
Lands found, and nations born, thou born, America,
For purpose vast, man's long probation fill'd,
Thou, rondure of the world, at last accomplish'd.

Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
Passage to India, Section 5, Lines 76-80
A Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems, Vol. III, Poems, 1870-1891
(Edited by Sculley Bradley, Harold W. Blodgett, Arthur Golden, William White
New York University Press, 1980, p. 567)
271) The last poem in Edwin Markham's New Poems: Eighty Songs at Eighty is:
"The Look Ahead"
I am done with the years that were: I am quits:
    I am done with the dead and the old.
They are mines worked out: I delved in their pits:
    I have saved their grain of gold.

Now I turn to the future for wine and bread:
    I have bidden the past adieu,
I laugh and lift hand to the years ahead:
    "Come on: I am ready for you!"

Edwin Markham (1852-1940)
New Poems: Eighty Songs at Eighty, Doubleday, Doran & Co.
Garden City, NY, 1932, 114 pages [Stanford: 811.4.M341n]
Verse 80 in Tagore's Gitanjali:
I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn
uselessly roaming in the sky, O my sun ever-glorious!
Thy touch has not yet melted my vapour, making me
one with thy light, and thus I count months
and years separated from thee.

If this be thy wish and if this be thy play,
then take this fleeting emptiness of mine,
paint it with colours, gild it with gold,
float it on the wanton wind and
spread it in varied wonders.

And again when it shall be thy wish
to end this play at night,
I shall melt and vanish away in the dark,
or it may be in a smile of the white morning,
in a coolness of purity transparent.

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)
Gitanjali: Song Offerings (1912), Verse 80

Rabindranath Tagore

273) Poem 80 in George William Russell's Collected Poems by A. E (1913):
"The Silence of Love"

I could praise you once with beautiful words ere you came
And entered my life with love in a wind of flame.
I could lure with a song from afar my bird to its nest,
But with pinions drooping together silence is best.

In the land of beautiful silence the winds are laid,
And life grows quietly one in the cloudy shade.
I will not waken the passion that sleeps in the heart,
For the winds that blew us together may blow us apart.

Fear not the stillness; for doubt and despair shall cease
With the gentle voices guiding us into peace.
Our dreams will change as they pass through the gates of gold,
And Quiet, the tender shepherd, shall keep the fold.

A. E. (George William Russell) (1867-1935)
Collected Poems by A .E., 2nd Ed., Macmillan, London (1927), pp. 117-118
274) Page 80 in A. E.'s Song and its Fountains:
[I remember as if yesterday that day in my youth when a]
mystical music was born in me before ever
thought came or the words that followed.

When the breath of twilight blows to flame the misty skies,
All its vaporous sapphire, violet glow and silver gleam,
With their magic flood me through the gateway of the eyes.
I am one with the twilight's dream.

When the trees and skies and fields are one in dusky mood
Every heart of man is rapt within the mother's breast.
Full of peace and sleep and dreams in the vasty quietude,
I am one with their hearts at rest.

From our immemorial joys of hearth and home and love,
Stray'd away along the margin of the unknown tide,
All its reach of soundless calm can thrill me far above
Word or touch from the lips beside.

Aye, and deep and deep and deeper let me drink and draw
From the olden fountain more than light or peace or dream;
Such primaeval being as o'erfills the heart with awe
Growing one with its silent stream.

    By the magic of that music which so rose
within me the universe seemed to reel away
from me, and to be remote and unsubstantial
as the most distant nebulae, and for some
minutes, I was able to re-create within myself
the musical movement of the power, and
could stay the soul upon the high uplands.
But it quickly vanished as a dream might go
after our waking, and try as I might I could
not recall it again. But for a moment I
[understood what power might be in sound or incantation.]

A. E. (George William Russell) (1867-1935)
Song and its Fountains, Macmillan, New York (1932), p. 80
(New Edition, Larson Publications, 1991)
(Poem cited: By the Margin of the Great Deep, 1913)
[Note: Typesetting on page 80 is from the 1932 edition.
Lines in brackets are from page 79 and page 81.]

275) Eighty Not Out is a poem celebrating the beauty of old age
by the Canadian poet Robert Service:
In the gay, gleamy morn I adore to go walking,
And oh what sweet people I meet on my way!
I hail them with joy for I love to be talking,
Although I have nothing important to say.
I cheer the old grannies whose needles are plying;
I watch the wee kiddies awhoop at their play:
When sunny the sky is, you'll not be denying
The morning's the bonniest bit of the day.

