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Entrepreneur Media, Inc., Entrepreneur Magazine Small Business Advisor Entrepreneur Media, Inc., The Entrepreneur Magazine Small Business Advisor, 2nd Ed. (1999), Wiley, ISBN: 0471332224Entrepreneur Magazine has the largest newsstand circulation (531,000) of any business monthly. Now, their staff has updated their best-seller, a comprehensive and authoritative guide to starting, managing, and growing a small business. This new volume is the ultimate reference and guide for small business owners, as well as those planning to start their own business. With the number of entrepreneurs growing continually, this reference is the one-stop source that will meet all their information needs, covering every aspect of small business: starting a business (researching a market opportunity, finding the right location, developing a business plan, franchise opportunities, getting financing); managing a business (pricing a product, maintaining financial control, taxation basics); and growing a business (developing a marketing plan, advertising, marketing and selling over the Internet, obtaining expansion capital, going public). Filled with useful worksheets, checklists, sample forms, and other valuable business tools to put to work for you right now. Avg. Review (1): 5 stars
Poonam Sharma, Harvard Entrepreneurs Club Guide to Starting Your Own Business Poonam Sharma (Editor), The Harvard Entrepreneurs Club Guide to Starting Your Own Business (1999), Wiley, ISBN: 0471326283— Here's a complete resource for undergraduates, graduates, and any soon-to-be small business owners. Some of the bright minds of the Harvard Entrepreneurs Club, a recognized student organization of Harvard College, have compiled their business knowledge and experience into one comprehensive manual to aid students in making their entrepreneurial dreams come true. This professional and practical guide will take you step by step through the process of starting and maintaining a business. Poonam Sharma has tailored this useful resource to the unique issues and obstacles that students will face. Topics covered include where to get ideas, the business plan, financing, legal protection, identifying and targeting a particular market, advertising, industry research, business ethics, and ten stories of undergraduates who have made it. Even if you have no professional experience, little marketing know-how, or even a small bank account, this book can teach you how to join the ever-growing ranks of students who know firsthand the pleasure and the profit that come from being your own boss and bringing your business idea to life. Avg. Review (2): 5 stars
Peter Ferdinand Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles Peter Ferdinand Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles (Reissue Ed. 1993), Harperbusiness, ISBN: 0887306187— The first book to present innovation and entrepreneurship as a purposeful and systematic discipline, this classic business title explains and analyzes the challenges and opportunities of America's entrepreneurial economy. Drucker describes seven different ways in which opportunities for innovation arise— from new technology to changing demographies and unexpected or odd events— and then suggests how to innovate inside existing businesses, new companies and organisations like universities and charities. Herbert Stein writes in New York Times Book Review: “The title is composed of two buzzwords of our time— but they represent essential parts of the business process and serve as an introduction to the whole. Mr. Drucker's explanation of the way new ideas arise (innovation) and become incorporated in production and distribution (entrepreneurship) is unromantic. We are not in the realm of genius, inspiration, bold risk-taking or altruism. We are in the realm of hard work by people pursuing private interests. Innovation results from a systematic search for opportunities in the form of gaps between what is actually being done and what might profitably be done. Mr. Drucker offers a highly formal analysis of the process of innovation and entrepreneurship.” Avg. Review (9): 5 stars
Carl Hausman, Wilbur Cross, Complete Small-Business Sourcebook James C. Collins & William C. Lazier, Beyond Entrepreneurship: Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company (1995), Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0133815269— The five chapters in this book— Leadship Style, Vision, Strategy, Innovation, Tactical Excellence— will help turn your business into an entity that “sustains high performance, rises to the status of role model, and remains great for generations.” Step by step, Collins & Lazier reveal how to lay a foundation for greatness, while a company is still in its infancy. Drawing on their years of experience working in private industry and serving as business consultants, the authors cover all the essential aspects of attaining corporate greatness— supported by dozens of examples such as Mrs. Fields Cookies, Continental Cablevision, and Giro Sport Design. They provide tested ideas and methods for developing the most effective leadership style and the 7 key elements to inspire real loyalty and dedication. Then, they provide a clear framework for setting corporate vision— and how to retain the “spark” that's essential to motivating an effective overall vision. They present a set of concepts and practical suggestions for stimulating creativity and keeping your company innovative as it evolves. Finally, they spell out how to translate vision and strategy. Avg. Review (4): 5 stars
