| New York Times Articles
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Singularity, Nanotechnology, & Robotic Articles from the New York Times
* TECHNOLOGY: Hewlett Reports Advance in Molecular-Scale Device
(By JOHN MARKOFF, Feb. 1, 2005)
* A Robot for the Masses [Mini-Me: Standing 14 inches tall,
Robosapien is a little bit human and a whole lot analog. While it has
its creator's "physique" and sounds like him, millions of transistors
control its seven motors and a chip with 12 kilobytes of programming.
(By FRANCISCO GOLDMAN, Nov. 28, 2004)
* New Tools to Help Patients Reclaim Damaged Senses
[Cheryl Schiltz recovered her sense of balance
with the aid of a sensory substitution device]
(By SANDRA BLAKESLEE, Nov. 23, 2004)
* AN ESSAY: Computers as Authors? Literary Luddites Unite!
[Computer program Brutus.1 & Narrative prose generator StoryBook]
(By DANIEL AKST, Nov. 22, 2004)
* A Submersible Robot Dives for Steamship Gold
[7-ton submersible robot with flexible arm & tiny suction cups
can pick up rare coins worth half a million dollars each]
(By WILLIAM J. BROAD, Nov. 16, 2004)
the Humanity In a Vision of Mechanization
(By BERNARD HOLLAND, Nov. 16, 2004)
* PUBLIC LIVES: Dancing to That Robotic Engineering Beat
[Prof. Naomi Ehrich Leonard: research beyond robotics,
extending control theory to all mechanical systems.]
(By CHRIS HEDGES, Nov. 9, 2004)
* Doctors Use Nanotechnology to Improve Health Care
[Nanotechnology may enable better early warning systems for cancer
and heart disease, cures for progressive diseases like cystic fibrosis,
techniques for making implants like artificial hips & artificial kidneys.]
(By BARNABY J. FEDER, Nov. 1, 2004)
* ART CRITIC'S NOTEBOOK: Buzzing the Web on a Meme Machine
[Wikipedia, the free collaborative online encyclopedia,
calls the Internet "the ultimate meme vector."]
(By SARAH BOXER, Oct. 26, 2004)
* Germans demo working quantum register
[Physicists at the University of Bonn have successfully demonstrated
a five-qubit quantum register, using neutral atoms.]
(By Lucy Sherriff, The Register, Oct. 11, 2004)
* They're Robots? Those Beasts!
(By SCOTT KIRSNER, Sep. 16, 2004)
* LETTERS: Consciousness and Souls
(By Bill Hibbard, Sep. 12, 2004)
* OP-ED: The Duel Between Body and Soul
(By PAUL BLOOM, Sep. 10, 2004)
Can a Robot Save Hubble? More Scientists Think So
(By WARREN E. LEARY, Aug. 24, 2004)
* 'Nanograss' Turns Sticky to Slippery in an Instant
[Bell Lab's Tom N. Krupenkin develops a new chameleonic material]
(By KENNETH CHANG, Mar. 16, 2004)
* Bashful vs. Brash in the New Field of Nanotech
[Nanofilm of Valley View, Ohio & Nanosys of Palo Alto, California]
(By BARNABY J. FEDER, Mar. 15, 2004)
* Now, a Robot That Toots Its Own Horn
[Toyota's humanoid robot walks, waves its arms, bows, & plays the trumpet]
(By TODD ZAUN, Mar. 15, 2004)
* TECHNOLOGY: A Soapbox Derby for the War-Games Set
[15 robot vehicles across Mojave Desert for $1 million prize. None won.]
(By JOHN MARKOFF and JOHN M. BRODER, Mar. 14, 2004)
* Japan Seeks Robotic Help in Caring for the Aged
[Seniors enjoy the wash & soak cycle of a nursing home's human washing machine]
(By JAMES BROOKE, Mar. 5, 2004)
* WHAT'S NEXT: A Robotic Assistant in Need of Legs Gets Some Wheels
(By JULIE FLAHERTY, Dec. 18, 2003)
* SCIENCE: Yes, They Can! No, They Can't: Charges Fly in Nanobot Debate
[Dr. K. Eric Drexler accused Dr. Richard E. Smalley of misrepresenting his nanobot work]
(By KENNETH CHANG, Dec. 9, 2003)
* SCIENCE: Coming: Superthread From Nanofibers
[Scientists have now spun yards of thread made of almost 100% nanotube]
(By KENNETH CHANG, Dec. 9, 2003)
* LETTERS: Computers as Poets
[Creation can come only from one's own life experience and voice]
(By ILENE STARGER, Nov. 29, 2003)
* PATENTS: The Muse Is in the Software
[Ray Kurzweil's software allows a computer to create poetry by imitating
but not plagiarizing the styles and vocabularies of human poets.]
(By TERESA RIORDAN, Nov. 24, 2003)
* TECHNOLOGY: Intel Claims Breakthrough in Chip Making
[Transitors scale down to 65 nanometers, and then to just 45 nanometers]
(By JOHN MARKOFF, Nov. 5, 2003)
Nanomaterials: As Uses Grow, Tiny Materials' Safety Is Hard to Pin Down
[Pinpointing the potential environmental & health impacts could take years]
(By BARNABY J. FEDER, Nov. 3, 2003)
* Low-Cost Virginia Tech Supercomputer Put Together From 1,100 PC's
[$5 million cost, computes at 7.41 trillion operations a second]
(By JOHN MARKOFF, Oct. 21, 2003)
* Digging for Nuggets of Wisdom
[SPSS software can zip through 250,000 pages an hour]
(By LISA GUERNSEY, Oct. 16, 2003)
* SCIENCE: In Pioneering Study, Monkey Think, Robot Do
[Monkeys that can move a robot arm with thoughts alone have
brought the merger of mind and machine one step closer]
(By SANDRA BLAKESLEE, Oct. 13, 2003)
Road Trip for Robots [Creating a robotic vehicle for the Pentagon
that can drive itself for hundreds of miles across rugged terrain]
(By ASHLEE VANCE, Oct. 9, 2003)
* WHAT'S NEXT: Decoding the Subtle Dance of Ordinary Movements
[Computers to spot tiny expressive qualities in gait and gesture.]
