Dante at Wisdom Portal

Edited by Peter Y. Chou

for Professor John Freccero's
Dante's Paradiso class
Stanford University, Spring 2001

These web pages are my homage to Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) whose spiritual journey has inspired my own quest for wisdom. Dante's vision of the cosmos has given me much energy in my research on protein structures, nature's language of life. Dante's poetry has helped me in teaching poetry writing to students in the California-Poets-in-the-Schools program, as well as uplifting my creative writing. I was introduced to Dante's Commedia by three wonderful Dante scholars— Etienne Gilson, Charles Singleton, and John Freccero at Dante's 700th Birthday Symposium at Cornell University. Singleton's image of Dante's Commedia as a work of reflective symmetry, a crystalline snowflake has remained with me all these years that I approach Dante with much awe and humility. I was fortunate to take Professor Freccero's "Dante's Divine Comedy" class at Stanford in 1991 which provided much insight to this great poem. It's ten years later, and I'm in Freccero's class again at Stanford— this time it's "Dante's Paradiso" and am enjoying so much illuminating insights that I'm sharing them with fellow students who love Dante.

Dante Resources on the Internethttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dantet/DanteResources.html
(Resources, Biographies, Commedia Texts & Translations, Commentaries, Books, Bibliography, Book Reviews,
Poems, Essays, Images, Lectures, Journals, News, Philosophical Texts, Societies, Postage Stamps, Quotes)
Dante's Cosmic Vision in Paradisehttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Enlightenment/Dante.html
(Dante quote from Paradiso XXXIII with portrait by Raphael)
Dante's Paradiso VI: Romeo of Villeneuvehttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Romance/RomeoVilleneuve.html
(Paradiso VI.127-142 with Botticelli's drawing "Sphere of Mercury")
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) & Beatrice Portinari (1266-1290)http://www.wisdomportal.com/Romance/Dante-Beatrice.html
(The Eternal Feminine & Romance as a path to spiritual awakening and bliss.
Illustration by Rossetti "The Salutation of Beatrice" from Fogg Art Museum.)
Romance Stories: Paolo & Francesca as told by Dantehttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Romance/Paolo-Francesca.html
(Inferno V.82-142 with Joseph Cornell's "Paolo & Francesca" 1943 artwork)
"Paolo & Francesca" artworks inspired by Dantehttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Romance/Paolo&Francesca-Art.html
(8 artists interpret Dante's Paolo & Francesca from Inferno V.121-138)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti: "Paolo and Francesca da Rimini"http://www.wisdomportal.com/Romance/Rossetti-Paolo&Francesca.html
(Rossetti's 1855 watercolor depicts scene from Dante's Inferno V.127-138)
"Dante & Marilyn"http://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Dante-Marilyn.html
(An essay on some connections between Dante & Marilyn Monroe)
Plato & Timaeus Citations in Dante's Commedia & Epistlehttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Dante-PlatoCommedia.html
(3 "Plato" & 1 "Timaeus" in Dante's Commedia & "Plato" in Epistle to Can Grande)
Plato Citations in Dante's Conviviohttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Dante-PlatoConvivio.html
(9 "Plato" & 6 "Platone" in Dante's Convivio with Richard Lansing's translations)
Pythagoras Citations in Dante's Conviviohttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Dante-Pythagoras.html
(7 "Pittagora" & 1 "Pittagorici" in Dante's Convivio with Richard Lansing's translations)
Canto Line Lengths in Dante's Commediahttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/CantoLengthCommedia.html
(Canto Line Lengths in Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso)
Total Lines in Dante's Commediahttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/TotalLinesCommedia.html
(Total Lines in Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso)
55 Stars Citations in Dante's Commediahttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Stars-Commedia.html
(29 Stella & 26 Stelle in Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso)
Stars Citations in Dante's Infernohttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Stars-Inferno.html
(Italian text & Allen Mandelbaum's translation of 11 Star citations in Dante's Inferno)
Stars Citations in Dante's Purgatoriohttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Stars-Purgatorio.html
(Italian text & Allen Mandelbaum's translation of 13 Star citations in Dante's Purgatorio)
Stars Citations in Dante's Paradisohttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Stars-Paradiso.html
(Italian text & Allen Mandelbaum's translation of 31 Star citations in Dante's Paradiso)
Canto Lines 55 in Dante's Infernohttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Dante-55Inferno.html
(Italian text & Allen Mandelbaum's translation of Canto Lines 55 in Dante's Inferno)
Canto Lines 55 in Dante's Purgatoriohttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Dante-55Purgatorio.html
(Italian text & Allen Mandelbaum's translation of Canto Lines 55 in Dante's Purgatorio)
Canto Lines 55 in Dante's Paradisohttp://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Dante-55Paradiso.html
(Italian text & Allen Mandelbaum's translation of Canto Lines 55 in Dante's Paradiso)
"Dante's 55 & the Platonic Lambda"http://www.wisdomportal.com/Dante/Dante55Plato.html
(An essay on Dante's use of 55 & the Platonic Lambda in the Commedia)

| Top of Page | Inferno Canto Lines 55 | Purgatorio Canto Lines 55 | Paradiso Canto Lines 55 |
| Stars-Inferno | Stars-Purgatorio | Stars-Paradiso | Stars-Commedia | Dante's 55 |
| Dante Resources | Plato-Commedia | Plato-Convivio | Pythagoras-Convivio |
| Canto Lengths | Total Lines | Number 55 | Dante & Marilyn |
| Numbers | Dates | A-Z Portals | References | Enlightenment | Romance | Sages Directory | Home |

© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: peter@wisdomportal.com (5-5-2001, updated 6-13-2001)