John B. Miner, Four Routes to Entrepreneurial Success John B. Miner, The 4 Routes to Entrepreneurial Success (1996), Berrett-Koehler Publishing, ISBN: 1881052826— John Miner details four personality types that characterize successful entrepreneurs— Personal Achievers, Super Salespeople, Real Managers, and Expert Idea Generator. He then shows you how to use this information to map out your own path to success. Based on 20 years of research and a systematic 7-year study of 100 entrepreneurs, The 4 Routes to Entrepreneurial Success details the distinctive characteristics of each type and explains why they succeed or fail. Using Miner's self-assessment questionnaire you'll discover whether you possess the talents, skills, and characteristics it takes to start and run your own business. The results will help you determine how you can be successful as an entrepreneur. Avg. Review (2): 5 stars
Kimberly Stansell, Bootstrapper's Success Secrets Kimberly Stansell, Bootstrapper's Success Secrets: 151 Tactics for Building Your Business on a Shoestring Budget (1997), Career Press, ISBN: 1564142779— This book is a blueprint for the bootstrapper— starting and building a business with very little capital. The author incorporates her own entrepreneurial triumph, including tips, secrets and advice for overcoming financial barriers. Stansell gives you 151 essential techniques to manage a bootstrapped venture. It's short on theory and long on solutions gleaned from hundreds of bootstrapping veterans across the country. The book presents proven ways to help you quickly turn any idea into a thriving enterprise. Book Review from Black Enterprise: “Reading Kimberly Stansell's book is a lot like having a mentor open up his or her Rolodex and notebooks to you. In this case, the mentor is Stansell, a former personnel director- turned-writer and small business coach. This book truly becomes a valuable resource in the wealth of bibliographical and reference information in the Bootstrapper's Follow-up Files. Read this book with a highlighter in hand.” Avg. Review (12): 4.5 stars
Sullivan, Small Business Start-Up Guide Robert Sullivan, The Small Business Start-Up Guide: Practical Advice on Starting and Operating a Small Business (1998), Information International, ISBN: 1882480058— This book was selected by the prestigious Library Journal as a recommended core purchase for all library small-business collections. The author is a consultant and business owner with over 25 years of practical experience as an entrepreneur. This guide includes many lessons he learned to make the road to success a little easier. The Small Business Start-Up Guidedrives home, through interesting and useful business "truisms," the important lessons that can spell success or failure for any new small business. Supporting text, personalized vignettes, and numerous, easy to follow checklists make it easy for the reader to summarize the lessons that are so important to the emerging entrepreneur. One of the most important features of the book is the references provided at the end of each chapter. These references and four pages of web addresses (URLs) are roadmaps that the reader can follow to other viable sources of help and information. Avg. Review (1): 5 stars
Carl Hausman, Wilbur Cross, Complete Small-Business Sourcebook Carl Hausman & Wilbur Cross, The Complete Small-Business Sourcebook: Information, Services, and Experts Every Small and Home-Based Business Needs (1999), Times Books; ISBN: 0812928245— This book is a complete, one-stop-shopping directory for all the information needs of small and home-based businesses. It provides fast, easy access to the kind of information that used to require hours of searching through piles of directories, pamphlets, and news clippings. You'll find hundreds of reliable sources, including federal, state, and local agencies, trade associations, and private organizations. Each entry includes the address, phone number, fax number, Internet data, activities, publications, staff contacts, and location of the resource. Developed by the creators of New York Public Library Desk Reference, the Sourcebook is a gold mine of immensely practical information that will help you take your business to the next level. With thousands of addresses and phone numbers and hundreds of tips, it's a true bible for everyone with a small or home-based business. Avg. Review (3): 5 stars
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