(By ANNE EISENBERG, Oct. 9, 2003)
Human Genome on Chip Offered by Rivals
[Affymetrix to sell chip with 30,000 human genes for $300]
(By ANDREW POLLACK, Oct. 2, 2003)
What if There Is Something Going On in There?
[MRI brain scans detects activity of awareness in coma patient]
(By CARL ZIMMER, Sep. 28, 2003)
If Walls Could Talk, Streets Might Join In
[Sidewalk passersby can see and hear live interviews and
submit questions by sending text messages by mobile phone]
(By JESSIE SCANLON, Sep. 18, 2003)
MORE NEWS: Cybernetics, Nanotechnology, Robotics, Transhumanism
Self-cloning robots are a chip off the old block
[Cornell's Hod Lipson has built self-replicating machines. Nature, Vol. 435, p. 163]
(By Justin Mullins, New Scientist, May 11, 2005)
Text streaming service lets users read material as fast as they can
[BuddyBuzz is the fastest way to read off mobile phones.]
(By Michael Bazeley, San Jose Mercury News, May 9, 2005)
* ASIMO, worldıs most advanced humanoid robot, to visit Stanford University
[Thurs. & Fri. Dec. 2-3, 2:30 pm-3 pm; Sat. Dec. 4, 11:30 am-noon, 2 pm-2:30 pm]
(Events at Stanford,
Memorial Auditorium, Dec. 2-4, 2004)
Astronaut's eyes may become windows on the bloodstream
[University of Michigan esearchers are using a combination of nanoparticles and
ultrafast pulsed laser to see individual cells as they zip past in the bloodstream]
(PhysOrg.com, Nov. 29, 2004)
Nanotechengineering to make big splash in sports [In 2005 NanoDynamics
plans to sell a nanotech golf ball that promises to dramatically reduce
hooks and slices for even the most frustrated of weekend golfers.]
(The Desert Sun, CA, Nov. 29, 2004)
Surgical chip shows patient info
[Florida orthopedic surgeon Bruce Waxman has invented SurgiChip,
a computerized label designed to help prevent hospital errors]
(SiliconValley.com, Nov. 29, 2004)
Robots are being developed to help people, not replace them
[American Honda Motor Co. is touring the country with the company's Asimo robot,
visiting schools to spread awareness of careers in the robotics industry.]
(By Victor Godinez, The Dallas Morning News, Nov. 28, 2004)
World's most dangerous idea? [Transhumanists want to liberate
the human race from its biological constraints and they say this
will be possible by using advances being made in biotechnology.]
(By Andy Clark, Radio Netherlands, Netherlands, Nov. 26, 2004)
Researchers align nanotubes to improve artificial joints
[Researchers at Purdue University mimicked the alignment of
collagen fibers and natural ceramic crystals in real bones.]
(PhysOrg.com, Nov. 23, 2004)
Cognitive Freedom Fighter [With brain implants and memory erasure becoming
reality, Wrye Sententia is bringing constitutional rights into your head]
(By Shannon Foskett, Better Humans, Nov. 23, 2004)
* Cyborg astrobiologist steps forward
[A team of researchers from Spain and Germany have tested a prototype
cyborg astrobiologist that does the same job as a human geologist.]
(By Heather Catchpole, ABC Online, Nov. 23, 2004)
Secret Speech Aid [NASA engineers are developing technology that picks up and
translates throat signals into words before they're even spoken, using subvocal speech]
(By Stacey Young, ScienCentral News, Nov. 19, 2004)
* Clear Pictures of How We Think [Functional magnetic-resonance imaging,
or fMRI allows the measurement of the level of oxygen in the blood,
and tells scientists which parts of the brain are most active]
(By Rowan Hooper, Wired News, Nov. 13, 2004)
Futuristic 'smart' yarns on the horizon
[Textile technologies used to spin wool and other fibres
to produce yarns made solely from carbon nanotubes]
(By Ken Atkinson, PhysOrg.com, Nov. 18, 2004)
* Is the Capacity for Spirituality Determined by Brain Chemistry?
[Geneticist Dean H. Hamer's Book 'The God Gene' Is Disputed
by Scientists, Embraced by Some Religious Leaders]
(By Bill Broadway, Washington Post, Nov. 13, 2004)
* A fractal life
[Benoit Mandelbrot, discoverer of the eponymous fractal]
(By Valerie Jamieson, New Scientist, Nov. 13, 2004)
* Could future computer viruses infect humans?
[Kevin Warwick, professor of cybernetics at Reading University thinks they could]
(By Jo Best, Silicon.com, Nov. 12, 2004)
Robotics come into play
[It walks & dances and plays a mean game of 20 questions]
(By John Ward, Toronto Globe & Mail, Nov. 11, 2004)
Honoring technology for changing the world: Projects improved the human condition
[GPS-driven robots that find and destroy landmines]
(By Matthew Yi, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 11, 2004)
* Moving brain implant seeks out signals [Joel Burdick, CalTech]
[Electrodes implanted in the brain could, in principle, pick up neural
signals and convey them to a prosthetic arm or a computer cursor]
(By Duncan Graham-Rowe, New Scientist, Nov. 10, 2004)
* When invention turns to innovation
[It is unlikely that future technological inventions are going to have
the same kind of transformative impact that they did in the past.]
(By Jo Twist, BBC News, Nov. 10, 2004)
* Better living and smarter rats through chemistry
[Some day, humans may plant a chip in their head
to help them remember where they put the car keys.]
(By Michael Kanellos, c|net News, Nov. 10, 2004)
Begins Delivering New Shipment of TALON Robots to Iraq
["Robotics is an essential component in the transformation of US military,"
said Congressman Marty Meehan (D-MA), ranking member of the House Armed Services]
(mysan.de - Germany, Nov. 10, 2004)
* Nanotechnology-based products have impact
[May 2004 NSF report: 28% of manufacturers were selling nanotechnology
products late last year and another 15% will do likewise within a year.]
