Q&A Session:
Q: What about the narrative poem?
A: Poetry is so vast. It's like sports badminton and football with linebackers.
Usually when we speak of poetry, it's the lyric poem.
Stephen Dobyns writes short narrative poems.
Now the narrative poem has been replaced by the Outburst.
Poems were used historically as a mnemonic device.
alliterations, tropes, vital information stored
How many days in October? in August?
We have a jingle to remind us
"Thirty days hath September
April, June, and November
Q: Is the Outburst confessional poetry?
A: The term is 40 years old. Poets like Lowell and Anne Sexton
had something to confess, exciting life to reveal.
Plath and Berryman too had much to confess.
All poetry is a mating call
to get attention without embarrassment.
To me, poetry is an extension of the diary.
Girls keep diaries closed their doors and had feelings
while boys were outside beating each other up.
The lock of a diary had the shape of a heart.
Dear Diary self-constructive & reflective
Poetry is writing about feelings.
Poetry has form & gives pleasure.
When Shakespeare wrote King Lear,
it gave him lots of fun and pleasure.
Glouchester is looking down from the cliff? [King Lear, IV:6]
That's the tension of literature.
That's why television is not satisfying
happy content, happy form.
That's why poetry is more satisfying.
Q: Who are the poets that inspired you?
A: Yeats. Everything from Looney Tunes
Didn't like Disney.
In Looney Tunes, anything can happen
pull a lawn mower from your pants.
My mother in Canada had lots of poems.
My mother died at age 95.
I was a Beatnik liked
Ferlinghetti &
went through brooding Romantic genius period.
In Graduate school I liked
Wallace Stevens
and tried to write fake Stevens poems.
I like
Richard Brautigan he's disparaged now
I'm still reading. I read poets who make me jealous
Envy that's how I want to be influenced.
Listen to jazz musicians do things I can't do.
Jorie Graham is admirable. But I don't want to write like her.
Charles Simic makes me steam. I want to write like him.
Wallace Stevens
"Sunday Morning"
["Complacencies of the peignoir, and late
Coffee and oranges in a sunny chair"]
I wrote "Monday Morning" try to sound like Stevens
"The complaceny of this student"
to pull an A or care
Q: Having been a Poet Laureate, what are your thoughts?
A: Stevens, Hart, Eliot
Early 20th century audience were driven.
Poetry is difficult because people don't read
it anymore. I'm at the middle of the spectrum
What cards to turn over, which to face down.
All turned down then there's no game.
Undo the human mystery
Poem is like an eye chart
Everyone can see the big E
but at some point there is a blur
there's mysteriousness at the end.
Poem starts ambiguous
and ends with disorientation.
Accessible is the #1 word in poetry
accessibility means readable
for readers to enter the poem
but close the door
psychic drama in line one is too rude
I don't read poetry to learn about you.
If you give me language pleasure
then I'm seduced into caring.
Q: Why people disparage your poems and those of
Mary Oliver?
because you're dumb?
A: Has to do with the audience.
Q: I heard this on Lehrer's News Hour about
getting a poem read each day in school.
A: That's Poetry 180
Pinsky, Hass, Dove had poetry initiatives
when they were Poet Laureates
I focused on high schools
Teachers were still reading Williams'
"Red Wheelbarrow"
Eliot's "Prufrock". So I compiled contemporary poems
to be read over the PA system each morning
Here's a poem for today that didn't need teacher's intervention.
Poems that give pleasure at the first reading.
Now the website Poetry 180 gets a million hits a month.
They created a channel on Delta Airlines poetry & jazz fillers
One can listen to love poems, poems about animals. I just got
an email from a woman flying from Istanbul listening to poetry.
Q: What's the website's URL?
A: It's linked on www.loc.gov and I update the
site occasionally.
Q: (Eavand Boland) American poet laureates have done so much.
British poet laureates are condemned to write
poems about the royal family.
A: Before recording devices, writing poems about the wedding of a duchess
was the only way of preserving the occasion for history.
British laureates have a ten-year tenure.
We should go to lifetime. We've had 19
poet laureates [12 since Robert Penn Warren, 1986].
Tennyson was the British Poet Laureate for 47 years [42 years from 1850-1892].
Q: I heard the poetry channel and jazz on my flight.
A: Did you find it in their In-Flight magazine?
Two people who sell to the airline channels approached me to do this.
Q: Who had the idea of putting poetry in hotels?
A: Joseph Brodsky
said "We should have poetry in supermarkets and motels."
Q: I share your poems to my high school students. They ask me, "Did he write that?
Is it that effortless like a basketball lay-up?"
A: I usually write my poems in a single sitting 20 minutes or an hour.
not so much mosaic, but a journey
my poem creates its own conclusion, destination.
Have a sense of beginning, middle, end.
Then I make adjustments for cadence, sound.
Try to write good lines.
One definition of
Henry Taylor
all poetry... width on a page
it turns back and creates shape.
Poetry displaces silence
recurrence on itself
creates more tension
Prose is like water
Poetry is like sculpture.
Q: Could you read your poem "Sonnet"?
A: You know Petrarch wrote love sonnets to Laura.
All we need is fourteen lines, well, thirteen now,
and after this one just a dozen
to launch a little ship on love's storm-tossed seas,
then only ten more left like rows of beans.
How easily it goes unless you get Elizabethan
and insist the iambic bongos must be played
and rhymes positioned at the ends of lines,
one for every station of the cross.
But hang on here wile we make the turn
into the final six where all will be resolved,
where longing and heartache will find an end,
where Laura will tell Petrarch to put down his pen,
take off those crazy medieval tights,
blow out the lights, and come at last to bed.
Poetry Books by Billy Collins: (at Amazon.com)
Web Links to Billy Collins
Billy Collins: The Academy of American Poets
(Short Bio & Web Links to Collins' poetry)
Billy Collins: The English Department Faculty
(Faculty Page at Lehman College, CUNY)
Poet Laureate Billy Collins: Lehman College
(By Ari McKenna, Education Update Online, Jan. 2002)
Billy Collins Opens "The Poets of CUNY" At Metropolitan Museum
(Oct. 15, 2002; Collins Poem: "The Names")
Contemporary Poetry: Billy Collins
(Seven Collins poems)
The Cortland Review: Billy Collins
(The Poet and The Poem with Grace Cavalieri)
Big Snap: Billy Collins
(Poet, Poems, Gossip, Books
Big Snap: Billy Collins
(Links to articles & interviews with Billy Collins)
Billy Collins: The Steven Barclay Agency
(Lectures, Readings, Bookings)
You Are Not the Pine-Scented Air, O.K.?
[Book review of Billy Collins' Nine Horses]
(By Mary Jo Salter, NY Times, Oct. 20, 2002)
BOOKS: A Poet's Life, Revealed in the Details
[Book review of Billy Collins' Sailing Alone Around the Room]
(By RICHARD EDER, NY Times, Oct. 8, 2001)
[Book review of Billy Collins' Sailing Alone Around the Room]
(By Dwight Garner NY Times, Sept. 23, 2001)
On Literary Bridge, Poet Hits a Roadblock
(By BRUCE WEBER, NY Times, Dec. 19, 1999)
With Humor, Poet Lures Fans to the Serious
(By Cynthia Magriel Wetzler, NY Times, Nov. 30, 1997)
Billy Collins: Sailing Alone Around the Room: New and Selected Poems
(By Robert Darling, Expansive Poetry & Music Online, Nov. 2001)
Silent stampede leads us to pleasurable side streets
(By Dionisio Martinez, Miami Herald, Oct. 20, 2002)
Undressing Billy Collins
(By Michelle Mairesse)