Articles for Avigal


Edited by Peter Y. Chou

"Everything changes— you cannot step in the same river twice."
        — Heraclitus of Ephesos (535 BC-475 BC), Fragments

"Being stays the same— unmoved, without beginning or end."
        — Parmenides of Elea (540 BC-450 BC), Proem

Is everything changing or is everything the same? This is the classical debate between the ancient Greek philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenides. From the viewpoint of becoming, everything changes. From the viewpoint of Being, everything remains the same. Thus, every sunrise brings forth a new day, but the sun remains the same, the illusion being the earth's rotation creating day & night. For new & timely stories, check Mercury News & New York Times for interesting articles (*). For old & timeless stories, check my links below for art, books, enlightenment, numbers, poetry and philosophical insights that point to our changeless Self, the Eternal Beauty that is within and around us. This is the vision
of May you enjoy the visit.

"When You Wish Upon a Star"
from film Pinocchio (1940)
You are my shining star
No matter where you are
Whether you're near or far
You're always in my heart

8-31-2023 Haikus: August 2023
8-27-2023 Song #53: Bob Dylan Sings "Like a Rolling Stone" (1965)
8-5-2023 Numbers 72 (Aug. 5, 2023)
7-23-2023 Haikus: July 2023
7-21-2023 Song #22: Nat King Cole Sings "Unforgettable" (1952)
7-17-2023 Numbers 0-99 (July 17, 2023)
6-29-2023 LINC-405 (Spring 2023)
6-9-2023 Selected Poems 2023
5-4-2023 Song #1: Harry Belafonte Sings "Scarlet Ribbons" (1964)
4-2-2023 Bi-Polar Disorder
2-27-2023 Numbers 46 (Feb. 27, 2023)
8-16-2022 Walk Around Stanford University (Aug. 16, 2022)
7-14-2022 17-Mile Drive, Monterey (July 14, 2022)
5-12-2022 Richard & Arlene's Video Trip to Patagonia (2018)
10-4-2021 Favorite Musical Movies (October 4, 2021)
1-16-2021 Platonic Lambda (Jan. 16, 2021)
8-27-2019 San Francisco Zoo (Aug. 27, 2019)
2-21-2019 Filoli Gardens, Woodside (Feb. 21, 2019)
12-24-2018 It's a Wonderful Life, Stanford Theatre (Dec. 24, 2018)
11-10-2018 Satsang with Robert Slack, Livermore & San Francisco (Nov. 10, 2018)
4-17-2015 Baylands Preserve, Mountain View (April 17, 2015)
11-8-2013 Foothills Park, Los Altos Hills (Nov. 8, 2013)
10-18-2013 Wunderlich Park, Woodside (Oct. 18, 2013)
10-6-2008 Notes: "What Will You Do with the Rest of Your Wild Life?" (October 6, 2008)
6-14-2008 Notes: "What Is The Address?" (June 14, 2008)
10-25-2007 Baruch Spinoza: The Ethics (1677) (October 25, 2007)

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039