(By Linda A. Johnson, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Nov. 8, 2004)
Molecules form nano containers
[Researchers have found a way to coax the self-assembly of minuscule
multicompartment structures. Science, Oct. 1, 2004]
(Technology Review, MIT, Nov. 5, 2004)
Nobel Laureate and Nanotechnology Pioneer Richard Smalley Will Speak at SEMI NanoForum
[Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996 for discovery of fullerenes, aka buckyballs]
(nanotechwire.com, Nov. 5, 2004)
Nanotechnology May Change Energy Industry
[Real practical uses for the coal industry, including making it a cleaner source
of energy and developing more efficient ways to transmit electricity it produces]
(Bismarck Tribune, SmallTimes, Nov. 4, 2004)
Soldiers glimpse future capabilities
[Using nanotechnology, scientists envision the Soldier of the future in a
battle uniform that can stop or slow bullets & other projectiles, repel water,
monitor health and automatically deliver medicines to treat injuries.]
(By Sgt. Lorie Jewell, Army News Service, Nov. 3, 2004)
New vision for automation
[Machine vision can offer major flexibility gains to manufacturers employing
automation and robotics in their operations, but many manufacturers are shying
away from the technology, having had bad experiences in the past.]
(By Zoe Fielding, Ferret - Australia, Nov. 5, 2004)
FANUC Robotics America Sponsors 'Save Your Factory' Initiative
[American manufacturing competitiveness and halt the continued
erosion of manufacturing jobs to low-wage countries such as China]
(Yahoo News, USA, Nov. 4, 2004)
* Human Enhancement on the Agenda
[From bioethicists to nanotech geeks, the enhancement debate is stirring the pot]
(By James Hughes, Betterhumans, Nov. 1, 2004)
* PROFILE: The Futurist
[Inventor and author Ray Kurzweil is 56 and, as he talks about
in his new book, planning to live a long time. Forever, actually.]
(By Scott Kirsner, Boston Globe, Oct. 31, 2004)
Them, robots
[The UN's annual World Robotics Survey says the use of
robots to do domestic work will surge seven-fold by 2007]
(By Prakash Chandra, Hindustan Times - New Delhi, India, Oct. 31, 2004)
Nanotechnology is set to become the next "GM scare", to the detriment of true debate
[May lead to advances from windows repelling dirt to medical robots hunting down germs]
(nanotechwire.com Oct. 26, 2004)
* Robots, Robots, Robots
[Robots on display at RoboNexus, a Santa Clara robotics show]
(By Harry McCracken, PC World, Oct. 24, 2004)
An invasion of homefront helpers
[Some 21,000 "service robots" in use, carrying out tasks such as
milking cows, handling toxic waste, ferrying medicine around hospitals
and assisting surgeons. Number to reach a total of 75,000 by 2007]
(By Jonathan Fowler, Sun-Sentinel.com, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Oct. 24, 2004)
Robots take a walk into world of the future
[Humanoid model shows poetential of robotic industry]
(By Therese Poletti, San Jose Mercury News, Oct. 23, 2004)
Smart fabrics make for enhanced living
[MIT has developed computerized fabric patches]
(By Celeste Biever, New Scientist, Oct. 23, 2004)
* Chips Coming to a Brain Near You
[The next memory upgrade you get may be for the computer between your ears]
(By Lakshmi Sandhana, Wired News, Oct. 22, 2004)
U.N. Report: A Robotics Population To Explode
[Japan leads in the use of robots with 320 robots per 10,000 employees
while the U.S. has only between 50 and 80 robots per 10,000 employees.]
(By TechWeb.com, Oct. 22, 2004)
World's First Single-Atom-Thick Fabric [Andre Geim, Univ. Manchester,
has created a single-atom-thick fullerine-based fabric]
(PhysOrg.com, Oct. 21, 2004)
* UF scientist: 'Brain' in a dish acts as autopilot, living computer
["We're interested in studying how brains compute," said Thomas DeMarse]
(University of Florida Press Release, Oct. 21, 2004)
* Is Transhumanism the World's Most Dangerous Idea?
[Francis Fukuyama thinks so, but the only real danger it poses is to reactionary bioconservatism]
(By Nick Bostrom, Betterhumans, Oct. 19, 2004)
Scientists develop world's longest electrically conducting
nanotubes align nanotubes to improve artificial joints
[Breakthrough discovery is 10 times longer than previous current-carrying
nanotubes, paves way for supercomputer and health care applications]
(PhysOrg.com, Oct. 18, 2004)
* Transhumanism at the Crossroads
[To survive and thrive, transhumanism must become an inclusive social movement]
(By Russell Blackford, Betterhumans, Oct. 15, 2004)
* Machine Dreams: When software runs inside our brains, what will happen to us?
[Ray Kurzweil, who helped invent the IT present, explains to Web Editorial
Director Art Jahnke how humans fit into the IT future. You may not like it.]
(Interview By Art Jahnke, CIO Magazine, Oct. 15, 2004)
Robotics Institute turns 25
[Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute celebrates its silver jubilee]
(By Jennifer Bails, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Oct. 10, 2004)
State-of-the-art robotics on display [Sendai, Japan]
[2004 Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS) conference]
(By Will Knight, New Scientist - London, UK, Oct. 8, 2004)
Robotic capsule to crawl through intestines
[Prototype unveiled at Intelligent Robotics & Systems 2004 Conference, Sendai, Japan]
(Xinhua - Beijing, China, Oct. 5, 2004)
Cult Science: Dressing up mysticism as quantum physics
[A new film mixes computer graphics depicting interior of cells & brains]
(By Gregory Mone, Popular Science - New York, Oct. 4, 2004)
Drugs delivered by robots in the blood
[The 3 millimetre-long triangular machine was constructed by Tao Mei of China]
(By Will Knight, New Scientist, Oct. 1, 2004)
Fast, Robust, and a Blast from the Past, Mechanical Memory Switch Outstrips Chip Technology
[Nanomechanical memory cell could catapult efforts to improve data storage]
(News Release, Boston University, Sept. 30, 2004)
Famous Machines We Love: Itıs been a good year for roboticists,
but the biggest challenges are still to come.
