Sunday, May 8, 2022

Dear Cathy:


Pretty Penny Rose with 22 Petals

In celebration of the 22nd anniversary
of our meeting at Foothill College
Middlefield Lab on May 8, 2000,
Truman's and your Dad's birthday,
a 22 petals Pretty Penny Rose greets you
with Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Verse 22,
a 22nd Anniversary celebration cake,
U.S. stamps with 22¢ denominations,
and May 8 cover celebrating VE-Day 1945

22nd Anniversary
Cake celebrating
22 years of our
meeting in 2000
Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Verse 22:

If you want to become whole,
let yourself be partial.
If you want to become straight,
let yourself be crooked.
If you want to become full,
let yourself be empty.
If you want to be reborn,
let yourself die.
If you want to be given everything,
give everything up...

The Master, by residing in the Tao,
sets an example for all beings...
Because he has no goal in mind,
everything he does succeeds.

— translated by Stephen Mitchell
     Harper Perennial, New York (1994)

Lao Tzu
(604 B.C.-517 B.C.)
Chinese silk painting
from British Museum

U.S. Postage Stamps with 22¢ Denomination—

U.S. 2246: 22¢
Michigan: White Pine
(issued 1-26-1987)

U.S. 2287: 22¢
Monarch Butterflies
(issued 6-13-1987)

U.S. 2289: 22¢
(issued 6-13-1987)

U.S. 2290: 22¢
Cottontail Rabbit
(issued 6-13-1987)

U.S. 2309: 22¢
Bald Eagle
(issued 6-13-1987)

U.S. 2318: 22¢
Blue Jay
(issued 6-13-1987)

U.S. 2244: 22¢
Madonna by Perugino
(issued 10-24-1986)

U.S. 2248: 22¢
Heart: Love
(issued 1-30-1987)

U.S. 2271: 22¢
Best Wishes
(issued 4-200-1987)

U.S. 2352: 22¢
(issued 8-14-1987)

U.S. 2375: 22¢
Short-Haired Cat & Persian Cat
(issued 2-5-1988)

May you enjoy this page, this day, and every day!

With well wishes,


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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (5-8-2022)