With hair that is silver the look should be smiling,
And lips that are ageful should surely be wise;
And so I go gaily with gentle beguiling,
Abidding for cheer in the bright of your eyes.
I look at the vines and the blossoms with loving;
I listen with glee to the thrush on the spray:
And so with a song in my heart I am proving
That life is more beautiful every day.

For I think that old age is the rapture of living,
And though I've had many a birthday of cheer,
Of all the delectable days of God's giving,
The best of the bunch is my eightieth year.
So I will go gay in the beam of the morning
Another decade,— Oh I haven't a doubt!
Adoring the world of the Lord's glad adorning,
And sing to the glory of Ninety-not-Out.

Robert William Service (1874-1958),
Carols of an Old Codger (1954) included in
Later Collected Verse, Dodd, Mead & Co., NY (1965), p. 8
276) Poem 80 of Rilke's New Poems: The Other Part [1908]
is titled "The Sundial" ("Die Sonnenuhr"):
Selten reicht ein Schauer feuchter Fäule
aus dem Gartenschatten, wo einander
Tropfen fallen hören und ein Wander—
vogel lautet, zu der Säule,
die in Majoran und Koriander
steht und Sommerstunden zeigt;

nur sobald die Dame (der ein Diener
nachfolgt) in dem hellen Florentiner
über ihren Rand sich neigt,
wird sie schattig und verschweigt—.

Oder wenn ein sommerlicher Regen
aufkommt aus dem wogenden Bewegen
hoher Kronen, hat sie eine Pause;
denn sie weiss die Zeit nicht auszudrücken,
die dann in den Frucht- und Blumenstücken
plötzlich glüht im weissen Gartenhause.

Seldom does a shudder of damp decay
reach from the garden shadows, where drops
hear one another fall and a migratory
bird makes sounds, to the column,
which stands in marjoram and coriander
and shows the summer hours;

only when the lady (whom a servant
follows) in the bright wide-brimmed bonnet
bends down above its edge
does it grow shadowy and secretive—

Or when a summer rain comes down
from the surging movements
of high treetops, does it pause;
for it can't express the kind of time
which then in the still-life fruits and flowers
suddenly sets the white gardenhouse aglow.
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), "The Sundial"
(translated by Edward Snow, New Poems: The Other Part (1908), Poem 80
North Point Press, San Francisco, 1987, pp. 182-183)
277) Line 80 of Rilke's Duino Elegies VII [1923]
on thousands of years of our feeling:

War es nicht Wunder? O staune, Engel, denn wir sinds.
wir, o du Grosser, erzähls, dass wir solches vermochten, mein Atem
reicht für die Rühmung nicht aus. So haben wir dennoch
nich di R äme versäumt, diese gewährenden, diese
unseren R äme. (Was müssen sie fürchterlich gross sein,
da sie Jahrtausende nicht unseres Fühlns überfülln.)

Was this not miraculous? Marvel, O Angel, for it is us,
tell them, O Great One, that we were capable of this, I
barely have breath enough for this praising. So after all
we have not wasted these spaces, thes sheltering spaces,
these our spaces, (How terribly big they must be,
that thousands of years of our feelingdo not overfill them.)

Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926),
Duino Elegies, VII.75-80
(translated by Patrick Bridgwater)
Menard Press, London, 1999, pp. 54-55)
(Other translations: Edward Snow; Robert Hunter)