[25th anniversary of Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute]
(By Ed Finn, Popular Science - New York, Sept. 2004)
DomainNesteggs.com Offers Tomorrowıs Robotic Domain Names Today
[Nashville futurist has registered 200 robot-related Internet domains]
(Emediawire press release, Sept. 24, 2004)
Researchers create nanotubes that change colors, form 'nanocarpet' and kill bacteria
[University of Pittsburgh researchers have synthesized a simple molecule
that not only produces perfectly uniform, self-assembled nanotubes]
(PhysOrg.com, Sept. 24, 2004)
Proving That Shape-Shifting Robots Can Get A Move On
[As a robotics researcher at Dartmouth College, she wondered why
the tennis balls shouldnıt be able to roll themselves around]
(NSF Press Release, Science Daily, Sept. 17, 2004)
Inorganic Nanodots from Thin Films of Block Copolymers
[Fabricating a nanopatterned array of inorganic oxide semiconductors]
(Dong Ha Kim, Seung Hyun Kim, Kris Lavery, and Thomas P. Russel,
Nano Letters, Vol. 4 (1841-1844), Sept. 9, 2004)
* Can the Sciences Help Us to Make Wise Ethical Judgments?
[Ethical values are natural & open to examination in the light of evidence & reason]
(By Paul Kurtz, Skeptical Inquirer, Sept. 2004)
* Transhumanism: The Most Dangerous Idea?:
Why striving to be more than human is human
[How ironic that Francis Fukuyama, author of The End of History and the Last Man,
now spends his time demonizing transhumanism, a nascent philosophical and political
movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative, and idealistic
aspirations of humanity. The author feels that the greatest threat to the welfare
of humanity: Banning technological progress in the name of "humility."]
(By Ronald Bailey, Reason Online, August 25, 2004)
* Fly on the wall may soon be a spybot
[War on terrorism means miniature spybots are just one of the
predictable applications of combining insect technology with robotics]
(Australian IT - Australia, Aug. 24, 2004)
* Attack of the automatons
[What it would really take to stop robots from hurting humans]
(By Dylan Evans, The Age - Melbourne, Australia, Aug. 23, 2004)
* Language may shape human thought
[Brazilian Piraha tribe whose language does not define numbers above two]
(By Celeste Biever, New Scientist, Aug. 19, 2004)
BSNL Approaches ITU To Introduce Robotics Microsurgery In UP
[Robotics microsurgery would come from ITU,
the supreme body in telecommunciation in the world]
(By Charanjit Ahuja, Financial Express - New Delhi, India, Aug. 19, 2004)
Will the real iRobot please stand up!
[Consumer robotics: 'It's the future, but it's only the beginning']
(By Mitch Moxley, National Post, Canada, Aug. 19, 2004)
* Transhumanism Evolves in Silence
[TransVision 2004 highlighted both the transhumanist movement's
progress and the difficulty of getting people to notice]
(By George Dvorsky, Betterhumans, Aug. 18, 2004)
Seiko buzzes over new robotics venture
[Developing a flying robot that looks like a miniature helicopter]
(Business Report - Johannesburg, South Africa, Aug. 18, 2004)
Internet Heading to Light Speed
[Buckyball optical interconnects will speed optical interconnections for networking]
(By John Gartner, Wired News, Aug. 17, 2004)
Eye Spybot [[War on terrorism meant miniature spybots were just
one of the predicted applications of combining insect technology]
(By Celeste Biever, Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, Aug. 17, 2004)
Combat robots wow crowds
[A robot fighting contest that draws huge crowds in Japan every year]
(By Will Knight, New Scientist - London, England, UK, Aug. 16, 2004)
Nanotech aids green hydrogen production
[Nano-crystalline material will dramatically improve the production of hydrogen
by using solar energy to split water more efficiently into its elemental parts]
(By Lucy Sherriff, The Register, Aug. 13, 2004)
Robot to search out life in Chilean desert
[Robotics and life sciences researchers will soon accompany
the autonomous robot Zoe to the Atacama Desert in northern Chile]
(ScienceBlog.com - USA, Aug. 12, 2004)
Lawrenceville start-up hopes to grow remote-control supply business
[People hear the term robotics and think of Rosie, the maid from TV's "The Jetsons"]
(By Joyce Gannon, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Aug. 12, 2004)
* Is Science Fiction About to Go Blind?
[Awed at the pace of technological advances, a faction of geeky
writers believes our world is about to change so radically
that envisioning what comes next is nearly impossible.]
(By Gregory Mone, Popular Science, August 2004)
Carnegie Mellon To Demonstrate Autonomous Robot
That Will Seek Life in Chile's Atacama Desert
(Press Release, Space Ref - USA, Aug. 10, 2004)
Maine hospitals turning to robotics
[Doctors at Maine Medical Center say robot-assisted surgery
is no longer just a novelty for select medical facilities]
(By, WMTW - Auburn, ME, Aug. 8, 2004)
Robotics helping stroke patients
[Researchers are finding that robotics may help stroke patients walk again]
(News 10 Now, Syracuse, NY, Aug. 7, 2004)
I, Robot - you scared?
