Eavan Boland The Bella Mabury & Eloise Mabury Knapp Professor in Humanities, The Melvin and Bill Lane Professor for the Director of Creative Writing Dept. of Creative Writing, Stanford University
The Science of Curing & The Art of Healing:
The 13th Annual Jonathan J. King Lectureship
Edited by Peter Y. Chou |
Preface: The Jonathan J. King Lectureship was established in 1991 to encourage the compassionate
and humane care of all patients. A gifted computer scientist by profession and a philosopher by inclination,
Dr. King was above all a humanist with a deep concern for the dignity of individuals. Three weeks before
dying from cancer at age 41 on April 8, 1991, Dr. King defined key messages he wished to bring to the medical
community through the lecture series. He hoped that the lectureship would communicate the need to empathize
with patients and the need to provide the patients with hope, a measure of control, comfort and physical
support including the need to hasten attempts to apply promising but unproven treatments for patients
diagnosed with life-threatening conditions. A
short 5 minute video of Jonathan King was shown describing his vision for patient care.
Then Prof. David ? introduced Eavan Boland as the author of eight books of poetry and the
13th Annual Jonathan King Lecturer.
Eavan Boland concluded her lecture with her poem "Tree of Life"
POEM: by Eavan Boland specially composed for the
Tree of Life Q & A Session:
Q: Is there any current poetry activities at the Stanford Hospital?
Q: What was it like for the group listening to each other?
Q: What's the goal of religious attitudes of the griefing parents?
Q: What was the time period of the parents who had lost a baby in the group?
Q: How was it for you emotionally to be in the group?
Q: Where can we find your "Tree of Life" poem?
Q: Did the group do any writing during their meetings?
Q: Is the opportunity to bring one's dead baby home still ongoing? The Q & A Session ended at 6:10 pm. A reception was held in the lobby of Fairchild Auditorium. |
Books by Eavan Boland: (at Amazon.com)
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© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: peter@wisdomportal.com (2-11-2004) |