Books to Write
Warriors of Light
(Table of Contents) (1985) (redesign 2021)
Selection of spiritual reflections gathered by the Souls of Light from planetary Earth
mentioned in Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time.
Quotes from Isaiah, Lao Tzu, Gautama Buddha, Aeschylus, Euripides, Euclid, Horace, Jesus Christ,
Lucius Seneca, Saint Paul, Juvenal, Justinian I, St. Francis of Assisi, Dante Alighieri,
Leonardo da Vinci (2), Nicolaus Copernicus, Michalangelo Buonarroti, Antonio Perez. Miguel Cervantes,
William Shakespeare, Rembrandt van Rijn, Blaise Pascal, Johann Sebastian Bach, Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
Jacques Delille, Thomas Jefferson, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich von Schiller,
Ludwig van Beethoven, AbrahamLincoln, Henry David Thoreau, Louis Pasteur, Marie Curie,
Mohandas Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, Albert Einstein.
(40 pages illustrated)
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ABC for You & Me
(Table of Contents;
Preface) (12-21-2020)
Alphabet Poem;
ABC Book for the New Year;
Letter A: Attention!;
Letter B: Beautiful Blessings;
Letter C: Short Autobiography;
Letter D: Dawn to Dusk Drumming;
Letter E: Experience Enlightenment;
Letter F: Fire! Fire! Fire!;
Letter G: Gifts of Grace;
Letter H: Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!;
Letter I: Imagination, Inspiraton, Illumination;
Letter J: Jacob, Joshua, Jonah;
Letter K: Kaline, Kiner, Killebrew;
Letter L: Leonardo at the Louvre;
The M Showed Me;
Why Everything Begins with M?
Letter N: Neti Neti to Nirvana;
Empty as the Letter O;
Letter P: Pythagoras, Plato, Plotinus;
Letter Q: Don Quixote's Quest;
Letter R: Raphael, Rembrandt, Renoir;
Letter S: Sufi Spins;
Letter T: Trip to Tannu Tuva;
Letter U: Roll Up the Universe;
Letter V: Veronica's Veil;
Letter W: Wisdom & Wonder;
X Marks the Spot;
The Y in My Name;
Letter Z: Zero in on Zeus
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Happy Birthday on iPhone
(Table of Contents;
Preface) (2022)
This "Happy Birthday on iPhone" book will have 366 pages, one for each day of the year from January 1 to December 31.
Each day will be illustrated with a postage stamp of a notable person born on that date,
as well as five others who share this birthdate. The goal
is to select creative people to inspire those born on this date.
Positive messages will be chosen for Birth flowers, Birthstones, and Zodiac Sign.
Those with iPhones tapping their birthdate will come away with joy in abundance,
saying "You've made my day!" Samples:
February 27 (Henry Wadworth Longfellow);
March 14 (Albert Einstein);
September 6 (Moses Mendelssohn);
September 18 (Agnes de Mille);
August 5 (Guy de Maupassant).
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Mystery of Numbers
(Table of Contents) (2022)
All numbers are sacred. Selecting my favorite numbers with an essay on each 1 (Oneness),
2 (Duality), 3 (Trinity), 4 (Quaternity),
5 (Platonic Solids), 6 (1st Perfect #, Snowflake),
7 (Stars in Big Dipper), 8 (Chinese Lucky Number), 9 (Dante's number, Square of Trinity),
10 (Pythagorean Decad), 12 (Zodiac), 22 (Hebrew Kabbala), 28 (2nd Perfect Number),
33 (Freemason Highest Rank), 40 (Symbol of Transformation),
42 (Hitchhiker's Guide
to the Galaxy), 55 (Platonic Lambda Sum), 64 (I Ching Hexagrams), 72 (Disciples of Confucius), 100 (Perfection),
108 (Hindu Mystic Number), 220 (Pythagoras Amiable Number), 322 (Skull & Bones),
1022 (Dante's Stars), 1132 (James Joyce's Finnegans Wake).
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Memoirs (Table of Contents) (2023)
China Years; Dad & Mom; Growing Up in Queens, New York, Undergraduate at Columbia; Graduate Studies at Cornell;
Collecting Inspiring Quotes (NY Times "Queries & Answers"); Inspiring Mentors (Albert Schweitzer,
Goethe, Dante, Descartes, Einstein); Spiritual Quest (Brother David Steindl-Rast, Swami Satchitananada, Anthony Damiani, Paul Brunton, Master Subramuniya,
Swami Chinmayananda, Zen Master Seung Sahn, Charlie Red Hawk); Predicting Protein Structures (Chou-Fasman Method);
Writing Free-Verse Poetry; Graphic Design at Foothill College; Designing Web Site;
Collecting Autographs; Stanford Lectures; Stanford Poetry Workshops; Museums Visits; My Favorite Things.)