[Critics have accused director Alex Proyas of adding on "Asimovisms"]
(By Jim Gilchrist, The Scotsman - Edinburgh, UK, Aug. 6, 2004)
Robot flaws [governed by the Three Laws of Robotics, a reaction
to the sci-fi of the 1930s, in which robots had a habit of running amok]
(By Alastair McKay, The Scotsman - Edinburgh, UK, Aug. 5, 2004)
* Houston doctors use robotics for hysterectomies
[Doctors are now using robotic surgery technology
to perform heart surgery and remove bladders]
(By Dr. Karen Johnson, khou.com, Houston, Aug. 4, 2004)
New degree course combats fear of the 'I-Robots'
[University of Glamorgan plans an innovative robotics course]
(News Wales - Cardiff, Wales, UK, Aug. 4, 2004)
Interview: Helen Greiner, Chairman and Cofounder of iRobot, Corp.
[The vision has always been to make robots that touch
peoples lives everyday and create a robotics industry]
(engadget.com, Aug. 2, 2004)
Welsh university to turn science fiction into fact
[A new degree in robotics will teach students
how to apply science fiction in science]
(By David Williamson, ic Wales - Wales, UK, Aug. 2, 2004)
Nuts, Legos of robotics
[UCLA sponsored program teaches youths math, science]
(By Kevin Butler, Long Beach Press-Telegram - Long Beach, CA, Aug. 1, 2004)
Upgrading The Human Condition
[After all, Isaac Asimov had published his first robot tale
in 1940, and had invented the word ³robotics² in 1942.]
(By Ian Bell, Sunday Herald - Glasgow, Scotland, UK, July 31, 2004)
'I, Robot' Is Simple But Fun
[Spoonerıs suspicions, of course, are confirmed when the chief inventor
at US Robotics (James Cromwell) is apparently killed by one of the robots]
(By Joon Soh, Korea Times - Seoul, South Korea, July 29, 2004)
Three Simple Rules
[Conflict with his boss, and the head of the robotics company,
and the mayor, and also beautiful research scientist]
(By James DiGiovanna, Tucson Weekly, July 22, 2004)
'I, Robot' Proves Quality Mystery Flick
[The Three Laws of Robotics are the basis for the classic
sci-fi tales by award-winning writer Isaac Asimov]
(By Bob Nunnally, NBC4 Columbus.com, July 21, 2004)
Thinking robot adds moral dilemma to sci-fi
["I, Robot" is influenced by the ideas of science fiction pioneer Isaac Asimov,
the first writer to seriously explore the science of robotics back in the 1940s]
(By Rosalie Higson, The Australian, July 21, 2004)
Robots on track to bend it like Beckham
[It shows how rapidly robotics and artificial intelligence are advancing,
but are we really any nearer to the world portrayed in films like the
recently released "I, Robot", based on the Isaac Asimov classic]
(By Brett Evans, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, July 20, 2004)
Face of the future?: Robots will do domestic tasks and be as common as TVs.
[Is the science of robotics being oversold? Most scientists believe
we will recreate human beings made of plastic, wire and silicon.]
(By Robin McKie & David Smith, The Guardian - UK, July 19, 2004)
Kansas University professor predicts autonomous robots are decades away
[Arvin Agah, who works in the robotics field says
the going is much slower than many of us had hoped]
(By Dave Toplikar, Lawrence Journal World - Lawrence, KS, July 18, 2004)
Is I, Robot Our Future?: The Fact and Fantasy of 'Droid Development
[Recent conversations with robotics experts the people in
the trenches building, developing, and programming robotics]
(By Lance Ulanoff, ABC News, July 16, 2004)
Movie tests Asimov's moral code for robots
[At the heart of the movie are Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics",
invented as a simple, but immutable moral code for robots]
(By Will Knight, Neew Scientist, July 16, 2004)
Robotics, GPS system help with construction project
[Surveyors with a Fargo engineering firm are using high-tech robotics,
along with a GPS, to map out the road grade, pavement edges, sewer]
(Associated Press, Grand Forks Herald - Grand Forks, ND, June 29, 2004)
Rise of the Machines
[Isaac Asimov turned androids into pop culture icons - and invented the science
of robotics in the process. Now his classic I, Robot hits the big screen.]
(Wired News - USA, Issue 12.07, July 2004)
Canadian robot may save Hubble Space Telescope
[MD Robotics, an Ontario company will use the robotic arm & a double-armed robot]
(Associated Press, The Australian - Australia, June 23, 2004)
Remote-Controlled, Throwable Robots Developed at Carnegie Mellon in
Conjunction With U.S. Marine Corps Are Being Sent to Iraq for Testing
[The robot, known as Dragon Runner, has the ability to see around corners and
deliver information to Marines while keeping them out of danger in urban settings]
(By Ascribe, Boston Globe, June 23, 2004)
Return of Asimov's 'I, Robot' Stories
[Central to the behavior of all robots, from the early Robbie onward,
are the so-called Three Laws of Robotics, Asimov's brilliant invention]
(NPR audio - USA, June 22, 2004)
The Jobless Generation
[Dismal employment figures for young workers should sound a warning:
Automation is coming to a job near you]
(By Simon Smith, Betterhumans - Canada, June 18, 2004)
Tiny 'elevator' most complex nanomachine yet
[Nanoscale elevators made of two interlinking organic molecules
have been built and operated by US and Italian scientists]
(By Celeste Biever, New Scientist, Mar. 18, 2004)
Hero strength made here
[BEELEX wearer hauls 70 pounds for three hours without tiring]
(By Jon Fortt, San Jose Mercury News, Mar. 17, 2004)
Sony: Robotics to Drive 'Third Wave' of Chip Innovation
[Robotics will drive the "third wave" of semiconductor innovation,
Sony Electronics' chief strategist Tsugio Makimoto said]
(By Mark Hachman, Mar. 16, 2004)
Sensor Technologies Enhance Factory Operations and Precision
Measurement in Robotics and Industrial Automation
[A new-age simulation engine that remotely controls factory
processes in real time using data from sensors is likely to
be the next big thing in assembly line operation management]
(Business Wire (press release) - USA, Mar. 16, 2004)
IN THE LAB: Big idea in mini-robotics
[Tiny devices propelled by living tissue are a first step
in creating half-artificial, half-human miniature robots]
(By Linda Marsa, Mar. 15, 2004)
Robotics race wipeout! none got farther than 7 miles
[Desert course too much for modified, resourceful vehicles]
(By Chuck Mueller, Redlands Daily Facts - Redlands, CA, Mar. 14, 2004)
What the BLEEX Is That?