278) 80th Page lines in James Joyce's Ulysses, (Lines 1-11):
makes them feel happy. Lollipop. It does. Yes, bread of angels
it's called. There's a big idea behind it, kind of kingdom of God
is within you feel. First communicants. Hokypoky penny a
lump. Then feel all like one family party, same in the
theatre, all in the same swim. They do. I'm sure of that. Not so
lonely. In our confraternity. Then come out a bit spreeish. Let
off steam. Thing is if you really believe in it. Lourdes cure,
waters of oblivion, and the Knock apparition, statues bleeding.
Old fellow asleep near that confessionbox. Hence those snores.
Blind faith. Safe in the arms of kingdom come. Lulls all pain.
Wake this time next year.
James Joyce (1882-1941), Ulysses, (1st edition, 1922)
Random House, New York (1946), p. 80
279) 80th Page lines in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, (15 samples):
with speedwell, white clover and sorrel a wood knows, which (80.3)
filthdump near the Serpentine in Phornix Park (at her time called (80.6)
flaherty engaged a nutter of castlemallards and ah for archer (80.9)
stunned's turk, all over which fossil footprints, bootmarks, (80.10)
fingersigns, elbowdints, breechbowls, a. s. o. were all succes- (80.11)
hide a leabhar from Thursmen's brandihands or a loveletter, (80.14)
ended, than here where race began: and by four hands of fore- (80.16)
thought the first babe of reconcilement is laid in its last cradle (80.17)
fidies and his nuptial eagles sharped their beaks of prey: and (80.21)
Agni araflammed and Mithra monished and Shiva slew as maya- (80.24)
mutras the obluvial waters of our noarchic memory withdrew, (80.25)
priest, flamenfan, the ward of the wind that lightened the fire that (80.27)
lay in the wood that Jove bolt, at his rude word. Posidonius (80.28)
O'Fluctuary! Lave that bloody stone as it is! What are you (80.29)
doing your dirty minx and his big treeblock way up your path? (80.30)
James Joyce (1882-1941), Finnegans Wake, (1939), p. 80
280) "The strings are cold" in Line 80
of Wallace Stevens's, The Man with the Blue Guitar (1937):

It is the sun that shares our works.
The moon shares nothing. It is a sea.

When shall I come to say of the sun,
It is a sea; it shares nothing;

The sun no longer shares our works
And the earth is alive with creeping men,

Mechanical beetles never quite warm?
And shall I then stand in the sun, as now

I stand in the moon, and call it good,
The immaculate, the merciful good,

Detached from us, from things as they are?
Not to be part of the sun? To stand

Remote and call it merciful?
The strings are cold on the blue guitar.

Wallace Stevens (1879-1955),
The Man with the Blue Guitar, Lines 67-80 (Section VII)
Collected Poetry and Prose, Library of America, NY, 1997, pp. 137-138

281) Chapter 80 of Ezra Pound's Cantos (selections):
Nothing but death, said Turgenev (Tiresias)
          is irreparable...
    I wonder what Tsu Tsze's calligraphy looked like
they say she could draw down birds from the trees,...
      as some say: a dark forest
        the warp and the woof
          that is of heaven...
To this whiteness, Tseng said
    "What shall add to this whiteness?"...
you can neither eat manuscript nor Confucius
    nor even the hebrew scriptures
    get out of that bacon box
    contract W, 11 oh oh 9 oh
now used as a wardrobe
          ex 53 pounds gross weight...
        "There is no darkness but ignorance"
    has read the words on the pedestal...
Jackson at 80 proposed to cook for the armies of Ulster
    "la bonne soup fait le bon soldat"
    and he said to Yeats at a vorticist picture show:
        "You also of the brotherhood?"...
because the road had been blown off the side of the mountain
but he climbed about 200 steps of the tower
to see what he had seen thru the roof
    of a barn no longer standing...
    Nancy where art thou?...
La beauté, "Beauty is difficult, Yeats" said Aubrey Beardsley
    when Yeats asked why he drew horrors
    or at least not Burne-Jones...
    So very difficult, Yeats, beauty so difficult...
for those trees are serenity...
in his moving was stillness...
hast'ou swum in a sea of air strip
    through an aeon of nothingness,
when the raft broke and the waters went over me,...
    Noel, Noel, the green holly
    A dark night for the holly

Ezra Pound (1885-1972), The Cantos (1-95), LXXX
New Directions, NY, 1956, pp. 71-94
282) There are 86 poems in Ivor Gurney's 80 Poems or So
Poem 80 is titled "The Ship":

A ship of silver sailed among
Cloudlets and stars: I saw her ride
On Night's blue tide,
Her freightage song.
A silver music packed her hold,
Heigh argent glories manifold.

and poor men rapt in alleys vile,
With upturned faces, felt the stir,
Wind-beat of a messenger
Trouble the air,
Numbing awhile
Pain and the dull-aching monotony
With loveliest compassion, Divine pity.

Ivor Gurney (1890-1937)
80 Poems or So,
(Edited by George Walter & R.K.R. Thornton, Carcanet Press, Manchester, 1997, p. 123)
283) Poem 80 of e. e. cummings's 95 Poems (1958):
if the Lovestar grows most big

a voice comes out of some dreaming tree
(and how i'll stand more still than still)
and what he'll sing and sing to me

and while this dream is climbing sky
(until his voice is more than bird)
and when no am was ever as i

then that Star goes under the earth

e. e. cummings (1894-1962),
95 Poems (Norton, 1958), "Poem 80"
95 Poems
284) Page 80 in William Carlos Williams' Paterson (1958):


Alone, watching the May moon above the trees...

