First Memory: The Well


He's two years old having just learned to walk
and was exploring the yard around him.
The well in front of his house in Chengtu
attracted him and he wondered what's down there.
His Dad had covered the well with a wooden board
and a giant rock over it. He found pebbles
to throw into the crevice in the plank,
placing his ear to the wood and listen
to the plop when it hits the waters.
He wondered where did that pebble go—
Did it hit a fish or frog at the bottom
or travel to the sea or to another world?


Why this memory is remembered?
Why the well? What does it symbolize?—
a connection between earth
and the subterranean world...
between what is apparent
and what is obscure...
between outer world of waking
and inner world of dreams...
between the mysterious female
and the Spirit of the Valley...
The well is holder of secrets—
dark and deep, it is the soul
nourishing life in this world,
silent as the night of deep sleep.
Truth lies at the bottom of a well
springing up unto eternal life.

          — Peter Y. Chou
               Los Altos Hills, 7-9-2007

Sharon Dubiago's Poetry Workshop:
"Autobiography of the Soul"
(10-minutes exercise: Write about your first memory
in 3rd person past tense. Why you remembered this?)
31st Foothill College Writers' Conference
Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, California

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (7-9-2007)