[The Berkeley Lower Extremities Exoskeleton with strap-on robotic legs designed to
turn an ordinary human into a super strider; a 70-pound backpack feel as if it's 5 pounds]
(Associated Press, Wired News, Mar. 11, 2004)
Robot invasion puts people out of work, thankfully
[Roomba, the saucer-shaped, ankle-high machine that circles the floor,
bounces off walls and slips easily under furniture, is the most
consumer-friendly manifestation of iRobot]
(By Eric Auchard, Forbes.com, Feb. 11, 2004)
New ARCS Robot 'Brain' Jump-Starts Automation
[ActivMedia Robotics announced the first autonomous mobile robot
"brain" at O'Reilly's Emerging Technologies Conference in San Diego]
(By ByteEnable, LinuxElectrons - Cedar Park, TX, Feb. 10, 2004)
* Robot Dogs get social conscience
[12 robotic dogs wired at Yale found arsenic, lead and other pollutants in the soil]
(Associated Press, The Globe and Mail - Canada, Feb. 9, 2004)
* Do we want robots to look like us?
[Hanson, who has worked as a designer, sculptor and robotics developer for Walt Disney thinks
precise human looks are a must if people are going to effectively communicate with robots]
(By Matt Slagle, The News Journal - Wilmington, DE, Feb. 8, 2004)
* Giving robots a human face
["Sculptor roboticist" David Hanson built the robot head Hertz in about 9 months]
(Associated Press, CNN.com Technology, Feb. 3, 2004)
Medical technology holds MERIT
[Pearl the Nursebot, glasses that allow a surgeon to look through flesh and see bones,
and a tiny surgical tool that crawls across the heart like an inchworm were among
the medical tools of the future on display at Carnegie Mellon University]
(By Brandon Keat, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, PA, Jan. 18, 2004)
* Free Will: What's the Transhumanist Position?
[Opinions may vary, but they'll most likely be compatible with physical determinism]
(By Nick Bostrom, Betterhumans, Jan. 9, 2004)
* Technology's Making Queers of Us All
[Gay movement offers insights and allies for the subversive transhumanist future]
(By Dale Carrico , Betterhumans, Jan. 5, 2004)
AnthroTronix Puts Robotics to Work for Disabled Children and< Soldiers in Combat
[When a leader gives the "halt" sign, perhaps because it is dangerous for him to speak,
the soldiers following would receive an audio message through speakers in their helmets]
(By Ellen McCarthy, Washington Post, Dec. 29, 2003)
Rise of the machines
[Self check-out machines first appeared in 1995. Less than a decade later, 60,000 are being used]
(By Kyle Odegard, Albany Democrat Herald, OR, Dec. 27, 2003)
Hack Your Vacuum Cleaner
[At $199 Roomba is probably the world's least expensive robotics platform]
(By Wendy Wolfson, informIT, Indianapolis, Dec. 23, 2003)
Robotics keep Epworth cut above the rest
[Australia's first robot-assisted remote surgery is being performed at Epworth Hospital]
(By Lucy Beaumont, The Age, Australia, Dec. 12, 2003)
Carnegie Mellon Researcher Develops Intelligent Technology
That Automatically Enhances Underexposed Photographs
[Robotics researcher Vladimir Brajovic has developed the Shadow Illuminator]
(Science Daily, Pittsburgh, Dec. 10, 2003)
Personal Robotics Industry set for massive growth
[Personal robotics industry will have grown to US$5.4 billion
by 2005 and to US$17.1 billion by 2010]
(Gizmo, Australia, Dec. 9, 2003)
Biomimetic robot helps milk cows
[This new approach to dairy farming has already been proven
to increase the cow's milk yield by as much as 20%]
(By Robert Boyce and Dr. Andrew Peacock, E4engineering.com, UK, Dec. 9, 2003)
THE Haptic system in action: Virtalis are getting realistic
[The device is a robotic arm made by FCS Robotics that can be programmed to
provide the reaction forces generated by any number of real-life situations]
(By Seb Ramsay, Manchester Evening News, UK, Dec. 9, 2003)
BILL GATES: Why I Stepped Down
[But I do wash the dishes, Iım very efficient too.
Robotics could come along, but Iıd miss it.]
(Gates Interview by Alex Vieux, Always On, Dec. 8, 2003)
* Transformation not Transcendence
[Limitations and peril will remain in a radically hi-tech future]
(By Dale Carrico , Betterhumans, Dec. 1, 2003)
Carnegie Mellon University Scientists Build Robots with Missions
[A self-directed robot working in the driest spot on Earth is
helping a team of scientists in the search for life... on Mars]
(By Rosanne Skirble, Voice of America, Nov. 26, 2003)
Blood could generate body repair kit
[TriStem says it can turn ordinary blood into cells
capable of regenerating damaged or diseased tissues.]
(New Scientist, Nov. 26, 2003)
* Defense Department sponsoring a $1M prize, 250-mile cross-country race for robots
[The robots will have to steer themselves along paved and unpaved roads,
sandy and rocky trails and open desert. They must cross gullies, ford streams,
avoid ditches and thread their way through a 10-foot wide underpass.]
(Jewish World Review, Nov. 20, 2003)
Nano-transistor self-assembles using biology
[Israeli scientists harnessed the construction capabilities of DNA
and the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes to create
the self-assembling nano-transistor.]
(By Gaia Vince, New Scientist, Nov. 20, 2003)
Encryption Promises Unbreakable Codes
[After 20 years of research, an encryption process is emerging that is considered
unbreakable because it employs the mind-blowing laws of quantum physics.]