                        That the poem,
the most perfect rock and temple, the highest
falls, in clouds of gauzy spray, should be
so rivaled     .     that the poet,
in disgrace, should borrow from erudition (to
unslave the mind): railing at the vocabulary
(borrowing from those he hates, to his own
disfranchisement)     .

William Carlos Williams (1883-1963), Paterson (1958)
Edited by Christopher MacGowan
New Directions, NY, 1992, p. 80
(Published in Book II, Section 3, 1948)

285) "A Verse for His Eightieth Birthday" is the shortest poem
in Everson at Eighty, Poems by R. G. Everson
to hear

R. G. Everson (1903-1992),
Everson at Eighty, Oberon Press, Toronto, 1983, p. 126
286) Sonnet 80 in Pablo Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets (1960)
My love, I returned from travel and sorrow
to your voice, to your hand flying on the guitar,
to the fire interrupting the autumn with kisses,
to the night that circles through the sky.

I ask for bread and dominion for all;
for the worker with no future ask for land.
May no one expect my blood or my song to rest!
But I cannot give up your love, not without dying.

So: play the waltz of the tranquil moon,
the barcarole, on the fluid guitar,
till my head lolls, dreaming:

for all my life's sleeplessness had woven
this shelter in the grove where your hand lives and flies,
watching over the night of the sleeping traveler.

Pablo Neruda
Love Sonnet LXXX, 100 Love Sonnets: Cien Sonetos de Amor
Editorial Losada, Buenos Aires, 1960 (trans. Stephen Tapscott, 1986)
287) Poem 80 in Louis Zukofsky's 80 Flowers (1978) is
"80 Zinnia":
With prayer-plant eyes annually winter-leggy
zinnia miracles itself perennial return
blest interim strength lengthening coreopsis'-summers
actual some time whereso near
zebra-fragrant sharpened wave currents tide
new moon to full sunrise
sunset enable ships seaworth slow-rounds
rosette lancers speared-yucca's white night
Louis Zukofsky (1904-1978)
80 Flowers, "80 Zinnia"
The Stinehour Press, Lunenburg, Vermont, 1978
[Stanford: PS3549.U47.E36.1978F "facsimile pirated copy"]
288) Reading Zukofsky's 80 Flowers by Michele J. Leggott
was a Ph.D. Thesis Dissertation at the University of British Columbia (1985)
and later a book published by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1989
The analysis of Poem #80 "Zinnia" covers pages 342-353
with references to Shakespeare's "miracle itself" (Cymbeline, IV.ii.27)
and "blest interim" (Sonnet 56) as well as Zufofsky's poems in All.
[Stanford: PS3549.U47.E3636.1989] Essay
289) There are 82 lines in Section XVII of Kenneth Rexroth's
"The Silver Swan" from The Morning Star (1979).
Line 80: Sunbathing in his garden (lines 79-82):
Suddenly I am standing
In my garden, nude, bathed in
The hot brillance of the new
Risen sun— star and crescent gone into light.

Kenneth Rexroth (1905-1982)
The Complete Poems of Kenneth Rexroth
"The Silver Swan" XVII.79-82
Edited by Sam Hamill & Bradford Morrow
Copper Canyon Press, Port Townsend, WA, 2003, p. 739
290) May Sarton's Coming Into Eighty: New Poems (1994)
begins with her poem "Coming Into Eighty":
Coming into eighty
I slow my ship down
For a safe landing.
It has been battered
One sail torn, the rudder
Sometimes wobbly.
We are hardly a glorious sight.
It has been a long voyage
Through time, travail and triumph,
Eighty years
Of learnig what to be
Ands how to become it.

One day the ship will decompose
and then what will become of me?
Only a breath
Gone into nothingness
Or a spirit of air and fire
Set free?
Who knows?

Greet us at landfall
The old ship and me,
But we can't stay anchored.
Soon we must set sail
On the last mysterious voyage
Everybody takes
Toward death.
Without my ship there,
Wish me well.
May Sarton (1912-1995)
Coming Into Eighty: New Poems
W. W. Norton, New York (1994), pp. 15-16
291) Allen Ginsberg's HOWL (1956) contains 112 lines.
Line 1:
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
Line 80:
Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unob-
      tainable dollars! Children screaming under the
      stairways! Boys sobbing in armies! Old men
      weeping in the parks!