(By Brian Bergstein, Lycos Financial News, Nov. 16, 2003)
ASIMO's steps are a giant leap for robotics
[Honda spent 17 years designing ASIMO, Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility]
(By Doree Armstrong, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Nov. 14, 2003)
Japan develops world's 1st drug-delivery nanoparticle
[Nanoparticle for effectively delivering anti-inflammatory
agents to eyes and other disease-affected body parts]
(China View News, Nov. 13, 2003)
4 robots clank into Hall of Fame; 2 fictional, 2 real
[R2-D2 & HAL-9000 join Sojourner & Unimate robotic arm]
(By Byron Spice, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Nov. 11, 2003)
Robots show off at CEATEC, Japan
[Home robotics market: a multi-billion dollar global industry over the next decade]
(Gizmo.com, Australia, Nov. 11, 2003)
Robotics For Strokes
[Robotic machine exercises the limb to aid in stroke patients' rehabilitation]
(WSOC-TV, North Carolina, Oct. 31, 2003)
Japan team reports quantum computing breakthrough
[Demonstrations of one of the two building blocks needed for a quantum computer]
(By Martyn Williams, InfoWorld News, Oct. 29, 2003)
* A new spin on black holes
[Supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy is spinning]
(By Belle Dumé, PhysicsWeb, Oct. 29, 2003)
Global demand for robots jumps
[Demand for robots increased 26% in the first half of 2003]
(Sydney Morning Herald, Oct. 23, 2003)
Lessons programmed with fun in 'Robotics'
[Giant ABB industrial robot arm shoots basketball foul shots with 90% accuracy]
(By Michael Machosky, Pittsburgh Valley Independent, Oct. 23, 2003)
Cyber women test what's real
[Software cyberbabes created by powerful computers are getting extremely human-like]
(By Jo Twist, BBC News, Oct. 22, 2003)
Robots hit record high order level
[Industrial robots: Japan 350,000; European Union 233,000; North America 104,000]
(By Frances Williams, London Financial Times, Oct. 20, 2003)
Two Alberta researchers shed light on electric idea
[A new way to generate electricity since Michael Faraday in 1839]
(By Stephen Strauss, Toronto Globe & Mail, Oct. 20, 2003)
New ISU Plant Sciences Institute replete with robotics, high-tech tools
[Expand Iowa's role in biotech-based industry growing corn and soybeans]
(By Anne Fitzgerald, Des Moines Register, Oct. 14, 2003)
International Symposium on Laboratory Automation & Robotics
Announces List of Keynote Speakers
[ISLAR to be held from Oct. 19-22, 2003 at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel]
(Yahoo Finance News, Oct. 13, 2003)
Tales of Technology: The protocols of the elders of robotics
[R2D2: The time has come for us to evaluate our prospects for long-term survival.]
(By James H. Morris, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Oct. 12, 2003)
Getting their 'robotics' right
[1st Indian National Robotic Olympiad held at IIT Madras]
(News Today, Chennai, South India, Oct. 7, 2003)
Braintech's Robotics Technology Selected By Asian Auto Manufacturer
[Marubeni Installs 3D-Vision Guided Robotics System In Hino Motors Plan In Japan]
(MCADCafe.com, Oct. 7, 2003)
Lasers operate inside single cells
[Nanosurgery vaporizes cellular components leaving rest intact]
(By John Whitfield, Nature, Oct. 6, 2003)
Robotics group sees possibilities 'evolving slowly'
[CMU is a major participant in Defense Dept's $90 billion plan to remake
the battlefield with high-tech weaponry and unmanned, robotic vehicles.]
(By Dan Fitzpatrick, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Oct. 3, 2003)
Human Genes Made to Fit on Dime-Size Chip
[Affymetrix Inc. & Agilent Technologies: hope is that a drop of a
newborn's blood can quickly be converted into a genome on a chip.]
(Associated Press, ABC News, Oct. 2, 2003)
Uni project a world leader
[University of Wollongong's Intelligent Robotics Laboratory
has developed the first prototype of a robotic helicopter]
(By Greg Ellis, Illawarra Mercury.com, Australia, Oct. 1, 2003)
* Strong Memorial Hospital Surgeons Use Robotics
[Surgeons at Strong performed their first cardiac case
using the robotics on a 60-year-old Rochester woman.
(By Amy Young & Jen Porter, RNews, Rochester, Sept. 30, 2003)
* Invasion of the high-tech body snatchers
[While bioethicists obsess over cloning, bioengineers
will soon be able to replace every part of our bodies]
(By Alan H. Goldstein, Salon.com, Sept. 30, 2003)
A READING LIFE: John Sladek, the high priest of something else
["Roderick, or the Education of a Young Machine" seeing through the eyes of a robot]
(By James Sallis, Boston Globe, Sept. 28, 2003)
Listening Post: Bold leaders think small, as in nano
[NSF predicts the market for nanotechnology products and services
will reach $1 trillion by 2015 in the United States alone]
(Raleigh News & Observer, NC, Sept. 28, 2003)
Fledgling robot industry aims to fly high
[Samsung's iComa & iMaro home robots respond to human voice commands
and can access the Internet wirelessly and deliver messages]
(By Kim Hyun-chul, Korean Herald, Sept. 28, 2003)
Can Taiwan make robo-maids?
[Manufacturers have identified robotics as a sector which will see
major growth in the future, and Taiwan doesn't want to be left behind]
(By Bill Heaney, Taipei Times, Sept. 27, 2003)
Nanotechnology's impact on the future wouldn't be miniscule
[Technophiles might characterize the concept of nanotechnology as old news,
but nonetheless, the study of the sub-atomic has huge implications]
(Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Sept. 27, 2003)
First Ph.D. in Media Psychology Starts at Fielding Graduate Institute
[Dr. Bernard Luskin, director & creator, calls the field "pscybermedia,"
a blend of psychology, artificial intelligence (cybernetics) and media.]
(Business Wire, Santa Barbara, Sept. 26, 2003)
* Cybernetics could lead to superhumans, says don
[Prof. Kevin Warwick, University of Reading, dubbed the "Human Cyborg",
implanted a 1.5mm silicon chip transponder in his forearm in 1998]
(New Straits Times, Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 26, 2003)
A Miniature World that May Put the Region on the Map
[Dr. Gerson Machado heads the Centre of Excellence for Nanotechnology,
Micro and Photonic Systems (CENAMPS) in the UK's North East]
(By Jonathan Jones, Small Times, Sept. 26, 2003)
Smart carts, Veggie Vision in grocery stores to come
[Smart Shopping Cart directs you to the aisles for purchases]
(Associated Press, USA Today, Sept. 26, 2003)
Researchers overcome quirk to clone rat
[French scientists cloned male & female rats, mated them & produced
normal healthy pups] (Associated Press, USA Today, Sept. 25, 2003)
* Become cyborgs, or become obsolete, says scientist
[Prof. Kevin Warwick: "Humans in the future will have to link more
closely with technology or be stuck with three-dimensional thinking"]
(By A. ASOHAN, The Star Online, Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 25, 2003)
* Cyborg Scientist - Professor Kevin Warwick
[Warwick: "I certainly want to join with them, I want
to have my brain part human, part machine and part robot"]
(By Felix Tan, Radio Singapore International, Sept. 24, 2003)
* Makimoto links IC future to next-generation robots
[Sony: "personal" robots market to reach $20 billion by 2010]
(By Ron Wilson, EE Times, Sept. 24, 2003)
Gamma rays may have devastated life on Earth
[Mass extinctions on earth from gamma rays 443 million years ago]
(New Scientist, Sept. 24, 2003)
Cleverness may carry survival costs
[Frederic Mery: Slower-learning fruit flies came out on top]
(New Scientist, Sept. 24, 2003)
Focus issue of Nanotechnology on functionalized surfaces and nanostructures
[October issue of Nanotechnology reports breakthroughs in lithographic methods]
(Institute of Physics News, Sept. 24, 2003)
Nanotechnology 14 (October-November 2003)
(Electronic Journal of Nanotechnology, Published Sept. 5-23, 2003)
Brains can have wireless upgrades
[Warwick claims that in a decade, people will have wireless networks in their heads]
(By Lynn Tan, CNETAsia, Sept. 23, 2003)
Neanderthal hunters rivalled human skills
[Cro-Magnon were not superior in getting food]
(New Scientist, Sept. 23, 2003)
FANUC Robotics' Solutions for Intelligent Assembly and
Material Handling Featured at 2003 Assembly Technology Expo
[I-21i robot has 3-D vision & force sensing capabilities with 6 degrees of freedom]
(Silicon Valley Biz Ink, Sept. 23, 2003)
* Trends: Tiny tech emerges in big way
[Computer nerd Jake Foley (Christopher Gorham) is transformed into a super-spy
after he's accidentally infused with millions of microscopic computers "nanites"]
(By A.S. Berman, Detroit News, Sept. 23, 2003)
Nano's Path to the White House Paved with Experts and Acronyms
[Dennis Wilson, founder, Nanotechnologies Inc. (Austin, Texas):
"Everybody right now has a narrow view of this field"]
(By Douglas Brown, Small Times, Sept. 23, 2003)
Senate approves $10 million for nanotechnology research
["Nanotechnology is the wave of the future," said Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas]
(Dallas Business Journal, Sept. 22, 2003)
Smart Grid Will Wed Modern Computing with Nanotechnology
[Quantum wires have the electrical conductivity of copper, but at 1/6 of the weight]
(By Roger Anderson, Ron Oligney & Rick Smalley, Small Times, Sept. 18, 2003)
First light for one-atom laser
[CalTech's Jeff Kimble trapped a cold caesium atom in an optical cavity]
(By Belle Dumé PhysicsWeb, Sept. 17, 2003)
Plasma blobs hint at new form of life
[Physicists have created blobs of gaseous plasma that can grow, replicate and
communicate - fulfilling most of the traditional requirements for biological cells]
(By David Cohen, New Scientist, Sept. 17, 2003)
* Inside the gadget labs
[This is a world in which devices are smarter, less intrusive
and more intuitive a concept dubbed Ambient Intelligence]
(By Greg Thom, Herald Sun, Australia, Sept. 17, 2003)
ActivMedia Robotics Applies VersaLogic Embedded Intelligence
to Security & Environmental Monitoring
[Mobile Robots Cut Costs and Add Flexibility to Fixed Surveillance]
(Silicon Valley Biz Ink, Sept. 16, 2003)
* Who's afraid of nanotechnology?
[The ability to construct objects as small as a molecule holds both promise & peril]
(By Glennda Chui, San Jose Mercury News, Sept. 16, 2003)
Making a video screen out of thin air
[In a museum in Tampere, Finland, Ismo Rakkolainen's fog machine
conjures up the Mona Lisa on an invisible sheet of water particles]
(CNN.com, Sept. 15, 2003)
Target: Rogue Immune Cells: DNA-derived vaccine advances on MS
[Vaccines made from DNA shuts down immune cells that go awry]
(By Erika Jonietz, Technology Review, Sept. 2003)
U.S. Robotics' 802.11g Wireless Turbo Networking Devices Available at World's Largest Retailer
[Affordable, Easy-to-Use Wireless Home and Small Business Networking Connects The Masses]
(Yahoo Business News, Sept. 15, 2003)
Asimo inspires Indian robotic scientists
[BARC robots can do map-building, path-climbing, and remove explosives]
(By SOBHA MENON, India Times, Sept. 15, 2003)
RPI opens nanotechnology research center
[Focusing on particles 75,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair]
(By Matthew Phillips, Business Review, Sept. 15, 2003)
* Artificial Development to Build World's Biggest Spiking Neural Network
[CCortex will Rank Among the World's Fastest Computers]
(Press Release, Sept. 13, 2003)
Professors give life to cyber robot
[You can control Taz,
a Web-controlled robot at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville]
(By Zhanda Malone, Edwardsville Intelligender, Sept. 13, 2003)