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997),
Howl and Other Poems, City Lights Books, 1956, p. 21
Page 80 in Jack Kerouac's
Atop an Underwood: Early Stories and Other Writings (1941):
The purpose of this story is not what I've already declared.
The purpose was to indicate what I would do if I were wealthy,
after all my years of traveling and living and being hungry,
as regards to ending my days in peace. Here's what I'd do.
A little shack on the slope of a mountain in Colorado's Rockies;
a beach wagon with which to procure provisions; two fine dogs;
a fireplace inside... a shack with a huge and heavy library,
all very rare and fine editions of classics throughout the ages;
a somber brown library with a fireplace and deep-dyed
leather chairs, worn from much meditation with one of many mellow
old pipes; a shack with a beautiful cocktail cabinet; a shack with
a bedroom overlooking the great projecting earth's grandest summits,
snow-capped, sadly lost in clouds, towering mammoths of Colorado;
a shack, gentlemen, in which I would end my days.
Jack Kerouac (1922-1969)
Atop an Underwood: Early Stories and Other Writings, Viking, NY, 1999, p. 80
Chapter 80 in Jack Kerouac's Desolation Angels (1965):
"Strange strange world," says Cody marching away a little bit
then wheeling and coming back to our group— The Chekhovian
Angel of Silence falls over all of us and we're all dead quiet,
and listen to the hmm of the day and the shh of the silence, and
finally Cody coughs, just a little, says "Hnf— haf"—
indicating, with his big smokes, the Indian mystery— Which
Kevin acknowledges with a typical upward tender look toward
Cody of amazement and wonder, out of his mind with blue-eyed
clear astonishment— Which Cody also sees, eyes slitted now.
    Penny is still sitting there (and has been) in the formal
Buddha position for all this half and an hour of talk and thought—
Buncha nuts— We all wait for the next thing to happen.
Jack Kerouac (1922-1969)
Desolation Angel: A Novel, Coward-McCann, NY, 1965, Ch. 80, pp. 139-140
80 is the last word in Anne Sexton's poem "Old" (1962):
I'm afraid of needles.
I'm tired of rubber sheets and tubes.
I'm tired of faces that I don't know
and now I think that death is starting.
Death starts like a dream,
full of objects and my sister's laughter.
We are young and we are walking
and picking wild blueberries
all the way to Damariscotta.
Oh Susan, she cried,
you've stained your new waist.
Sweet taste—
my mouth so full
and the sweet blue running out
all the way to Damariscotta.
What are you doing?Ê Leave me alone!
Can't you see I'm dreaming?
In a dream you are never eighty.
Anne Sexton (1928-1955)
"Old" in All My Pretty Ones, Section IV (1962)
The Complete Poems, Houghton Mifflin, Boston (1981), p. 69
295) Poem 80 of Michael McClure's Ghost Tantras:
Nahg treee towm heeer een hahhr grahzeeng
thah een mah hoohrt nra droor that ess me.
Thahn breeze ahn hallways again. Thah chairs,
enmeorr darkness tablets. Ah hoon reezen.
I here now go nowhere
memoring and calling thy soft hair.
Oh doohrm thah nog towhown essee tah blyme,
all flowing out me creating of my seen thou.
We fly from the truth swollen with benign tortures
hallucinating the real image of pleasure...
Nah aye mee-oong rang troon een loodahm.
All creatures of sweetness in ascent
like waverings of air...
Toes, eyes, lungs & lobes regneen ahn metter
and purposefully willfully wavering in the now.
Meeowp nar.
Michael McClure (born Oct. 20, 1932),
Ghost Tantras, City Lights Books, 1967, p. 87)
296) Poem 80 in Thomas Merton's Cables to the Ace (1968):

Slowly slowly
Comes Christ through the garden
Speaking to the sacred trees
Their branches bear his light
Without harm

Slowly slowly
Comes Christ through the ruins
Seeking the lost disciple
A timid one
Too literate
To believe words
So he hides

Slowly slowly
Christ rises on the cornfields
It is only the harvest moon
The disciple
Turns over in his sleep
And murmurs:
"My regret!"

The disciple will awaken
When he knows history
But slowly slowly
The Lord of History
Weeps into the fire.

Thomas Merton (1915-1968)
The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton
New Directions, NY, 1977, p. 449
297) Poem 80 of The Crane's Bill:
Fisting, shouting like a petty merchant,
Saying yes, no: quicksand.
Cease pointing, explaining. Keep quiet.
There: now hear the flutist coming home?

— Kakua, 12th century
Zen Poems of China and Japan: The Crane's Bill
(translated by Lucien Stryk & Takashi Ikemoto, Anchor Books, NY, 1973, p. 51)
298) Poem 80 in John Hollander's Committed to Memory: 100 Best Poems to Memorize
is "Stanza" by Emily Brontë (1818-1848):
Often rebuked, yet always back returning
To those first feelings that were born with me,
And leaving busy chase of wealth and learning
For idle dreams of things which cannot be:

To-day, I will seek not the shadowy region;
Its unsustaining vastness waxes drear;
And visions rising, legion after legion,
Bring the unreal world too strangely near.

I'll walk, but not in old heroic traces,
And not in paths of high morality,
And not among the half-distinguished faces,
The clouded forms of long-past history.

I'll walk where my own nature would be leading:
It vexes me to choose another guide:
Where the gray flocks in ferny glens are feeding;
Where the wild wind blows on the mountain side

What have those lonely mountains worth revealing?
More glory and more grief than I can tell:
The earth that wakes one human heart to feeling
Can centre both the worlds of Heaven and Hell.
John Hollander (born 1929), Committed to Memory: 100 Best Poems to Memorize, Poem 80
Academy of American Poets, New York, pp. 153-154
299) Ant's tongue in Line 80
of Mary Oliver's's poem "Flare" (Lines 80-83):
Did you know that the ant has a tongue
with which to gather in all that it can
of sweetness?

Did you know that?
Mary Oliver (born 1935), The Leaf and the Cloud, "Flare", Section 7
Da Capo Press, 2000, p. 4
300) There are 87 aphorisms in Charles Simic's "Assembly Required" (pp. 90-98)
from his Orphan Factory: Essays and Memoirs (1997):
Aphorism 80: Stupidity is having a national revival.
All you need to do is turn on the TV to see its big, friendly smile.

Charles Simic (born May 9, 1938),
    Orphan Factory: Essays and Memoirs,
    University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, p. 98
80 in Numerology
301) Numerology: words whose letters add up to 80

(7 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 9 + 5) + (3 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 6 +2) = 52 + 28 = 80

HYDROGEN CHILD: (8 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 5) + (3 + 8 + 9 + 3 + 4) = 53 + 27 = 80

(9 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 5 + 9 + 2 + 5) + (5 + 2 + 5 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 3) = 50 + 30 = 80

INFINITY HEAVEN: (9 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 5 + 9 + 2 + 7) + (8 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 5) = 52 + 28 = 80

(6 + 5 + 5) + (1 + 7 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 2) + (2 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 8) = 16 + 37 + 27 = 80

(7 + 8 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 9 + 6) + (6 + 3 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 9) = 46 + 34 = 80

(1 + 9 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 5) + (3 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 9 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 1) = 31 + 49 = 80

(2 + 9 + 3 + 2 + 8) + (5 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 4) + (3 + 6 + 4 + 5 + 9) = 24 + 29 + 27 = 80

(8 + 5 + 5) + (7 + 8 + 9 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 7) = 18 + 62 = 80

Stanford's Green Library books were used to scan some stamps in Section #114:
1) A. Pushkin in the World of Stamps, Moscow, 2000 [HE6183.P86.A2.2000]
2) Michel Nédélec, Côte d'Ivoire 1892-1982 timbres-poste,
    MAC/CEDA, Abidjan, 1983 [HE6185.I9.N42.1983]
3) Postage Stamp Catalogue of the Republic of China 1878-1996
    Lan Shu-chen (Ed.), Taipei, Taiwan, ROC [HE6185.C552.C4713.1996]
4) Laurent Lemerle, La France par ses timbres, Flammarion, 1999 [HE6185.F82.L46.1999]

These web pages "On the Number 80"
are dedicated to Professor Donald Bleznick
on his 80th birthday (December 24, 1924).
Professor Bleznick is Professor Emeritus
of Romance Languages & Literature
at the University of Cincinnati.

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© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: peter@wisdomportal.com (12-24-2004)